Little Kitty, Big City – All Chameleon’ Hiding Spot Locations + Useful Tips

In this guide you can find all hiding spots of chameleon and more useful adding info for better playthrough.

Where to Find All Hiding Spots of Chameleon


If you don’t want to read the text guide – see complete video:

Full Text Guide

First Time

To start his quest, travel to the store with the carrot logo. Go towards the stairs blocked by water, crawl to the next garden, climb the boxes and you’ll find him on the wall.

After talking to him, he’ll give you a clue to his next location with a rhyme.

Clue 1

“There is a place where hard has shine, where concrete pours and diggers whine, I’ll be camouflaged nearby. Invisible to your weird eye.”

Go to the construction site at the top of the map. If you haven’t unlocked it yet, free Tanuki from the pipe near where Crow asked for 25 shinies. Then get Tanuki 3 feathers to access the site.

Find Chameleon behind the portable bathroom.

Clue 2

“A metal friend with arms spread wide, Provides a place to climb and slide, But you won’t know I’m there at all, Because I’ll be invisible!”

Go to the park behind Duck Dad. Chameleon is badly hidden inside the robot slide.

Clue 3

“A sealed glass containing snacks, Can stop a human in their tracks, What’s better than just one machine? A group of sox to choose between!”

Turn around from the robot towards the vending machines. Chameleon is on top.

Clue 4

“Lizards used to rule the Earth, (And will again – just mark my words!) But, until then, there’s World of Gecku, A store where I will…uh… now expect you?”

Find the World of Gecku store with the giant Gecku statue. Go behind the boxed figures and climb to the top.

Clue 5

“So far I’ve been too merciful, So let’s go somewhere way more vertical! I’ll be near a rooftop garden, Past the water-wielding warden!”

Return to the carrot store, cross the cable bridge while dodging the water lady’s sprays.

Climb to the rooftop garden area, Chameleon is on the wall next to a door.

Clue 6

“This rooftop was a bad idea, An alleyway will bring me cheer, Just look out for the big red bullseye, and… something something something…BYEEE!”

In the alley with the red bullseye logo near the giant Gecku.

Climb the trucks and vents to get to Chameleon.

Clue 7

“You’ll come to the riverfront, Where, magic-cloacked, I’ll watch you hunt. To find me is your dearest wish… Just don’t get sidetracked by the fish!”

Head towards the river from the veggie stand area. Chameleon is on a sign at the corner of a house.

Clue 8

“Besides the small convienence store, Protected by a well locked door, You’ll find a room where humans rest, And that’s where I’ll conclude this test!”

Go to the store with the onigiri logo.

Climb the freezer, jump to the vent, go through to the bathroom. Chameleon is on the mirror.

After finding him the 8th time, he’ll give you his hat!

Useful Tips

Does the cats in the give you anything?

Well when you meet all the other animals there is an achievement, so it’s always good to have met them even if they didn’t ‘teach’ you how to do it.

V-Sync Broken

You can’t fix it right now. But there is a temporary workaround:

  • Set refresh rate to 144 not to 60.
  • Just turn it off and on whenever you play.

The game turns VSync off immediately when it starts. It’s because of the game’s framerate limiter setting. Unity’s framerate limiter only applies while VSync is off, and the game sets the framerate limiter immediately when it starts.

You can also cause VSync to turn off by changing the framerate limit setting. Force VSync on for this game in your driver settings, this probably won’t be fixed any time soon.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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