SpellForce: Platinum Edition – Console Debug Codes

List of debug commands to enter in the ingame console to fix some singleplayer based bugs.

General Information

The following quickfixes can be used in the ingame console to solve some bugs that possibly occur during the different story campaigns.

You can only use the quickfixes listed here if you have exactly the described problem. If your problem is different, the qickfixes could do a lot of damage. If you want to enter a quickfix, save it first.

You can open the console by pressing “Ctrl” & Shift & “+”. After you successfully entered your quickfix you can close the console by pressing “Esc”.

You can use the arrow key up to restore your last command.

Please look carefully at every command to not confuse braces “{}” with parenthesis “()”. Elsewise the command will not work.

This guide contains quickfixes that I found through research. Unfortunately there are some missing, but the original Spellforce forum and German wiki are both down for good, so I can not look them up. If I find some more, I will include these here too.

The Order of Dawn

Southern Windwall Mountains – Hörgr

In the quest “The bigger they are …” you can feed the giant Hörgr poisoned meat. If you manage to kill Hörgr before having switched his meat, the quest will remain stuck.

QuestSolve{QuestId = 157}
QuestSolve{QuestId = 148} 

The Breath of Winter

The Abyss – Cenwen does not react

After the fial darg is killed you can not speak to cenwen.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “P113DialogCenwenAn”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “CenwenIsFree”}
QuestSolve{QuestId = 697}
QuestBegin{QuestId = 699}

Firefangs – Questblocker

If you have activated the search for fires to hold and you leave the map without finishing it, you will not be able to finish it by returning to the burning fangs. This should be patched, but i still leave it here.

ResetGlobalCounter{Name= ” ObeliskenZaehler1P111″}
ResetGlobalCounter{Name = ” ObeliskenZaehler2P111″}
ResetGlobalCounter{Name = ” ObeliskenZaehler3P111″}
ResetGlobalCounter{Name = ” ObeliskenZaehler4P111″}

Then you have to hold all the fires together for about 3 minutes (they should also burn brighter now), until you can continue.

Shal’Dun – Craig Un’Shallach dies through attack

Craig has died through an attack and later for the abyss quests no longer to be found.
The fix refers to a situation where Craig is not killed by the pact, but by an attack, and no NPC is available for dialogue on the key.
If you have a fitting savegame, you should just reload.
Else we must then advance a quest condition and open a gate. To do this:

QuestSolve{QuestId = 747}
QuestBegin{QuestId = 751}
SetItemFlagTrue{Name = “PlayerHasItemGlowstone”}

This should solve the quest “Talk to Craig” and start in “Enter the Portal to the Abyss”. Address the gate in front of the portal to the abyss afterwards, it should open as if you had the glowstone key.

Nevershade Frontier – Items left at shrines before quest was active

You left the items for the quest “The Signet of the Beast” at the shrines, before the quest was activated.

SetItemFlagTrue {Name = “PlayerHasItemSanduhr”}
SetItemFlagTrue {Name = “PlayerHasItemBlutphiole”}
SetItemFlagTrue {Name = “PlayerHasItemKerze”}

This simulates the existence of the three objects.

Tirganach – Gate to Frostweaver Rift does not open

The gate cannot be opened via console, only a teleport cheat helps.


Tirganach – Flink McWinter´s cell door does not open

You do have the cell key, but the door does not open.

SetItemFlagTrue { Name = “PlayerHasItemFlinksCellKey”}

Echo Swamps – The masked does not give the Lucius quest

The rune quest chain cannot be started. This can happen if you ignore The Masked and leave the echo swamps first.
This quickfix should solve the quest to save Lucius and set the quest state of The Masked correctly for the spawn in Tirganach.

QuestSolve{QuestId = 721}
QuestSolve{QuestId = 730}

The Masked should now disappear from the echo swamps and then be found in the west of the city of Tirganach. As soon as Shal’Dun is reached, he will move there.

Shadow of the Phoenix

Colloseum – Progress of the arena quest will not continue after successfully killing the dark elves

Be sure that you have a backupsavegame. This could mess up your questbook.

Start a new round with zerbo and defeat the dark elves. Stay in the arena and open the console and enter the following.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_sP200ReadytoStartRound6Monster1”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_sP200ReadytoStartRound6Monster2”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_sP200ReadytoStartRound6Monster3”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_sP200ReadytoStartRound6Monster4”}

City of Souls – Hirin has no dialogue

This is an unfixed bug, all players will have it. Enter the following code and Hirin will provide some lore information. As long as you use the dialogue in the specified order, the logic of the information will be OK.

SetNpcFlagTrue{Name = “HirinBasicsTold” , NpcId = 11083 , PlatformId = 202}

Onyx shores – Gora

You can not speak to the gora, even when you should be able to.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “PleaseEnableMainQuestDialog_8446”}

Empyria – Nandini is active again

Vagabond Nandini follows you, even if you exhausted all her dialogue.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P204_NandiniFollowAvatar”}
SetGlobalFlagFalse{Name = “g_P204_NandiniNervNicht”}

Empyria – cursed coin & Flink McWinter

You have got the cursed coin of the goblin from the city of souls, which you need for the “Protection Money” Quest. You can not proceed, because you can not speak to Flink McWinter.


This command is also listed to fix the quest with Seth Dundred in Empyria. Unfortunately I do not know the precise situation to use this.

Clockwork halls – Uru fix

You aligned all the pointers of the first puzzle correctly but the gate will not open.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P210_PointerACorrectlySet”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P210_PointerBCorrectlySet”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P210_PointerCCorrectlySet”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P210_PointerDCorrectlySet”}

Darkwind keep – Gate will not open

You killed all enemies in the map and destroyed their camps as far as you could but the gate in the south does not open.

SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P211BladesCampOstDestroyed”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P211EchsenCampOstDestroyed”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P211BladesCampWestDestroyed”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P211EchsenCampWestDestroyed”}
SetGlobalFlagTrue{Name = “g_P211_KathaiFallenEin”}

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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