Garden Galaxy – Infinite Rainbow Coins Guide

This guide will show you how to get infinite Rainbow Coins without waiting for rare visitors.

How to Get Infinite Rainbow Coins


To get unlimited rainbow coins you need a couple of items first:

  • 1x Stone Altar (Gold Coin Set)
  • 2x Duplication Bag (Rainbow Coin Set)
  • 1x Cloud Tile (Rainbow Coin Set)

What to Do

  1. Put 1 duplication bag on the stone altar.
  2. Duplicate the cloud tile with the second duplication bag. You usually get 8 – 14 clouds back.
  3. Sell all cloud tiles except one. This will give you 2-4 rainbow coins.
  4. Hope that you get another duplication bag when using rainbow coins and repeat.


  • If you put more Duplication Bags on Stone Altars you should increase your chance of getting another duplication bag reliable.
  • If you don’t get another Duplication Bag you can put that Item on a Wooden Altar (Forest Set) to prevent it from dropping in the future.
  • This is especially useful when trying to get all rainbow items needed for this trick.
  • Don’t duplicate Duplication Bags. You will lose them on average.
  • Hope this helps.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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