Paragon: The Overprime – How to Greystone

This guide focuses on playing Greystone, a durable melee hero in Paragon Overprime, with a specific emphasis on skill tree, itemization, and gameplay tips. It provides a skill tree progression, suggests item builds for different stages of the game, and offers play tips to maximize Greystone’s effectiveness. Whether you’re looking to initiate team fights, soak up damage, or split push, this guide will help you understand how to use Greystone effectively in Paragon Overprime.

Greystone Guide

Abilities Overview

The Knight’s Path (Q)

  • Use The Knight’s Path to summon a whirlwind that deals magical damage to nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds.
  • This ability is useful for wave clear, damaging multiple enemies, and applying consistent pressure in team fights.
  • Position yourself strategically to maximize the number of enemies caught within the whirlwind.

Leap of Faith (RMB)

  • Leap to the target location with Leap of Faith, dealing magical damage to enemy heroes within range upon landing.
  • This ability allows you to engage or disengage from fights, chase down enemies, or escape dangerous situations.
  • Coordinate with your team to follow up on your engagements and secure kills.

The Knight’s Will (E)

  • The Knight’s Will provides a passive buff that blocks one basic attack every few seconds.
  • Use this ability to mitigate incoming damage from basic attacks and increase your survivability.

The Transcendent Knight (R)

  • The Transcendent Knight is a passive ability that activates upon receiving fatal damage.
  • When triggered, Greystone turns into stone, slowing nearby enemies for a duration. The closer enemies are, the stronger the slow effect.
  • Afterward, Greystone returns to normal, recovering a portion of his maximum health and mana, dealing true damage to nearby enemies, and launching them airborne.
  • This ability is a powerful tool for survivability, disruption, and turning the tide of team fights. Time your engagements and make the most out of the AoE damage and crowd control it provides.

The Sword of Seymour (LMB)

  • Greystone’s basic attack is The Sword of Seymour, which allows him to swing his sword and deal physical damage to enemies.
  • Utilize your basic attacks in between ability casts to maximize your damage output.
  • Apply pressure to enemy heroes and prioritize targets based on the situation. Focus on squishy targets or enemies that are out of position.

Personal preference

Skill Tree

  • Start with Leap of Faith (RMB) at level 1.
  • Unlock your other abilities The Knight’s Path (Q) at level 2 and The Knight’s Will (E) at level 3.
  • Max The Knight’s Path (Q) first for increased damage and wave clear.
  • Max Leap of Faith (RMB): second for increased damage
  • Put points into The Transcendent Knight (R) whenever available and lastly The Knight’s Will (E)


Early Game (Laning Phase)

  • Focus on last-hitting minions to gain gold coins and experience.
  • Use The Knight’s Path (Q) to harass enemies when they get too close or try to last-hit minions.
  • Maintain lane control by positioning yourself between your minions and the enemy minions.
  • Position yourself strategically to maximize the number of enemies caught within the whirlwind.
  • Do not forget Leap of Faith (RMB) ability allows you to engage or disengage from fights, chase down enemies, or escape dangerous situations. Do not get caught offguard when jungler comes to try and gank you


Dekima Gemstone of Fortitude and a rechargeable health ampoule.

Mid Game (Roaming and Team Fights)

  • Look for opportunities to roam and assist your teammates in other lanes or help secure objectives.
  • Use Leap of Faith (RMB) and The Knight’s Path (Q) to engage on the enemy or initiate team fights.
  • Coordinate with your team to secure objectives like towers, buffs, and the Prime Guardian.


Prioritize tanky items that provide durability and sustain, such as armor and health items, to enhance Greystone’s survivability.

Late Game (Team Fights and Split Pushing)

  • Initiate team fights by diving into the enemy team and disrupting their backline. Remember you are their tank you are in charge of taking damage and crowd controlling position yourself between your teammates and the enemy.
  • Your ultimate, The Transcendent Knight (R), allows you to engage aggressively and disrupt the enemy team. Make sure to use it strategically, preferably when your team can follow up and capitalize on the chaos.
  • If the enemy team focuses you down during a team fight, use The Transcendent Knight (R): to resurrect and continue being a threat.


