Summer Memories – Girls Side Quest

Girls Side Quest

Kagami (Sport Teacher)

Appears day 10. Unlock mini-game after 145 stamina. Start her mini-game (training) and successively beat his/her records. At the 4th race, catch her to trigger the sex scene.

Akari (Noodle Player)

Go to the town square to find the main quest. Look for a group of teenage musicians there. You need a Menko (a type of card) first. When you find the boy who has a fuse, show him your Menko to start a mini-game. You’ll need to play this game multiple times – keep playing until you win against all the other players. The most important part is beating the boy with the fuse three separate times. After you win against him three times, the fuse will disappear.

The boy will reappear at night, talk to him.

The next day, continue to play with him several days in a row. One day, a girl will show up at the square as a Menko pro player. Fight her. During the mini-game, when the girl appears to throw her Menko, click on her to kiss her. Continue until you win.

The next day talk to her again and restart the mini-game by kissing her to start the sex scene.

Shizuku (Candy Shop Girl)

From the 8th day, you can use the computers in Yui’s or Rio’s room. Use every day until a breast picture appears. Repeat the next day to see a booty picture appear.

The next day a photo of a teddy bear appears. After the event, go to the candy shop and click on the bear on the counter.

The next day, use the computer but you will not receive any more pictures, leave the house, go to the candy shop and talk with the sales assistant. The sex scene will start.

Suzuka (Animal Survey Girl)

Appears after the family outing to the mountains (day 14). She buys the insects and fish caught. If you bring her one insect and one fish of each rarity (8 in total, rarity 1 to 4, no matter the species) then she will reward you with a sex scene.

Mizuki (Beach Girl)

Appears after the exit to the beach (day 21). Start her fishing mini-game and catch the yellow fish to pull up 1 piece of treasure. Repeat (difficulty increases) 5 times for the sex scene to start.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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