Pirates: Golden Tits – Walkthrough (Chapter 1)

Walkthrough the game to the current version of early access.

Quests of the Main Story 1-24

  1. Ship repair

First you need to go to Jaina’s cabin (Jaina will be lying there passed out). After that, go to the market (to the fisherman and click “speak”) and listen to the rumors. After that, you need to go back to Jaina’s cabin (she will not be there) and talk to the parrot. Then go to bed.

The quest is being updated and now you need to visit the shipwright (he is in the port).

After that, accumulate 2000 escudos and give them to the shipwright, come back in a few days.

  1. Spyglass

It is activated if you put on a spyglass and look out of the cabin window. After Alice appears on the ship, the quest can be completed simply by talking to Alice. She will replace the lens on the pipe.

  1. Fishing

In order to complete the quest, you need to catch 10 fish (lobsters also count) and give them to the fisherman (talk to the fisherman).

  1. Find the treasures

It is activated automatically after you enter the Jack’s tavern. In order to continue the quest, you must first repair the ship, and then return to the Jack’s tavern again.

After you get to the island, you need to click on the broken stone and talk to the mermaid (Doriana). From her we will get a part of the stone and will be able to find out the way to get to the necklace. After that, we try to enter the cave and go to the wreckage of the ship and make a torch.

The path to the necklace: Right, straight, left, straight, right.

After we found the necklace and gave it to the mermaid, we get the last part of the stone and go to the cave for treasures.

The path to the treasure (Does not work until you find the necklace(!)): Left, straight, left, right, straight.

  1. A drunken old man

The quest’s taken from the fisherman Billy, you need to bring him 10 bottles of ale.

  1. Find information about the mother

It is activated after completing the quest “4. Find the treasures” at the entrance to Jack’s tavern. It is performed together with quests: “9. Cure Jaina”, “8. Meet with the governor”, “11. Archives of Saint-Castilio”

  1. Arrival at the port of Saint-Castilio

You need to accumulate 2500 escudos and sail to the port of Saint-Castilio.

  1. Meet with the governor

The first thing to do upon arrival in Saint-Castilio is to find a sick Jaina in the cabin. Then treat her. After you cure Jaina, she will automatically tell you after you return to the cabin that the governor is holding a reception on Saturday and you need to go to it.

  1. Cure Jaina

We go to the herbalist’s market in Saint-Castilio and ask about the medicine. We buy 2 bunches of melissa from her, 2 bunches of chamomile and we buy marshmallow root from a merchant in St. Isidore.

After that, we return to the herbalist and talk about the medicine. We give medicine to Jaina, she refuses to drink.

After that, you need to buy Rum and mix it with medicine, and give it to Jaina. To complete the quest, you need to go to her the next day.

  1. Walk with Scarlet

It is activated automatically after the governor’s reception visit in Saint-Castilio. You need to come by tonight to check on her. After that, you should go to the sauna on the ship.

  1. Archives of Saint-Castilio

You need to visit Rose in St. Isidore and ask for help with a gift. After that, we will be sent to Alice. She will offer an alternative and you will need to get a shell, for this you need to go to the island and talk to the mermaid and then give the shell to Alice. Come to the governor with a ready-made gift any day.

  1. Bathhouse? Do we have a bathhouse?

The quest is activated after 1 visit to the bathhouse on the ship. After that, you need to talk to the parrot. You can continue the quest after Alice appears on the ship and Saint-Castilio is unlocked.

You need to come and talk to Alice about the bathhouse.

Nails can be taken from Alvida (blacksmith on Saint-Castilio) – She will ask you to bring:Angel fish, tuna and 2 bottles of wine. (Quest “25. Help the blacksmith Alvida”)

Boards can be taken from the shipwright on Saint-Castilio — He will ask you to bring: Lobster, mackerel, barracuda, moray eel and 200 escudos. (Quest “24. Help shipwright Bari”)

After we have collected everything, we go to Alice and give it to her.

  1. Red Rose

You need to get a permit to operate a brothel. To do this, you must first cure Scarlett’s seasickness. Then ask her to go with you to a meeting with the governor.

