The guide is aimed at mastering Streets of Rage 4 one handed playing!
How to Install Nude Blaze Skin
Step 1:
- Download The Mod (44.5 Mb).
Step 2:
- Open the archive.
- Open the file named “SOR4Explorer”.
- Find the folder named “sprsor4blaze” located at “animatedsprites” → “sor4” → “playables” → “sprsor4blaze”.

- Drag all the files located inside the folder named “blaze nude mod” (which is in the archive) to the folder named “sprsor4blaze” (which is in the SOR4Explorer).

- Click the apply button in the right upper corner of the program as shown on the picture above and close SOR4Explorer.
Step 3:
- Run the game and spend two happy minutes of your lifetime!
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