Tales of Arise – All Accessories and Locations


New accessories for crafting are only added as treasures/rewards or when you acquire a new type of ore, and unlike weapons and armor, where shop inventories are updated as you progress through the game, new accessories are only added as treasures/rewards or when you acquire a new type of ore.

Only the accessory’s basic (level 1) ability is included in this list. The rank of the material used to craft enhancements has a big impact on the skills obtained from them.

Warrior Emblem(1x) BrimoreAttack + 15%Acquired from a treasure chest in Glanymede Castle

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Garnet(1x) Alamandine MassFire/Water Damage – 50%Acquired from a treasure chest in Glanymede Castle

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 800 gald.
Opal(1x) Opal MassWind/Earth damage – 50%Acquired from a treasure chest at Gilanne Wood Inner Level.

Acquired from a treasure chest at west dead end in Razum Quarry Mining Site 2.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 800 gald.
Alexandrite(1x) Chrysoberyl MassLight/Darkness damage – 50%Acquired from a sphere chest behind a blue wall in Riville Prison Tower Entrance Plaza 1F, Southern Block.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 800 gald.
Black Onyx(1x) Abyssal Pebble MassMax HP + 15%Acquired from a treasure chest hidden behind a boulder marked with “!” at the Safar Sea Cave Central Level.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Posion Charm(1x) Antidote RockGrants immunity to poisonCraft from Engravers and merchants for 500 gald.
Freeze Charm(1x) ThermalrockGrants immunity to freeze.Craft from Engravers and merchants for 500 gald.
Shock Charm(1x) ParalaxstoneGrants immunity to paralysisCraft from Engravers and merchants for 500 gald.
Curse Charm(1x) Hex BreakerGrants immunity to curse.Acquired from a treasure chest in The Wedge Spiral 1.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 500 gald.
Magic Emblem(1x) Astral OreElemental attack + 15%Reward from Tigrina during the Bibliophile sub-quest.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Mobile Fortress Gradia, Ship Interior Lower Level. In storage area to the east blocked by green wall.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Pierce Emblem(1x) Enduro OrePenetration + 30%Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Grit Emblem(1x) Endure OreResistance + 30%Acquired from a treasure chest in White Silver Plains. At the west side of the clearing after you destroy a wall of ice with the Blazing Sword.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Buff Bangle(1x) Awakening PebbleStat Boost on enemy defeat.Acquired from a treasure chest behind a boulder in Forland Mountains South Hiking Trail.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 4000 gald.
Lucky Bangle(1x) Lucky PebbleItem Drop Rate UpAcquired from a treasure chest inside the Hidden Chamber in the back of the Office at Riville Prison Tower. You must defeat the Gigant Polycephus to get the key.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 10,000 gald.
Swift Ring(1x) Fleetfoot CrystalGrants +50% movement speed in battle and reduces escape time by 50%.Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Heal Bangle(1x) Healing PebbleHeal 5% HP on enemy defeat.Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1000 gald.
Spirit Bangle(1x) Transcendent PebbleRecover 1 CP upon enemy defeat.Reward for completing Training Ground Solo for Shionne.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 4000 gald.
Protect Ring(1x) Scaled CrystalPhysical damage – 20%Acquired from treasure chest at Este Luvah Forest Fortress Ruins 3F, north dead end.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Resist Ring(1x) Inhibitor CrystalAll elemental damage – 20%.Acquired from a treasure chest in Mobile Fortress Gradia, Ship Interior Level 2. At west side of area, first room from right along south corridor.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1500 gald.
Impact Ring(1x) Barbed CrystalPenetration + 80, Resistance – 80Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1000 gald.
Comeback Ring(1x) Immutable CrystalStagger Time – 20%Craft from Engravers and merchants for 1000 gald.
Revival RingRegenerative CrystalRevival Chance 50%.Acquired from a treasure chest in Fogwharl Limestone Cavern Shallows.

Acquired from a treasure chest in The Wedge Spial 3 Conduit.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 5000 gald.
Stamina Ring(1x) BrightstoneHalf AG Cost Chance 50%Acquired from a treasure chest in Fogwharl Limestone Cavern Center.

Acquired from a treasure chest in The Wedge Spial 3 Conduit.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Tarfhal Helgarahi Lower Level 2F Zone 1.

Craft from Engravers and merchants for 5000 gald.
Faerie Ring(1x) Pixie CrystalArte CP Cost -20%Craft from Engravers and merchants for 20,000 gald.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Tarfhal Helgarahi Lower Level 1F.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Symphony Rift, Spirit Forest Shallows.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Abyss Rift, Oracle Snowcap Summit.
Zephyr RingIncreases Defense, Elemental Defense and Resistance by 20%.Reward for completing the sub-quest Mixed Feelings. Accessory is exclusive to Law only and can’t be used by anyone else.
Mystic Crest(1x) Mysterious FragmentCasting Time – 20%Craft from Engravers and merchants for 20,000 gald.

Reward for completing Shionne’s advance solo battle in the Training Grounds.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Tarfhal Helgarahi Lower Level 1F.

Acquired from a treasure chest in Destiny Rift, Cavern of Fate Shallows.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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