After that, you need to take the costumes for the ball from Rose and give it to Scarlet.

Go to Scarlet’s house on Saturday night and go to the ball with her.

It is necessary to pour alcohol 2 times to the governor before starting a conversation about a brothel.

After that, you need to take a work permit to the brothel.

  1. Seasickness

It is taken from Scarlet in the cabin after the conversation. To complete it, you need to buy a medicine from a merchant in St. Isidore.

  1. Gangsters from the slums

The quest is activated after we order the medicine from the merchant and come for it in a few days.

To do this, you need to go to the poor district and beat the bandits.

  1. New flag

Activated when entering Scarlett’s cabin after unlocking Saint-Castilio (including Alice) and completing the Seasickness quest. You need to buy a repair kit for a sewing machine from a St. Isidore merchant. Then give it to Scarlet. And in a few days visit her for a flag.

After that, you should go to the scribe and buy a “sewing textbook 1” from him and give it to Scarlet.

If you give her a “sewing tutorial 2” after this quest, then the quest will be activated again and you will need to come in a week.

  1. Golden fish

It is taken from Jack after the conversation to choose “Fishing”. You need to bring: Tuna, angel fish, mackerel and lobster.

  1. An unfinished book

It is taken from the scribe Albert in Jack’s tavern (Appears 2 times a week). The book can be fished out on the pier in St. Isidora. Then you need to give it to the scribe (after that, you can buy a book with cheats from him.)

  1. Restoring the work of the brothel

The first girl can be found at night in Jack’s tavern = Diana.

First you need to come and talk to her for 2 nights in a row. (It can only be found at night(!))

On the third night, she will not be there, she needs to talk to Jack “Ask about Diana”. And for the next 2 nights in a row, come and talk to Diana buying her services.

After the sex scene, you need to talk to Jack about Diana and find a replacement for her (and 500 escudos).

The replacement will be drunk Joe. He can be found there in the tavern and after the conversation he will ask for Diana’s panties. Talk to Diana at night and then get the panties in Jaina’s cabin and give them to Joe. After that, you can pay Jack 500 escudos and take Diana to a brothel.

  1. Rumors about the poor quarter

The quest is automatically started after you bring Diana to the brothel. To pass, you need to go to the poor district at night.

  1. Arm Wrestling tournament

You need to win all the opponents in the tournament (5 rounds). We will get Sheila (you can visit her in a brothel in a few days)

  1. ♥♥♥ Rose

To get the quest, you need to go to a brothel at night and talk to Rose. You need to come to her every night and buy the alcohol that she asks for. In total, you will need to come to her 4 times.

  1. Alice’s Device

It is activated if you click on the shipwright in the port of Saint-Castilio after the quest “11. Archives of Saint-Castilio”.

We need to give the shipwrights 1050 escudos and then go to Alice and talk to her about it.

After that, you need to visit Alice from time to time to catch her working on the device.

  1. Help shipwright Bari

He will ask you to bring: Lobster, mackerel, barracuda and moray eel and 200 escudos. We will receive as a reward boards for the repair of the bathhouse.

Quests of the Main Story 25-50

  1. Helping the blacksmith Alvida

She will ask you to bring:Angel fish, tuna and 2 bottles of wine. We will get nails for repairing the bathhouse as a reward.

  1. Bloody Beard

It is taken in the city hall after completing the quest with the archives. You need to go through the map to the lawless waters and defeat Bloody Beard. Then go back and give the documents to Gustav.

  1. Alvida’s Help

You need to bring Alvida 4 iron bars of 4 wood and 4 pieces of leather. Everything is obtained in naval combat and boarding.

  1. Spirited Away

The quest is activated in the captain’s cabin after you complete the Bloody Beard quest. You need to assemble a raft. Take a shovel on the beach and point it at a hillock (on the same beach) and dig out a hiding place. There you will find a diary and a log for the raft.

Next, take a stone and sticks (at locations further away) and connect them in the inventory (you will get an axe). Use an axe to cut down a palm tree in the central location. At the last location, you need to click on a branch with a vine (you will need it for a sail on a raft). Just click on the middle of the location with a shovel to dig a cache.

