Mad Max – The Road Warrior Pack Map Locations

Just a simple show & tell for ‘The Road Warrior Pack’ dlc. This is just a quick guide to the locations of the hood ornaments from the Road Warrior Pack.

These six other dlc are unlocked automatically and just require buying in the garage.

  • The Grizzlegrinda
  • Sawmeister
  • Stampeedy Knokshok
  • Circa Blades
  • Rockman Brawla
  • Pentacal Gulpcut

Aviator Helm

Jeet’s Stronghold.

Walk right from the car, go up the stairs & turn around:

Bearclaw’s Bow

Dead Barrens Pass.

South East of ‘The Jaw’ is a lighthouse outpost, enter the outpost until you are in the main open area and bear left:

The Furry Toadie

Parch Moon Region.

North East from Gutgash is a pile of ship containers, only one is open:

Feral Boomerang

Cadavanaugh Region.

South West of the mountain stronghold is a water outpost, locate the water source:

Warrior Woman’s Bow

Chalkies Region.

North West & then East of the secret pass, explore the outpost:

Humungus’ Mask

The Heights Region.

The Buzzard tunnels, enter and turn left at the red cross container, enter the on foot section and immediately climb the ladder and follow the path:

Bearclaw’s Mask

O-Ring Diner. (Crowdazzle HQ)

Mortal Bite Deathrun, explore the diner:

Studded Codpiece

Knit Sack Vantage Outpost.

North of ‘The Jaw’, explore the outpost:

Police Helmet

Dump Region Vantage Outpost.

Up the stairs to the main open area & look towards Gas Town:

Smegma Cross

The Dunes.

Southern roads lead to a station, enter the carriage that hit the car:


Buried Airport. (Buzzard HQ)

Enter the airport and bear left, stop at the sparklies store and go on foot, through the squeeze and it’s in the first bathroom on the left:

Wez Pads & Hawk

Wasteland Mission Ironclad Faith.

This is the mission to get Gutgash a quality subway car, which also unlocks the ‘Fracas Frame Armour Upgrade’

As I have already completed this mission before I added the dlc packs I don’t know if it’s possible to find it atm.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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