In this game, ensuring your girlfriend is happy is vital, considering it is the whole point of the game. This guide will teach you how to make sure your girlfriend is pleasured and avoid making her angry.
Pleasure Your GF Quick and Easy!
In this game, ensuring your girlfriend is happy is vital, considering it is the whole point of the game. This guide will teach you how to make sure your girlfriend is pleasured and avoid making her angry.
Step 1: Hunger
You need to regularly feed your girl to make sure she doesn’t starve. Food can be bought in the shop and the price of the food is directly proportional to how much it fills the hunger bar. Every girl has her preferences so you’ll have to experiment in-game to see what your girl likes.
Step 2: Drinking
You need to make sure your girl is hydrated so she doesn’t get angry with you. Visit the shop to buy her a drink, with water being the best to hydrate her faster. You can buy her alcohol to fill her horny meter (more on that later), but alcohol isn’t recommended for hydrating her as it is expensive and isn’t worth the price if you want to hydrate your girl.
Step 3: Health
Heal your girl by purchasing medicine and vitamins from the store. Quite simple, make sure she is healthy for better sex and a happier girlfriend.
Step 4: Fun
You can fill the fun meter by having regular sex or oral sex found in the right-side menus. In my testing, 30 seconds of oral fills 20% of the bar and regular sex fills 50% in 30 seconds. This may vary according to health, food and hydration status.
Step 5: Sleep
When your girl is tired, press the sleep button until the sleep bar is full. When it is full, wake her by pressing anywhere on the screen.
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