After that, assemble the raft and finish the quest.

  1. Presentation to the Upper Crust

Activated after completing three bounty hunting contracts. Come to the ball on Friday evening and the next day go to Maria

  1. Toys of single ladies

The toy can be bought from William for doubloons on Tortuga.

  1. Kitchen utensils

The quest is taken automatically as you enter Julia’s cabin. Kitchen utensils can be made in the Alvida’s forge. Alvida will ask for help – to bring 5 ingots of steel. After that, you can make utensils. (2 quests in one)

  1. Help Alvida (again)

It is automatically activated after completing the quest “Presentation to the Upper Crust”. We need to give the sword to Conrad in the barracks.

  1. The legendary pirate dish

Opens after the Kitchen Utensils quest. Meat can be obtained by hunting in the jungle. After that, you can buy everything you need for the dish (you can buy it from the herbalist) and cook it together with Julia.

  1. The secret of the old lighthouse

It is activated if you go to the governor of Saint-Castilio after “Presentation to the Upper Crust”. We need to go to the lighthouse in Saint-Castilio. After the dialogues, you need to go to the poor area of Saint-Castilio and defeat the bandit and return to the Lighthouse again.

To complete the quest, you need to come to Gustav the next day and report on the task.

  1. Hungry Chucky

It is taken in Chucky’s tavern automatically when talking after opening the cooking function. You need to bring him a pirate dish.

  1. Treasure Map

We received the first part of the map from Chucky, the second part of the map we will find at the market and the third during the hunt. After that, you need to connect it (via the craft function in the inventory(!)) and go to the jungle (where we hunt), following the map (right, left, left, right) we’ll get to Twig’s grave.

  1. Twig the Skeleton

The Treasure Map opens after completing the quest. You need to get to Tortuga and talk to the tavern keeper and then walk to William on Tortuga, the storekeeper (you need to sort out all the possible answers with him). After that, go to the mystical cave on Tortuga and go through 2 floors (there you will find the body of Twig)

  1. The artifact of the mermaid

We go to the island and talk to the mermaid, after which we go to Julia and learn 3 new dishes, make them and give them to the mermaid. * (you can buy a lemon from a merchant from St. Isidore)

P.S.: The rare fish can be bought in Saint-Castilio from a fisherman or caught at night using a night vision device.

  1. Night vision device

To activate it, you need to sit down with a fisherman on the pier in Saint-Castilio. After the conversation, you need to talk to Alice and return to the fisherman again at night.

If we give the night vision device to Alice, she remakes it for us.

  1. Help Alvida (final)

You need to get Alvida 2 pirate dishes and 2 bottles of wine and after that come to the forge in the evening.

  1. The executioner’s axe

It is activated after the Kitchen Utensils quest if you go to the square of Saint-Castilio. We need to make an axe in Alvida’s forge and give it to the executioner. You need 4 iron ingots, 1 skin and 1 board (everything can be obtained from sea combat and boarding)

  1. The captain is missing

It is activated after we visit Jack’s tavern 3 times and complete the quests “Twig the Skeleton” and” Presentation to the Upper Crust”.

Playing as Jaina, you need to talk to Jack and all the girls on the ship and return to the captain’s cabin.

After that get gunpowder from the shipwright and collect branches and leaves in the jungle.

Give the gunpowder to Alice and the branches and leaves to Scarlet, go into the jungle and start saving the captain.

  1. The herbalist’s elixirs

(Opens after the “Presentation to the Upper Crust”, is taken when entering the barracks). To pass, you need to talk to a herbalist at the market.

After completion, you can buy one Attack and Health potion per day.

  1. Event “Intoxication of the executioner”

Activated at night after “Elixirs of the witch doctor” quest in the tavern of Chucky.

  1. The event “The Captain is gone”

Activated After 3 visits to Jack’s Tavern on Saint Isadora.

Playing as Jaina, you need to visit Jack and talk to him. After there is a fight with the Amazons (if you lose, you need to go to Jaina’s cabin and sleep for a few days, then try to click on the forest again and defeat the Amazons).

