Academy Carols – 100% Achievements and Ending Guide

A comprehensive guide for Academy Carols. If you can, go to and support the devs by buying the official guide there.


Before we get started, as always with my guides, here are some things you might like to know going forwards:

  • The deity/god you pick at the beginning does not matter – it simply affects slight dialogue changes and things the characters speak about. Pick whichever one you’d prefer.
  • The game is fairly linear, and it is difficult to mess up. I found generally that being a nerd, participating with the gang and being brave with things and activities, and being considerate were the main good things, and avoided talking about his family.
  • There are very few CGs, and no gallery for them. I believe this guide will get you them all, but do shout up if you’ve found something super duper secret, like a god of war, book present, good ending combination, or something like that, which creates some super secret CG I couldn’t possibly predict encountering.

As always, remember to support the dev if you can. They have more games for sale including DUFE, that also involve Keldran (or Yonder, if you’re happy to branch out to another dev!). I also have walkthroughs for those games available, too.

Perfect Ending

This is the route most people will want to follow. Following this gets you the perfect ending, and literally all achievements but the “good” and the “bad” ending achievements. I found this worked with any god picked at the beginning.

  • Take advantage of the quiet to study
  • Ask him if studying would be included in the plans
  • Choose the book
  • We’ll make sure you won’t miss your family
  • Dare
  • … start making a snowball
  • I decided to share my concerns with him
  • … show him the spells I was working on
  • Thank you, I appreciate it

Good Ending

This gives you the achievement “I Love Tests”.

  • Take Advantage of the quiet to studyy
  • Ask him if studying would be included in the plans
  • Choose the tear drop jewel
  • Won’t you miss your family?
  • Truth
  • Start making a snowball
  • I decided to share my concerns with him
  • Thank him for the help

Bad Ending

This route gets you the achievement “Sacrifice”.

  • Finish wrapping the presents for my family
  • Ask him about his family
  • Choose the gold ring
  • Won’t you miss your family?
  • Truth
  • Stay out of it
  • I didn’t want to be a burden to him
  • Thank him for the help
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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