Complete Achievement Walkthrough
Game Room
Pre rooms related
Try to enter a room with a card in the trash.
Failed Hacker
- Attempt to access a room improperly
Look the papers on the lobby.
Junior Janitor
- Clean up the lobby
Open the tablet and change every nail colour.
- Try out every color
For walkthrough all credits go to this video:
Story related
Escape School Graduate
- Learn how to escape
Pro Gamer
- Complete the Game Room
Misc Achievements
Touch the plugs.
Electrician In Training
- Stick your finger where it doesn’t belong
Sink every balls on billiard.
Pool Shark
- Sink all the balls
After beating the room, take one dart and explode one balloon.
Balloon Juggler
- Juggle a balloon
Hide inside the cupboard of the balloons.
Professional Hide & Seeker
- Hide somewhere you can’t be found
Look at the camera per 1 minute without failing, if fail restart the game.
Expert Starer
- Win a staring contest
Go to the intro puzzles, and put the hidden tile on the wall again.
Egression Intern
- Help reset an intro area puzzle
Go inside the game room, and lose three times on 4 in a row.
AI Sympathizer
- Let an AI win 3 times in a row
Deep Sea Lab
History related
Wildlife Destabilizer
- Disturb the local wildlife
Defender of Science
- Defend your scientific mission from danger
Deep Sea Diver
- Prepare to dive
Deep Sea Scientist
- Complete the Deep Sea Lab
Misc Achievements
Break every glass on the station.
Glass Blower (Upper)
- Break all the glass
Collect every rock from the game.
Rock Collector
- Collect all the rocks
Try to touch the extinguisher painted on the wall
Fire Extinguisher
- Try to extinguish a fire
Outside, put any thing on the rock area, then take with the claw.
Claw Game Designer
- Win a different claw game prize
Put back every tool on their box.
- Put backs all the tools in their proper place
On the electric panel, connect and disconnect the light
Rave DJ
- Strobe a light
Meta Puzzle
Story Related
Staff Member
- This achievement is hidden. Gain access to the employee break room
Fire Marshall
- This achievement is hidden. Gain access to the Fire Alarm Control Panel
Elevator Repairperson
- This achievement is hidden. Get the elevator humming again
Escape Artist
- This achievement is hidden. Find the credits
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