The process for building each is pretty much the same so I figured why not include both. The main difference is knowing the base ID for each.
Note: Yes, you still need the Automatron DLC to build a Robot Workbench.
I know Automatron doesn’t take long to finish, but sometimes I just want to get to building something. So here’s how.
Create a Robot Workbench and All Mods without Starting Automatron and / or a Workshop, Anywhere
Creating Batch Files
Create four text files using Notepad.
Name them ‘WB‘, ‘WB2‘, ‘BM‘, and ‘BM2‘ (or anything you want that’s easy to remember). I named them WB for Workbench and BM for Building Materials.
Copy/paste the console commands and building materials to these files as listed below.
Place these files in your Fallout 4 game file folder located at:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 (which includes your Fallout4.exe.)
- Player.placeatme xx001f16 1
(Note: The ‘xx’ refers to the position of the DLCRobot.esm in your load order. Mine is 01 so this number is 01001f16.) (Your load order should be listed under plugin’s in your mod manager).
- setangle x 0
- setangle y 0
- setangle z 0
- showvars
- setpv OwnedByPlayer True
- setpv VisitedByPlayer True
- player.additem 001BF72D 10000
- player.additem 001BF72E 10000
- player.additem 0006907A 10000
- player.additem 001BF72F 10000
- player.additem 000AEC5C 10000
- player.additem 000AEC5B 10000
- player.additem 000AEC5D 10000
- player.additem 000AEC5E 10000
- player.additem 0006907B 10000
- player.additem 000AEC5F 10000
- player.additem 00106D99 10000
- player.additem 0006907C 10000
- player.additem 000AEC60 10000
- player.additem 0006907D 10000
- player.additem 001BF730 10000
- player.additem 00069087 10000
- player.additem 000AEC61 10000
- player.additem 0006907E 10000
- player.additem 00069085 10000
- player.additem 000AEC62 10000
- player.additem 000AEC63 10000
- player.additem 000AEC64 10000
- player.additem 00069086 10000
- player.additem 001BF732 10000
- player.additem 0006907F 10000
- player.additem 00106D98 10000
- player.additem 00069081 10000
- player.additem 000AEC66 10000
- player.additem 00069082 10000
- player.additem 000731A4 10000
- player.additem 000731A3 10000
- player.additem 000F742E 10000
- player.additem 000330F8 10000
- player.additem 000EF24D 10000
- player.additem 000FAFEB 10000
- player.additem 00033102 10000
- player.additem 000E0043 10000
- player.additem 0009DCC4 10000
- set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Assaultron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Protectron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_RoboBrain_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Sentry_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Hand_LightningGun_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Assaultron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Protectron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Head_RoboBrain_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Sentry_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Assaultron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Protectron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_RoboBrain_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Sentry_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_MrHandy_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_MrHandy_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Robobrain_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Robobrain_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_RoboBrain_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
- set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_Sentry_Autolaser_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_Nukatron_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_Nira_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_MisterHandy_Armor_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Legs_Sentrybot_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_Protectron_Weap_Lasergun01_Global to 1
- set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_MrGutsy_Weap_Laser_Global to 1
Adding a Robot Workbench while in Game
1) Enter the console by typing ‘~’ without quotes while in game.
Type the following command, then hit enter.
Bat WB
2) Exit then re-enter the console. click on the robot workbench to get it’s base ID. Leave the ID on the screen. Then you need to straighten and own it with the following command. Tapping the up arrow will display your last command used. Just add a ‘2’ to it and hit enter.
Bat WB2
3) To add building materials type
Bat BM
Then transfer all building materials to the workbench. You might not need 10,000 of all building materials so you can change it to whatever suits your needs (1000 may be plenty).
4) To add all robot mods type
Bat BM2
Then you’re all set to build your robot.
- Or if you use the mod Workshop Rearranged, just turn on Automatron as if completed.
- Hit ‘Esc’, then select Mod Config/Workshop Rearranged. Select Unlock Automatron Recipe Requirements (default=OFF) to turn them on.
- Place your workbench then add the items in the above list from the Bat files (BM/BM2).
Adding a Workshop Anywhere
This works basically the same for adding a workbench in Fallout 4. Just replace the line in the file WB (Player.placeatme xx001f16 1) with (Player.placeatme c1aeb 1). Then save as WS (for workshop).
Then complete steps 1-3 using Bat WS instead of Bat WB. You can also skip step 3 and just use God Mode by typing ‘tgm‘ in the console, but by not using God Mode you can still level up while building. Also keep in mind without God Mode you’ll still need the perks to build some items.
Note: This is not a settlement, but will allow you to build anywhere in Fallout 4. To transfer building material into your new workshop you may need to fast travel somewhere and return.
That’s all there is to it. After it’s set up and you’ve done it a few times it’s a very quick process.
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