Old Market Simulator – Quick Guide to Workshop

Workshop Guide

Open the Workshop 

Go to the Architect and purchase the Workshop expansion.

Buy a tool

Purchase a tool from the Engineer.

Place the tool in the Workshop

Place the tool which was purchased from the Engineer on the Workshop floor.

Check the recipes

Each tool has its own recipes. The required ingredients for the recipes must be placed on the tool, and they should be fresh (not rotten) and full.

After placing ingredients, look at the tool and use it

When the ingredients are placed correctly, the ‘Use’ option will no longer appear in red, and the recipe can be made.

Collect the product

After the tool has finished working, don’t forget to collect the output product.

Meat Cutter

Price: 10000

Output ProductIngredients
Burger MeatMeat x1
Chili Powder x1
Onion x1
Fermented SausageSausage x2
Chili Powder x1
Cumin x1
Filet MignonMeat x3
RackMeat x2
Shank x1
Ribeye SteakMeat x1
Shank  x2
SausageShank x1
Strip SteakMeat x2

Alcohol Machine

Price: 7500

Output ProductIngredientsProducing Time
Beer x2Wheat x2
Cumin x1
Chestnut x1
1 day
Champagne x2Gooseberry x1
Honey x1
Chestnut x1
Green Apple x1
2 days
Whiskey x3Corn x1
Chestnut x1
Rose x1
Honey x1
3 days
Wine x2Red Currant x1
Cranberry x1
Rose x1
2 days


Price: 5000

Output ProductIngredients
Bread x3Egg x1
Milk x1
Wheat x1
Cookie x2Egg x1
Milk x1
Almond x1
Wheat x1
Gingerbread x2Egg x1
Goat Milk x1
Cumin x1
Wheat x1
Pie x2Egg x1
Goat Milk x1
Wheat x1
Pritzel x4Egg x1
Milk x1
Wheat x1
Honey x1
Strawberry ChocolateHoney x1
Cookie x1
Strawberry x1
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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