After your victory, you need to tell the crew about the meeting in the jungle. Then go to the captain’s cabin to discuss a plan of action.

Gunpowder for Alice can be found at the shipbuilder.

Leaves for Scarlet are in the jungle (to collect sticks and leaves in the game).

After you give the gunpowder and leaves, you need to go into the jungle and complete the quest.

  1. How to increase sales?

Activated after visiting the trader Mary. A couple of visit Rose’s place and go back to Mary. After go to Scarlet and take a dress-making assignment from her.

Buy a textbook on patterns from a bookseller.

During talk with Mary you can take measurements.

The fabric can be bought from Barry.

You need to take the zipper from Alvida. She will send you to Maria (the governor’s wife), Take it from her and then return to Alvida and get a ready-made zipper.

  1. Event Where has Jaina gone

Activated in the captain’s cabin on Santa Castile. You can find Jaina at Chucky`s tavern (talk to him → Jaina is missing) and go to the Lighthouse. Then skip a couple of days in the cabin.

  1. Toilet adventure

It opens after the quest «Massage parlor». You need to look into the tortuga and have a drink there.

  1. Event Poem of sea waves

It opens after the quest The Artifact of the Mermaid». (You can start the event in the captain’s cabin) After receiving it, you need to visit Albert. Then find a mermaid in a tavern on Tortuga.

  1. Crab dish

It starts after you return with crab claws to the captain’s cabin. The only difficulty is making a pot and cooking according to Julia’s recipe.

51 Quest

  1. Massage parlors

It opens after the “Intoxication of the executioner” quest during the visit to a massage parlor in Santa Castile. After the first visit, you need to visit Gustav some times (the second time in a week).

After that we need to find information about oil from the traders (one is on Santa Castile, the other is on St. Isidore).

Then let’s look at Tortuga and ask the bartender there (after the first conversation, you need to visit him again in 3 days).

After that you should go to the herbalist on Santa Castile and ask about rare herbs. Then go to the Mermaid to find out about the Callipso grass.

Mushroom island opens and you can get grass and crab meat there (the quest will open during the passage).

Then you need to buy a bottle of perfume carrier oil from Mary and give it to the Herbalist.

After some days go to pick up the spirits and go to the Witch on Tortuga (the passage on the left in the rock).

After the first visit to the witch, you need to return the next day.

While walking through the maze, after some time, a tangle will appear with the correct options for turns. You just need to choose them so many times until you are taken to the witch’s hut.

On Thursday night look into the port of Santa Castile and find out about the oil supplier. After you find out about the conspiracy, report it to Gustav. Joy will come to your cabin in a few days.

To add melissa to the ship you need to visit the witch again (+ get two 18+ scenes as a reward).

Additional Content


  • To pass, you need to release all 4 girls.
  • In Jaina’s cabin, you need to collect the seal she broke. ( puzzle )
  • In Alice’s cabin, you need to solve a puzzle of signs. The desired colors and signs are shown on the cabin wall (from left to right).
  • In Scarlet’s cabin, you need to fight off the tentacle by playing 3 in a row.
  • In Julia ‘s cabin , you need to mix poison for the monster ( the right combination is blue + red + yellow )
  • After that, you need to return to the captain’s cabin and follow the plot.


  • The main task of the event is “Storming the factory”. We need to help the 3m elves who are at Santa’s base.
  • Jerome needs help to save the elves imprisoned in the catacombs – the location is located just to the left of the factory (the entrance to the basement). The code for the lock is located at the elf who lies next to the cage … (1423 )
  • Guil needs to catch 5 fish from a frozen pond and then in the inventory (dragging the knife on the fish, rotten fish is not suitable for this (!)) separate the bones. To make a quest, there must be 5 bones in the inventory.
  • Toren needs to find nooks with angel pollen in the cave at the top of the map (they are marked with treasures on the map in the cave). It is enough to take 3 pieces and leave the cave.
  • After the help of the elves, you need to go in and talk to Santa.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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