Thriving City: Song – Basic Tips

A couple of tips who could help beginners.

Tips to Basics

Story Tips

Time is up!: Do the tasks they ask you before the end of the party. Else, you will get a game over and you will waste hours of playing (The remaining time before the end is time left for reaching the population asked.).

A real mess: The city you begin with in story mode is pretty wrong designed. Feel free to destroy stuff (houses, shops, workshops, …) to make it more optimize.

General Tips

Buffs: Try to discover new buffs by trying to mix stuff together. Some buffs can be really useful to get some bonus from time to time. But don’t rush it, most of the buff are about tourist, it’s not than important, even if it give more money.

Happiness and city growth: Happiness is important. More the city is happy, bigger is the wave of newcomers every years. When you need 300 more folks, it can take years to fill it up if the happiness is under 50.

Knowledge is power: Use the statistic tool to know the problem of your city. It’s the best way to know if you produce enough resources to fulfill the city needs. You can also see if some tourist are leaving without carriage (so you know if you need to build more guest house).

Annual report: Check the annual report from time to time, you have more details about the stats and more summarize than in the graph. It can help to understand an unknown problem. It give more details than the window on the bottom left of the screen. I find it more helpful combined with the stats of the party.

Here, my economics and industrial building consume a lot of food. I’m lacking of 400+ food to provide the buildings.

City Tips

City Design: For the economic building, it’s better to build in diagonal than in straight line (Meaning than will go through the village). since the economic building green range (like tea house, lodge, thespian inn, …) are diamond shaped and not square. Meaning than you need to put some economic building in the middle of the houses.

House needs: When a house want something in particular, a bubble appears with the icon of what it need (example below with the tea). When the bubble is completely red, you get a red thumb.

Two reason can make this bubble happening:

  • The tea house don’t have the supplies needed to produce enough tea for everyone.
  • The tea house is not in range of the house. (Not in the green area of the tea house range)

It is often a range issue.

Mansion & loan: Build a couple of mansion when possible. You will get loan from rich people. Loan than you need to pay back in a couple of years. It is less risky than a central loan since the family will just be angry at you if you don’t pay in time.

The Outside World

School and exams: Try to always have unemployed people, called “vagrant”, because they will pop-up all the time and be send into school. Until the school is full. Research go faster and you have students who will be able to pass exams. The exams are spaced through time, so, you don’t want to miss any of them, else you will have to wait a couple of years until the next exam. It should be your main priority when you start a new game.

Note: One time, i had no exams for more than 38 months. So, it can be really long, you don’t want to miss it.

Don’t get too much vagrant, else, you will have thieves in the street. Get enough house to have a complete workforce and a bunch of vagrants.

Tourist commodities: Always build a guest house stick to a Thespian inn. Then, you will have plenty of wagon bringing tourist inside you city. (For the why, it’s just because a guest house stick to a thespian inn give a buff).

The buff don’t work with large guesthouse. But those guest house are also interesting to build. So, do as it fit you the most.

Note: The large guesthouse have faster coach and can bring more tourist inside the carriage. Else, the coast is double in terms of wage and fees. So, it give you more tourist money at the end.

Example of Industry Chain

Optimizing supplies: Cut travel time as more as possible. Meaning than a village have needs (alcohol, coal, …). So, you need to build industry and agriculture nearby to be able to do all the production chain. (Coal mine, tavern, plot, farmlands, lumber, …) as close as possible from the city. Be careful about happiness, some building give negative happiness. And sometimes you can’t do it, for example with the clay mine or iron mine (Since you need to put the industry near those mines), but when you can do it, do it.

Note: The layouts below are just for display purpose, they are not optimize in terms of efficiency.

Folk Kiln production

Alcohol production

A farmland produce 14 grains (with buffs) PER YEAR. A tavern produce 20 alcohol PER YEAR and need 8 grains to produce 4 alcohol. So you need a bunch of farmlands to provide a tavern all the years long (2 should be enough).

A tavern can go to 25+ if you have grains and workers during the entire year.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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