City Bus Manager – Specific Bus on a Bus Line Using “Assign Buses Automatically”

Want to use the “Assign buses automatically” with a specific bus model on different lines?

Step 1

So in the game there are a feature called “Vehicle group” that you can access from the Shift schedule by clicking on the button that says:

One of these: Minibuses, Solo buses, Articulated Buses or Double-decker Buses (pre made groups)

The buttons is located below each bus in the Shift schedule. The pre made groups sorts the type of buses in the game. For example all articulated buses will go under the Vehicle group: Articulated Buses.

Step 2

But if you want a specific bus model on each line you can’t use the pre made groups.

So to be able to have specific bus models on a line you will need to click on the button as mentioned before and then click

  • “+ Manage vehicle groups”.

When clicking on the button a new menu will pop up where you can click “New vehicle group”. Give the group name the same name as the bus model you want to use on specific lines.

Step 3

When you have done that exit back to the Shift schedule. Then you assign the group you made to the bus model that you made the vehicle group for. Assign the group for all your buses with the same model if you want to.

Step 4

Then after that go to the “Bus routes” menu. Click on “Edit timetable” for each bus line that you want to use the bus you made a group for. Use “Advanced settings” and below the days of the week for each timetable you will be able to configure the bus group you made earlier. (If you use different timetables on a line where you want the same bus model to operate on all timetables. Assign the vehicle group for them)

Done with All the Steps

When you have done all the steps explained in the guide you will be able to click “Assign buses automatically” in Shift schedule and the lines that you configured with a specific bus will get that bus model every time you use “Assign buses automatically”.

You can do this method explained in the guide for all your buses and lines. Hope the guide helped!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1251 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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