BIGFOOT – Yellowstone Locations and Body Spawns

Locations that I’ve found in the new map, might not be all in one pic but there are multiple pics after I found other locations and things

I also found these weird wooden things that I think are an easter egg or something like that. you might have to burn them all at some point or something. Any ideas?


So I’ve seen lots of people already post about the locations and bodies but I haven’t seen anyone mention the other spawn location for them. I’ve only been able to find 1 of the 2 girls’ other locations!

Now I have also found multiple of these wooden things (maybe more than these 3 that I took a pic of) and I tried shooting a fuel tank under it to burn it. IDK if that’s what ur supposed to do with them but please tell me if you’ve figured something out!

Map Locations

(I thought this was the full map but then I found the other mine).

The mine that I found afterward!

It might not be all the locations since the map is massive and pretty hard for me to navigate! Don’t be afraid to tell me if I’m missing anything!

Body Locations

So I’ve found Avery Edwards on 3 different locations!

1) Right bottom camp

2) At the entrance of the mine at the top left

3) Bigfoot cave entrance

Sadly I’ve only been able to find Luisa Hammond in one location! (but she is not always there, just haven’t found her anywhere else yet)

You can find her at the Grand Village.

Wooden Things

These don’t show up as marked stuff on the map so you will just have to look at my minimap!

I think there are more of these and I have no idea of what purpose they serve.

I have tried burning one with a fuel tank but IDK if that has some effect. Also, these might not be important at all. But you never know haha.

Here are the 3 that I took a pic of (might be more on the map).

Maybe these are like the radio tower in red forest.


I saw this when walking back to the grand village, I had missed it before and wondered if it would have some purpose or if it is a part of the ground shaking that happens during one of the nights. Interested to see what it’s for.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. We found Lisa Hammond at the zip line JUST outside of the RV. Southwest you’ll see a dead end. I can’t post the picture but I got it saved, and am happy to share the location with anyone that wants it.

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