In this guide I will explain how I play Ostrich. This is a Endgame Guide ment for Prestige 5 Level 110 characters. Classic Mode. How far I have come with this build…
My Gear
- Max Crit Dmg Dagger – this is your main weapon for normal Gameplay
- Max Knockback Sweeping Mallet – for situations where you might die, push away mobs or bosses
- Gauntlet Helmet (50% Endure) – this is your main Helmet when playing normally, Endure adds a layer of safety
- Defender Helmet (65% HP efficiency) – this is not needed and only helps saving health potions
- Max HP Majestic Helmet – this is the helmet you use if you dont have a Gauntlet Helmet or think you play save enough to not need the Gauntlet Helmet
- Rustic Chestplate with as many Extra coins as possible – if you have one then this is your normal chestplate
- Gauntlet Chestplate (Double Ore and Quick breaking) – this is to quickly break objects in the overworld and mine, only use this in the overworld when you dont have a Rustic with extra coins
- Brod Chestplate (Stewpot output +1) – when you have to brew items at the stewpot quickly swap to this
- Majestic Chestplate – this is the chest you use if you dont have a Rustic Chestplate or dont want to collect many coins
My Skills
- Base Attack+ (1340)
- Health – Good but i dont use it
- March Chance – Same as above
- March Damage – Same as above
Ascension Skill Order
The Order of what to level, first to last.
- Knowledge
- HP Efficiency
- Coin Magnet
- Limit Break
- Item Magnet
- More Capacity
- Lucky Treasure
- Mob Farm
- Dark Health
- Dark Damage
- Darl Evade
- Poison Reduction
- Stun Resistance
- Facing Fears
- Mana Efficiency
- Cooldown Reduction
Quests I do:
- The Revenger
- Mysterious Dust
- Clearing the Web
- Learning Skills
- Slimy Situation
- Craftsman
- Weak Death Notice
- Aggressive Death Notice
- My FIne Collection
- Annoying Flyers
- Grave Digger
- Building a Home
- Critical Challenge
Quests I skip:
- Death Notice
- Underwater Problem
- Clearing the Mines
- Trap Death Notice
- Chaotic Death Notice
- Personal Hitlist
- Poison Experiment
- Trees Everywhere
- Magic Duo
- Boss Hitlist
- Stopping the Curse
- Purify the Underworld
My Build

- Normal Gameplay
- Ruins
- Mines
- Underworld
- Castle
- Sentinel
- Cobra
- Mossy Hydra
- Fire Dragon
- Beholder
- Eternal Wraith
My Quickslots
- Small HP Pots
- Big HP Pots
- Smoothie
- Purify
- Antidote
- Adaptive Eye
- Majestic Helmet
- Gauntlet Helmet
- Defender Helmet
- Gauntlet Chestplate
- Brod Chestplate
- Majestic Chestplate
- Rustic Chestplate
- Dagger
- Mallet
- Pickaxe
Facts On How I Play
Theres not much you can talk about when it comes to Ostrich.
Just walk around and hit mobs with your dagger, swap to Mallet if needed at Reapers.
Morganas Buffs
If you plan on doing a long run, get these 3 buffs at the start:
- Damage
- Crit Damage
- Armor
Damage Numbers
- ~4640000 Damage when hitting Monsters with my dagger
Just out of curiosity, why do you not put any points into March Damage or March Chance? Are they just good enough by themselves that you don’t need them?