This is a simple and straight forward guide to obtaining every ending, every key and other extra content.
While playing through the game and reading the guide you shall be using the Chart quite often to jump to any part of the story at any point in time. So saving manually isn’t important unless you want to plus the game auto saves.
Turning on Hints isn’t necessary if you’re following the guide.
Guide might contain some minor spoilers, but I’ll reveal as little as possible.
Walkthrough – Part 1
It’s the tutorial segment of the game and has no effect on the main story. You’re free to read it or skip it.
Choose: Forget it
Q.Her Objective:
Choose: Any available choice
Q.Hide in the outhouse?
Choose: Hide in the outhouse
Q.Follow the scream?
Choose: Go out and take a look
Reached (Bad Ending 2)
Obtained (Key 2: Werewolf & Resurrection)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Follow the scream?
Choose: Keep still
Q.Leave Yasumizu?
Choose: Leave Yasumizu
Reached (Bad Ending 4)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Leave Yasumizu?
Choose: Stay
Q.Stop poisoning:
Choose: Tackle her
Reached (Bad Ending 5)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q,Stop poisoning:
Choose: Find a nearby weapon
Reached (Ending 1: Whirls and Claws)
Obtained (Key 4: Sink into Nirvana)
Walkthrough – Part 2
> Chart – Jump to <
Choose: Remember incident
Q.Choose Route:
Choose: Turn back
Reached (Bad Ending 6)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Choose Route:
Choose: Pass by Fujiyoshi
Reached (Bad Ending 7)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Choose Route:
Choose: Enter Fujiyoshi through the normal route
Q.Entering the village:
Choose: Enter village
Q.Interrogation Answer:
Choose: Say you got lost
Reached (Bad Ending 8)
Obtained (Key 5: Nice Officer)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Interrogation Answer:
Choose: Say you followed after your girlfriend
Reached (Bad Ending 9)
Obtained (Key 6: Taboo Name)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Interrogation Answer:
Choose: Snap
Reached (Bad Ending 10)
Obtained (Key 7: Berserk)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Entering the village:
Choose: Drink booze from the convenience store
Q.All set?
Choose: Return to the dining hall
Q.Decide Arrangements:
Choose: Agree with Hashimoto
Q.How to pass time:
Choose: Keep passing time
Q.Investigation 1:
Choose: Investigate Takumi
Obtained (Key 10: Truth of the Young Leader)
*After you obtain the key*
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Investigation 1:
Choose: Investigate Kiyonosuke
Obtained (Key 11: Truth of the Doctor)
*After you obtain the key*
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Investigation 1:
Choose: Investigate Hisako
Obtained (Key 12: Truth of the Journalist)
Q.Reveal Guardian:
Choose: Reveal Guardian
Reached (Bad Ending 13)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Reveal Guardian:
Choose: Don’t reveal
Q.Vote 1:
Choose: Vote for Hisako
Reached (Bad Ending 14)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Vote 1:
Choose: Vote for Takumi
Q.Investigation 2:
Choose: Investigate Chikamochi
Obtained (Key 13: Truth of the Genius)
*After you obtain the key*
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Investigation 2:
Choose: Investigate Haru
Obtained (Key 14: Truth of the Girl)
Q.Trust Takumi?
Choose: Don’t Trust him
Reached (Bad Ending 15)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Trust Takumi?
Choose: Trust him
Q.Declare Guardian:
Choose: Reveal nothing
Reached (Bad Ending 16)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Declare Guardian:
Choose: Reveal Takumi is Human and Chikamochi is a Wolf
Reached (Bad Ending 17)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Declare Guardian:
Choose: Reveal Takumi and Kiyonosuke are Humans
Q.Voting 2:
Choose: Vote for Rikako
Reached (Bad Ending 18)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Voting 2:
Choose: Vote for the Old Wolf Guy
Choose: Give Up
Reached (Bad Ending 19)
Obtained (Key 15: Raging Loop)
> Chart – Jump to <
Choose: Open door and persuade
Reached (Ending 2: Paradisical Babylon)
Obtained (Key 16: Raising Loop)
Walkthrough – Part 3
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Decide Arrangements:
Choose: Enter prefab myself
Q.All or Nothing:
Choose: Massacre
Reached (Bad Ending 20)
Obtained (Key 17: Hariti)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.All or Nothing:
Choose: Kill no one
Reached (Bad Ending 21)
Obtained (Key 18: Irrational Purge)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.All or Nothing:
Choose: Trick them
Q.Slect Trap:
Choose: Talk about Haru’s love life
Q.Raise Hand?
Choose: Don’t Raise Hand
Reached (Bad Ending 23)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Raise Hand?
Choose: Raise hand
Q.Who to Brutalize 1:
Choose: Kill Hashimoto
Reached (Bad Ending 24)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Who to Brutalize 1:
Choose: Kill Takumi
Q.Who to Brutalize 2:
Choose: Kill Yoshitsugu
Reached (Bad Ending 25)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Who to Brutalize 2:
Choose: Kill Yasunaga
Q.Who to Brutalize 3:
Choose: Anyone you want
Q.Answer God:
Choose: Persist in victory
Reached (Bad Ending 26)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Answe God:
Choose: What should we do?
Choose: Loose all words
Reached (Ending 3: Game Overlord)
Obtained (Key 20: Ending Loop and Giant Monsters)
Walkthrough – Part 4 / Bonus Content
Now you just need to clear the rest of the story segments to collect the remaining Endings and Keys in order to reach the True Ending.
> Chart – Jump to <
2.Dense Mist:
Q.Her objective:
Choose: All of them
Reached (Bad Ending 3)
Obtained (Key 3: Distant Light)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.All set?
Choose: Talk to Kiyonosuke
Q.Solve the riddle:
Choose: Press claw > eye > beak
Reached (Bad Ending 11)
Obtained (Key 8: Will of the Crow)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.How to pass time:
Choose: Ask Hisako a question
Reached (Bad Ending 12)
Obtained (Key 9: Myth & Archtype)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Select Trap:
Choose: Ask Kanzo about Haru
Reached (Bad Ending 22)
Obtained (Key 19: Hunter’s Confession)
> Chart – Jump to <
2.Dense Mist:
Q.Hide in the outhouse?
Choose: Look for “him”
Reached (Bad Ending 1)
Obtained (Key 1: True Evil)
> Chart – Jump to <
Now you have reached the route to True Ending.
> Chart – Jump to <
Choose: Call for “that person”
Reached (True Ending)
Now you have unlocked Revelation Mode, which you can switch on in Options, and can unlock Alternate Endings.
> Chart – Jump to <
Choose: On second thought …
Reached (Alternate Ending 1)
> Chart – Jump to <
Q.Answer God:
Choose: Let’s get hitched
Reached (Alternate Ending 2)
> Bonus Content <
For the final bonus, go to Album in the main menu and choose #27 for an Easter Egg.
Finally, To unlock every CG image in the Gallery, besides seeing every ending and reading the main story fully, make sure you also read the bonus stories in Extra (Specifically Writer vs Mystery Station).
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