LOVE BAKUDAN – Quiz Guide (Walkthrough / All Routes)

Get the girl of your choice with this guide to the Ultimate Soulmate Quiz in LOVE BAKUDAN!


Hello everyone! Noodletub Games here. Here are the individual guides to help you get the girl of your choice in LOVE BAKUDAN.

Whilst we’d recommend for the player to answer organically, we both know all too well the feeling of having that one special fictional lady you just wanna dote on and get to know a little better.

We’ll be ordering these alphabetically. So without further ado, feel free to scroll ahead to the girl you’d like to see Haruka date!

Akane Hasegawa – Noontime’s Hyacinth Route

Section One: About You

  1. Cheeky and confident.
  2. I think we should obey the rules as much as possible. They’re there for a reason.
  3. Looks. I couldn’t be with someone who I wasn’t attracted to physically.
  4. Sex.
  5. Thriller/Action.
  6. Fire.
  7. Absolutely not. Once the gloom gets a hold of me, that’s it.
  8. No. If something ain’t broke, why should I have to fix it?
  9. My physical strength.
  10. Yes, and I’d feel good about doing it, too. It’s a win-win.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone who gives me a lot of passion and fireworks on a regular basis!
  2. Maybe. It would have to be someone exceptionally special, though.
  3. Going to dinner and letting the conversation flow over a meal.
  4. Mutual respect. If you don’t have that, it’s as good as over.
  5. I’d roll up my sleeves and pointedly butt in on their conversation!
  6. Bars, nightclubs, anywhere that I can get my quick fix.
  7. I’d politely break it off. If we’re already on a downward spiral on the first date, well…
  8. Hyacinths.
  9. Not even if you paid me.
  10. Lots of physicality. Not just sex, but being affectionate throughout the day.

Section Three: Sex

  1. I’m a bottom. There’s no greater pleasure than being touched by your lover.
  2. Being on my knees.
  3. A girl with a six-pack. Hold me, you strong woman.
  4. If I’m not interested it, it’s not happening. I absolutely would not budge on the matter.
  5. Every day, or couple of days. I can’t go long without it.
  6. Not very often.
  7. Absolutely.
  8. I love it.
  9. Meaning.
  10. I’ve done it before, and I’d do it again.

Hyojin “Angel” Park – Morning’s Hibiscus Route

Section One: About You

  1. Bubbly and energetic.
  2. Rules are just there to be a pain in the ass.
  3. A little of both, but I think it depends how I feel at the time.
  4. Music. It’s something that invokes so many different moods so easily.
  5. Music-related media. There’s nothing better than witnessing someone’s passion shine.
  6. Lightning.
  7. Mostly. I go through of negativity here and there, but it takes a lot to break my stride.
  8. Yes. I love a new challenge.
  9. My ambition.
  10. No, but I’d feel guilty for refusing to help later.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone obsessed with me. I’m the center of their universe, and that’s how I like it.
  2. Maybe. It would have to be someone exceptionally special, though.
  3. Grabbing a drink at the local bar.
  4. Complete acceptance of one another, faults and all. Take it or leave it.
  5. I’d walk out on the spot. Am I not good enough for them?!
  6. Through work. That way, you’d get to see them day in and day out!
  7. I was probably the reason the date was bad, so I’d try and see what went wrong first.
  8. Hibiscus.
  9. Not really, but if my partner wanted kids, I’d consider it.
  10. Being the center of my partner’s world, forever.

Section Three: Sex

  1. I’m definitely a top. The rush of having someone under you is second to none.
  2. From behind.
  3. A girl who is really needy for me, even though I have no idea why.
  4. I’d do anything my partner asked of me, regardless of my personal feelings about it.
  5. Whenever my partner wants to jump my bones.
  6. Once a day.
  7. No. You’ve gotta leave them wanting more, so it’s even better later on!
  8. I love it.
  9. Pleasure.
  10. No way! What if we were seen?!

Himeko Kurosu – Dawn’s Primrose Route

Section One: About You

  1. Sensitive and loving.
  2. I think we should obey the rules as much as possible. They’re there for a reason.
  3. Personality. Someone can look delicious on the outside, but be deeply ugly on the inside.
  4. Technology. Without anything to tinker with, what’s the point?
  5. Fantasy/Sci-fi. I love escaping into a different world…
  6. Wind.
  7. Not really. I find it difficult to snap out of a funk when I’ve entered one, but it’s not impossible.
  8. Sometimes. Not all change is good, but it’s not all bad, either.
  9. I’m not sure I have any qualities I’d call ‘good’…
  10. Yes, but I’d be suspicious about why they were asking at first.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone who I can share my interests with. We can always have fun together.
  2. Yes. I think that if you love each other, there’s nothing better.
  3. Something unique that only me and my date would cherish as a memory.
  4. Random acts of kindness just to show you care can go a long way…
  5. I’d be upset, but since I’m so shy, I’d not be very surprised…
  6. The internet. You can find out what someone’s really like through the way they are online.
  7. If we can get over a disaster, they’re definitely a keeper. Onward to a second date!
  8. Primroses.
  9. Not really, but if my partner wanted kids, I’d consider it.
  10. Being able to be authentically myself, even if I am kind of nerdy…

Section Three: Sex

  1. Versatile for me. I can go either way; whatever I feel most in the moment.
  2. Laying on our sides.
  3. Shy girls are the best. I want to protect them, but also tease them.
  4. I’d do anything my partner asked of me, regardless of my personal feelings about it.
  5. As much as I can; multiple times a day if possible.
  6. Multiple times a day.
  7. I’d be seriously tempted to…
  8. I like that kind of thing a little TOO much.
  9. Pleasure.
  10. Yes! That sounds hot.

