Good Company – Pocket Conquest Guide

How to Beat the Pocket Conquest Challenge with 3 Trophies

  • Starting Cash: 150 000.
  • Required Points for 3 Trophies: 10 000.
  • Timer: 270 days.

Restart the Challenge

There’s a bug in this challenge. The game doesn’t update the challenge timer and points. To fix it, go back to the map and click continue. Do this first or you’ll lose your progress.

Make a Simple Calculator

Design a basic Calculator that’s easy to make. Choose the Plastic Case, L.E.D Array, Small Memory Bank, Beeper, and Battery Stack. Don’t use any fancy parts. Just make the simplest product you can. These parts are easy to make and 2 of them will still be useful later on.

Don’t worry about market appeal yet. Just make as many as you can sell each week, which is 50. Your market appeal might be low, so lower the price until you reach the maximum weekly demand of 50.

You won’t be able to make that many calculators right away with your starting money. Start small but increase production quickly as you earn more.

Progress Through Market Phases

Keep selling the calculator until you reach market phase 4, the maximum for this challenge. This unlocks all the Calculator-specific modules (Data Storage). Don’t upgrade your design as you go through phases. Just lower the price after each phase to keep the demand at 50.

Make New Products

After getting the Calculator to phase 4, switch to making Game Devices. When designing the Game Device, use as many of the same modules from the Calculator as possible. These are Plastic Case, Battery Stack, L.E.D Array, and Beeper. You also need to add the Simple Circuit module since it’s required.

Switch the tables making the Small Memory Bank over to the Simple Circuit. Remember to change your work-zone policies too (the ones that give bonuses for recipes with plastic, etc.) because they use different materials. Repeat the same steps and sell 50 Game Devices per week until you reach phase 4. Then do the same for the Pocket Computer.

The order is: Calculator > Game Device > Pocket Computer. Make the simplest designs possible (with Plastic Case, Battery Stack, and L.E.D Array in common) and switch to the next one as soon as you hit Phase 4.

Endgame Product

After getting the Pocket Computer to phase 4, you should be close to the 2nd trophy with little time left. But now you’ve unlocked every module needed to design an “Endgame” Pocket Computer. This means it will have maximum features (5.0 market appeal) and still fit in the plastic case we’ve been making from the start.

For this final product, it’s very important to choose the right modules and not over complicate things. I didn’t test every possible module combination, but some key things I found are:

  • Choose the “Micro Controller” for processing
  • Choose the “Memory Matrix” for data storage
  • Choose the “Simple LCD Display”

These modules:

  • Don’t take up too much space
  • Don’t need any other modules of the same type to make (avoiding building 2 modules instead of 1)
  • Require the same components: Integrated Circuits and Multi-Layer PCBs (Simple LCD Display also needs Coated Glass, but this is as much synergy as we can get between 3 modules)

If you choose the wrong modules here, you’ll need too many different components and won’t have enough space in the building for them.

For the battery, use the Quadruple Battery Stack. This only needs the regular battery stack + plastic parts, both of which we’re already making.

The final blueprint is:

  • Plastic Case
  • Quadruple Battery Stack
  • Simple LCD Display
  • Memory Matrix
  • Micro Controller (x2)

After designing your final product, pause the game and set up your production and logistics. This step can be very tedious. It’s critical not to make mistakes because by this point you probably have very little time left on the challenge timer (I had 70 days left). When ready, fast forward to the end.


In short, the trick to beating this challenge is:

  • Choose an “Endgame” Product (for us, the Pocket Computer)
  • Find out which modules are needed to build it, and which other product types are needed to unlock those modules. Make those other product types first, saving the “Endgame” Product for last when every module is unlocked.
  • Don’t bother upgrading designs after each market phase. Instead, lower your price to keep demand high and focus on selling a lot of units to progress through phases quickly.
  • You need to sell 100 units to progress a market phase. The maximum demand is 50, so if you can sell the maximum amount, you can progress a phase in just 2 weeks. This is the secret to beating the challenge timer.
  • After unlocking every module needed for your “Endgame” product, make a 5-star design and sell the maximum amount until the end.

If everything went smoothly, you should have scored over 10,000 points and won the challenge with 3 trophies. But chances are, they didn’t and you failed. It happens – this challenge is very hard and it’s broken considering how many attempts it takes to find a strategy that works (especially without a guide like this).

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. I’m having trouble with this game.

    I think I’ve played the “Welfare Survival” scenario campaign about 25 or 30 times.
    Despite attempting every strategy I can think of, I have never managed to go beyond 109 days without going bankrupt. I simply never seem to make enough money.

    Does anyone have a suggestion or a plan to help me get started? Typically, I try to start with low-featured El-cheapo calculators to get sales going, then as employees come in, I make small changes to make new models. The “metal reinforced case” doesn’t seem to yield much profit (at least not at a low Phase), so I have no idea what to research or upgrade to get any return.


  2. I have two distinct operations going, both producing pocket computers and needing plenty of logistics workers for each, but I’m only getting five a week somehow, even though one of my missions is to produce 20 of them every week. What actions can I take?

    • To supply them, perhaps try building additional assembly tables and crafting tables. An alternative would be to gather all the modules required to make twenty pocket computers, store them in your inventory, and then place them on the shelf so the assembly workers can access them on Monday.

  3. This did in fact work, however I’ve made a few adjustments. Select a metal case over a plastic one. Instead of in Phase 4, create your endgame product in Phase 2. I made use of a memory bank, a twin battery stack, and two logic circuits. However, excellent instruction overall; well done!

    • Indeed, the designs are highly adaptable provided you have the necessary skills.

      Being able to follow the Calculator > Game Device > Pocket Computer path and having as many “2 week phases” as possible are crucial. The remainder is left to you.

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