Kenshi – Quick Farming Guide

Farming Guide for Beginners

Starter Base Setup

Borderlands (or pretty much any desert region 100% arid/10% green)


  • 4 XL Wheat, 3 XL Cactus, 32 Water (includes .25 per bread) = 24 Dustwich (1680 NU) will feed 42 Greenlanders. This does assume you’ve got 100% fertility so scale accordingly.
  • 5 XL Cactus, 26 Water (includes 1 per rum) = 16 Rum.
  • 3 L Hemp, 15 Water = 32 Fabric.

Two Level 3 wells operating at 60% capacity in Rainbow Valley produce 72 water per day. In practice, you’ll get around 73 water daily when accounting for harvesting breaks. This amount should be sufficient for your operations with a small surplus.

I attempted using 4 hemp fields but found it consumed excessive water and produced more fabric than necessary. It’s advisable to produce only what you need – excess production can fill up your storage space, though having a slight surplus is preferable to shortages.

Example layout of fields, water and grain.If you cluster your buildings and/or walls around the fields then you can easily keep them well lit with a few searchlights. It would have made more sense for me to swap the wheat and hemp to shorten the hauling a little, but then there is the argument that an inefficient base layout does raise athletics faster.


  • 1+ Water Storage
  • 1 Or 2 Cook Stoves
  • 1 Grain Silo
  • 5 Storage: Cactus – Next To Stoves/Still
  • 1 Grain Silo – Preferably Automatic
  • 1 Storage: Wheat Straw – Outside, Next To Silo
  • 2 Fabric Looms(Hemp) – Preferably Automatic And In Your Crafting Building
  • 1 Storage: Hemp – Next To Looms
  • 1 Fabric Chest – Near Your Armor/Weapon Crafting
  • 1 Storage: Flour – Next To Oven
  • 1 Bread Oven
  • 1 Bread Basket – Next To Oven
  • 1 Rum Still
  • 4 Or More Rum Barrels
  • 1 Or More General Storage Chests

Plenty of room for expansion here. I should add some chests for rum but honestly after 2-3 rum/hash runs through the swamp money is no longer an issue. I’m thinking of just shutting the rum down altogether along with the supporting fields.

This is the workshop. I circled the fabric related items.


  • 4 farmers harvesting all fields to minimize harvest times.
  • Operating machine: Wheat Farm (1 for every farm)
  • Operating machine: Cactus Farm (1 for every farm)
  • Operating machine: Hemp Farm (1 for every farm)
  • Hauling to Storage: Cactus (build 1 for each farmer and assign them individually)
  • Hauling to Storage: Wheat, cactus, water – Optional, just make sure it is here or later in the order
  • Whatever other tasks (medic, training, gunner, etc) come after these

Don’t bother assigning hauling tasks to fields, as the machine operator will handle the water anyway, though neither method works very well. You’ll need to monitor the situation and step in occasionally, or you’ll end up with full wells and empty fields. I’ve tested several approaches and found them all unreliable. Perhaps Kenshi 2 will improve automation to match Rimworld’s systems, but the current game definitely falls short in this area.

1 Cook / Brewer:

  • Operating machine: Cooking Stove – Dustwich
  • Operating machine: Cooking Stove – Dried meat, optional
  • Operating machine: Rum Still
  • Whatever other tasks (medic, training, gunner, etc) come after these

1 Assistant Cook:

  • Operating machine: Grain silo (hauling to when you get automatic)
  • Hauling to: Bread oven
  • Hauling to: Flour storage
  • Hauling to: Bread basket
  • Hauling to: Rum barrels
  • Hauling to: Storage: Cactus (the one no farmers haul to, any subsequent haulers will also haul to this one)
  • Hauling to Storage: Wheat, hemp, water – Optional, just make sure it is here or later in the order
  • Whatever other tasks (medic, training, gunner, etc) come after these
  • Prior to automation 2 haulers, later 1 will suffice:
  • Operating machine: Fabric Loom (hauling to when you get automatic)
  • Hauling to Storage: Fabric chest
  • Hauling to Storage: Hemp
  • Hauling to Storage: cactus, wheat, water
  • Whatever other tasks (medic, training, gunner, etc) come after these.

No matter what you do the fabric chest is going to fill up, manually place excess in general storage chests from time to time. They hold a lot more and multiple fabric chests require multiple jobs and will still get jammed inventories.


CropWater / DayCrowth TimeHarvest Time
Yield (S/M/L/XL)Arid / Green / Swamp
Cotton1026h2h48m/5h37m/ 8h26m/11h20m30/60/90/1210%/100%/0%
Green Fruit1020h1h52m/3h16mh/ 4h35m40/70/98100%/0%/0%
Hemp518h2h20m/ 3h45m/ 6h25/36/6440%/100%/100%
Rice weed1015h2h48m/ 5h9m/ 7h35m30/55/8140%/100%/100%
Wheat522h2h20m/4h41m/ 7h01m/9h22m25/50/75/10050%/100%/0%
Hydroponic greenfruit515h1h4m40100%
Hydroponic hemp510h52m30100%
Hydroponic riceweed1010h1h41m60100%
Hydroponic wheatstraw514h1h4m40100%
Hydroponic cotton518h72m50100%


BuildingMaterial CostWorkersPowerEfficiencyWater per day
Well I5 Building materials1075%36
Well II6 Building materials, 4 Iron plates08100%48
Well III9 Building materials, 6 Iron Plates010125%60
Rain collector4 Iron plates00100%48

*Water per day assumes 100% yield/rainfall, scale accordingly.


  • Worker with 0 Farming skill, will work at Grain Silo with 50% speed, processing 360 Wheatstraw into 36 Strawflour per day.
  • Worker with 55 Farming skill, will work at Grain Silo with 100% speed, processing 720 Wheatstraw into 72 Strawflour per day.
  • Worker with 100 Farming skill, will work at Grain Silo with 140% speed, processing 1008 Wheatstraw into 100.8 Strawflour per day.
  • Automatic Grain Silo, working at 100%, can process 720 Wheatstraw into 72 Strawflour per day.


  • 1 worker with 0 Cooking skill (0.5) working at Rum Still can produce 12 Rum per day and consume 240 Cactus and 12 Water per day.
  • 1 worker with 55 Cooking skill (1.0) working at Rum Still can produce 24 Rum per day and consume 480 Cactus and 24 Water per day.
  • 1 worker with 100 Cooking skill (1.4) working at Rum Still can produce 33.6 Rum per day and consume 672 Cactus and 33.6 Water per day.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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