Sei Itou – Daytime’s Sunflower Route

Section One: About You

  1. Outgoing and caring.
  2. I think there’s merit to some rules, but not all.
  3. Personality. Someone can look delicious on the outside, but be deeply ugly on the inside.
  4. Laughter. What’s the world without a little fun?
  5. Comedy/Slapstick. Getting a lot of silly joys from something is my favourite.
  6. Earth.
  7. Absolutely not. Once the gloom gets a hold of me, that’s it.
  8. Yes. I love a new challenge.
  9. I’ve got a great ass.
  10. Yes, and I’d feel good about doing it, too. It’s a win-win.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone who makes me laugh. A good sense of humour is very attractive.
  2. Yes. I think that if you love each other, there’s nothing better.
  3. Grabbing a drink at the local bar.
  4. Hard work and commitment to each other is the key, for sure.
  5. I’d be stunned and hurt. I’d need to talk to them about their behaviour.
  6. Through a shared interest, like a club, a team, or a group. There’s no better place to find like-minded people.
  7. If we can get over a disaster, they’re definitely a keeper. Onward to a second date!
  8. Sunflowers.
  9. Maybe someday, but there’s a lot I want to do before that happens.
  10. Your partner should be your best friend, without a doubt!

Section Three: Sex

  1. Versatile for me. I can go either way; whatever I feel most in the moment.
  2. Missionary.
  3. A woman who’s got a kind heart. She’ll steal your heart away without even meaning to.
  4. If it was something that wasn’t too bad, I’d probably warm to the idea eventually.
  5. Two to three times a week is fine. Quality over quantity.
  6. Whenever I feel like it.
  7. No. You’ve gotta leave them wanting more, so it’s even better later on!
  8. It’s great on occasion, but I don’t need it.
  9. Meaning.
  10. Probably not. That’s for me and my partner!

Teru Tokugawa – Midnight’s Orchid Route

Section One: About You

  1. Ruthless and cocky.
  2. Rules are just there to be a pain in the ass.
  3. Looks. I couldn’t be with someone who I wasn’t attracted to physically.
  4. Money. Whoever said money couldn’t buy happiness was an idiot.
  5. Horror/Suspense. I love being scared silly in a white-knuckle ride.
  6. Water.
  7. Yes. I think I’m a pretty stable person. Not much phases me.
  8. Sometimes. Not all change is good, but it’s not all bad, either.
  9. My good looks.
  10. No, and it’s not my problem in the first place.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone who is wild and unpredictable, but I know they’ll always come home to me.
  2. Settling down? I don’t think so.
  3. I’m not really a dating kind of person. Let’s just skip to the good part.
  4. Great sex. Being compatible in the bedroom translates to compatibility outside it, too.
  5. I’d expect it, since I’ve been doing the same.
  6. Bars, nightclubs, anywhere that I can get my quick fix.
  7. I was probably the reason the date was bad, so I’d try and see what went wrong first.
  8. Orchids.
  9. Not even if you paid me.
  10. I don’t really care who they are as long as they’re good in bed.

Section Three: Sex

  1. I’m a bottom. There’s no greater pleasure than being touched by your lover.
  2. I don’t really have a favourite. They’re all good.
  3. A bad girl. The kind of hedonistic woman who just wants to take me for a ride.
  4. If I’m not interested it, it’s not happening. I absolutely would not budge on the matter.
  5. I wish I was having sex instead of taking this quiz.
  6. I don’t touch myself. I have someone to do that for me.
  7. Absolutely.
  8. No. I can’t get off with that kind of stuff.
  9. Pleasure.
  10. I’ve done it before, and I’d do it again.

Yuki Miyanagi – Dusk’s Rose Route

Section One: About You

  1. Serious and thoughtful.
  2. I think there’s merit to some rules, but not all.
  3. A little of both, but I think it depends how I feel at the time.
  4. Passion. I love to feel like I have a purpose I’m devoted to.
  5. Romance/Drama. Watching something beautiful unfolding? Count me in.
  6. Ice.
  7. Not really. I find it difficult to snap out of a funk when I’ve entered one, but it’s not impossible.
  8. No. If something ain’t broke, why should I have to fix it?
  9. My compassion.
  10. Yes, but I’d be suspicious about why they were asking at first.

Section Two: Relationships

  1. Someone who makes me happy, plain and simple. I don’t need anything more.
  2. Yes. I think that if you love each other, there’s nothing better.
  3. Going to see a movie. The classic.
  4. Communication. If you can’t talk to each other, you’ve got nothing.
  5. I would completely shut myself off from them. They would have to chase me from now on.
  6. I don’t really like to date around. I’d need to have a prior friendship with them first.
  7. I’d politely break it off. If we’re already on a downward spiral on the first date, well…
  8. Roses.
  9. Starting a family with the person I love would be a dream come true.
  10. Good moral coding. I couldn’t be with someone who was an ass.

Section Three: Sex

  1. I’m definitely a top. The rush of having someone under you is second to none.
  2. Missionary.
  3. An emotionally intense woman. If I give all of my heart, I expect the very same.
  4. If it was something that wasn’t too bad, I’d probably warm to the idea eventually.
  5. Whenever the most romantic mood is set.
  6. Once every couple of days.
  7. I’d be seriously tempted to…
  8. I have no strong feelings either way.
  9. Meaning.
  10. Maybe, if my partner or I were really in the mood.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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