Stats Guide: Basic / Offensive / Defensive Stats
In AFK Journey, each hero has stats that show how strong and effective they are in fights. Getting to know these stats will help you build a killer team.
Rivalry stats are all about faction bonuses. Some heroes hit harder against certain types of enemies, kind of like rock-paper-scissors. Basic stats cover things like health and energy. More health means your hero can hang in there longer, and more energy means more chances to use those big moves. Then you’ve got offensive stats, which are about how much damage your hero dishes out when they attack. And defensive stats help your hero tough it out by taking hits better.
Keep an eye on these stats to make your team unstoppable!
Basic Stats
The base AFK Journey stats, known as Basic Stats, are different for each of your units in the game.
- A unit dies when their Health (HP) is reduced to zero.
- How much damage a unit deals.
Phys DEF
- Reduces Physical damage that a unit takes.
Magic DEF
- Reduces Magic damage that a unit takes.

Offensive Stats
- Attack Speed increases normal attack frequency and attack animation by 1%.
- A unit’s Crit Rate % increases for every point of Crit that goes above the target’s “Crit Resist”.
- Increases normal attack speed, ability speed and attack animation by 1%.
Not to be confused with Attack Speed, Haste is a stat that determines how fast your character moves and takes actions. This does include the time taken to perform an attack, just like with Attack Speed, but it also includes skills and magic attacks, as well as movement speed.
DEF Penetration
- Ignores Phys DEF and Magic DEF by 1% for every point.
- Increases damage dealt to targets under 50% HP by 1%.
Crit DMG Boost
- Contested against the target’s “Crit DMG DEF” and changes how much damage was dealt on a critical attack. Each point of difference either adds or subtracts 1% from the default critical damage (150%). The least you can get on a crit is 120% and the maximum is 300%
Defensive Stats
- Increases the amount of healing/shielding this unit receives from allies (+1% per point).
Life Drain
- Increases healing received after damaging enemies (+1% per point).
Crit Resist
- Decreases the enemy’s crit rate. Each point that goes above the attacker’s “Crit” stat lowers their crit rate by 1%.
Ranged DEF
- Decreases damage taken from non-adjacent enemies (1% per point).
- Contested against the target’s “Crit DMG Boost” and changes how much damage was dealt on a critical attack. Each point of difference either adds or subtracts 1% from the default critical damage (150%). The lowest crit multiplier you can get is 120% and the maximum is 300%.
Other Stats
- Increases the amount of healing/shielding the unit provides (+1% per point).
- Increases duration of buffs cast by this unit (+1% per point).
Energy Regen On Hit
- Increases energy regen (+1% per point) when the unit gets damaged.
Debuff Focus
- Increases duration of debuffs cast by this unit (+1% per point).
- Shortens debuffs inflicted upon a unit (-1% per point).
- Having lower Proficiency than the enemy will weaken the skills of the members of your team.
Rivalry Stats
These special modifiers only apply when you play in AFK Journey’s Rivalry game mode.
Crit DMG Boost
- Contested against the target’s “Crit DMG DEF” and changes how much damage was dealt on a critical attack. Each point of difference either adds or subtracts 1% from the default critical damage (150%). The least you can get on a crit is 120% and the maximum is 300%.
- Contested against the target’s “Crit DMG Boost” and changes how much damage was dealt on a critical attack. Each point of difference either adds or subtracts 1% from the default critical damage (150%). The least you can get on a crit is 120% and the maximum is 300%.
Energy Regen Reduction
- Reduces a target’s energy regen (-1% per point) when the unit deals damage to it.
Energy Regen On Hit
- Increases energy regen (+1% per point) when the unit gets damaged.
Debuff Focus
- Makes the debuffs a unit inflicts last longer (+1% per point).
- Shortens debuffs inflicted upon a unit (-1% per point).
DMG Boost
- Additional multiplier that increases damage by 100%( Default) . Modified against the target’s DMG Reduction.
DMG Reduction
- Additional multiplier that decreases damage by 100%(Default) . Modified against the target’s DMG Boost.
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