Stellaris – Defense Tips for Beginners

Don’t panic, I did much worse when I was first starting. And I still can’t play at the highest difficulty. It’s a very complex game, so it takes some time to figure things out, and defeat is only an opportunity to learn.

Tips for New Players: How to Defending

Some Tips Might Help

  • Keep playing on the easiest difficulty until you get a better dominion of game mechanics.
  • Good economy gives victories in battle. You need lots of ships. For ships you need alloy. For alloy, you need minerals and energy. For that you need pops, who need food.
  • (Remember, pops make things, districts and buildings don’t they only incur expense – be always only a tiny bit ahead of the pop growth with buildings).
  • The game automatically builds ships for you, but they’re usually not the best build. You can design your own ships. If you discover your enemy has kinetic weapons, you need armor. If energy, you need shields. And if your enemy has shields/armor, you need kinetic/energy respectively (attack them where they’re weakest). You can actually defeat a larger fleet if yours is strategically designed to handle them.
  • Don’t be afraid in the beginning to save the game, see how things went bad, and reload to go back and try to overcome the problem. It’s a good way to learn.
  • Always figure out the questions you have very clearly. Getting the question right is usually harder than finding the answer. And with a clear question, look it up on the net, and you’ll find countless geniuses out there giving excellent advice.

Persevere, and you’ll really enjoy this game.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. Being a victorious pacifist empire isn’t all that difficult or laborious. I ruled a materialist, pacifist, and mechanist empire that prioritized technology and robots above all else. Let’s just say that my battles with AIs are always victories. And I outperform them in both economy and text. Consequently, fleet power is also affected. I then receive numerous vassals.

  2. Do research agreements benefit different empires? No matter what, it seems like other empires always manage to surpass me.

    • To be honest, they do aid in research to some extent, but their main contribution is the improvement of diplomatic relations. Furthermore, since you are developing your military and economy, don’t worry if your research is behind schedule. My research lagged well behind that of other empires on the victory screen for the majority, if not all, of my Stellaris victories. Unlike other 4X games, Stellaris does not have a scientific winner.

  3. This guide looks to be a really well-made work of art. Despite having a lot of 4X experience, after about 100 hours, I still get really rolled. Every dealt crushing has some difficult lessons to learn. We appreciate all of your time and work in making this game make sense.

    • Continue the battle! When you start winning by eliminating the extinct species and fallen empires that brought you misery or by escaping an endgame crisis, the rewards will be even sweeter.

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