  • Frontline/Tank Role: Understanding your role as a durable frontline hero and engaging in team fights.
  • Ability Timing: Properly timing Leap of Faith and The Transcendent Knight to initiate fights or turn the tide in your favor. Keep in mind if your abilities are in cooldown.
  • Positioning and Crowd Control: Positioning yourself strategically to make the most of your abilities and provide disruption to the enemy team.
  • Basic Attack Usage: Incorporating The Sword of Seymour into your playstyle for consistent damage output.
  • Communication and Coordination: Communicating with your team, coordinating engagements, and focusing on priority targets. During gameplay you will see players with really high damage outputs try to get in between them and your teamates.

Do not Tilt!

Advance Gameplay

Split Pushing

Communicate with your team: Before deciding to split push, communicate with your team and make sure they understand your intentions. Inform them that you will be focusing on pushing a lane while they apply pressure elsewhere or engage in team fights.

Choose the right timing: Split pushing works best when the enemy team is occupied elsewhere on the map. Look for opportunities when your team is engaging in a team fight or contesting an objective like a tower or an important buff. This will divert the enemy’s attention and create space for you to push a lane.

Push the lane aggressively: Once the timing is right, proceed to the designated lane and push aggressively. Use your wave clear ability, The Knight’s Path (Q), to quickly clear minion waves and damage enemy structures. This will force the enemy team to respond and defend the lane.

Be aware of the enemy’s location: Keep a close eye on the minimap and the enemy team’s movements. If you see multiple enemy heroes heading towards you, assess the situation and determine whether it’s safe to continue pushing or if you should retreat to safety.

Ward for vision: Place wards strategically in the jungle or near important pathways to gain vision and awareness of incoming enemies. This will give you valuable information and allow you to react accordingly. They are free for a reason use them.

Utilize your durability: Greystone’s innate durability makes him well-suited for split pushing. If an enemy hero confronts you, use your survivability tools like The Transcendent Knight (R) to buy time, slow them down, and create distance. If you can’t escape, focus on damaging the tower or inhibiting their progress before going down.

Escape when necessary: Split pushing comes with risks, so always have an escape plan. If the enemy team starts collapsing on you or you sense danger, use Leap of Faith (RMB) to leap away to safety. It’s better to retreat and regroup with your team than risk getting caught and giving the enemy an advantage.

Communicate and coordinate: Throughout the split push, maintain communication with your team. Update them on your progress, enemy rotations, and potential opportunities for them to take objectives or engage in fights. Coordinate your split push with their actions to maximize its effectiveness.

Remember, split pushing is a strategic decision that requires good map awareness, communication, and judgment. Assess the game situation, adapt your split push strategy accordingly, and always prioritize the overall objectives and teamwork.


Peeling for Allies: Greystone’s durability and crowd control can be invaluable for protecting your squishy teammates. Keep an eye on your backline and use The Knight’s Path (Q) and The Transcendent Knight (R) to slow down or deter enemy divers from reaching your carries. This allows your team’s damage dealers to focus on dealing damage safely.


Objective Control: Greystone’s durability makes him an excellent frontline presence when it comes to contesting objectives like towers, inhibitors, Prime Spirit, or the Prime Guardian. Utilize your abilities and survivability to soak up damage while your team secures objectives or engages in team fights around them.

Tower Diving: With Greystone’s ability to come back to life once with The Transcendent Knight (R), you can take calculated risks by diving under enemy towers to secure kills. Coordinate with your team and communicate your intentions to ensure successful tower dives while minimizing the risk of being caught out.

Zone Control: Greystone’s presence alone can create a zone of control in team fights. Position yourself strategically between the enemy carries and their frontline, preventing them from freely engaging or dealing damage. This forces them to either focus on you or reposition, creating opportunities for your team to capitalize on their hesitation.

Jan Bonkoski
About Jan Bonkoski 816 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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