Resource Buildings: Farm, Mine, Lumber Mill, Quarry, Manor
Farms, Mines, Lumber Mills, Quarries, and Manors produce and store their respective resources: Food, Ore, Wood, Stone, and Gold. These resource buildings can be upgraded to increase production rate and storage. Resource production will stop when storage is full.
Note: Upgrading the Manor will also increase Barrack training speed.
Military Buildings: Barracks, Infirmary
Barracks: Train troops here. Upgrade or build more Barracks to train more soldiers.
Infirmary: The Infirmary is where your injured troops are healed. All troops injured while defending, gathering, occupying, or reinforcing and 60% of troops injured in Skirmishes and outside your Turf (attacking, rallying, War for Wonders) will be sent here.
Admin Buildings: Castle (fixed), Castle Wall (fixed), Vault (fixed), Watchtower (fixed), Academy, Battle Hall, Embassy, Workshop, Trading Post, Prison, Altar
Castle (fixed): Your Castle is the most important building in your Turf. Upgrade it to unlock new buildings and features, and increase the max level of other buildings.
(Resource Buildings can only be of a higher level than your Castle when they are at Lv 2 to 4)
You can check your resources and troop costs at your Castle. When you upgrade the Castle, you get:
- A bigger Army Limit
- More Heroes you can use in an Army
- Larger Army Size
- More Guild Helps you can ask for from your guild members
These improvements let you have a stronger army and get more help from your guild.
Castle Wall (fixed): The Castle Wall is your last line of defense. Garrison heroes and build traps here to protect your turf from invasion. Damaged walls regenerate over time. Upgrade to increase the Wall’s HP, recovery rate, and max Trap capacity.
Vault (fixed): Store your resources in the Vault to safeguard them during raids! Upgrade it to store more resources.
Watchtower (fixed): The Watchtower warns you of impending attacks, informs you when you have been scouted, and let you know when supply troops or reinforcements are arriving. Upgrade it to get more detailed reports. (Lv 25 Watchtowers will unlock the [Fortify] button. Tap it to quickly bolster your defenses for an impending Siege Battle, and lower your enemies’ power!)
Academy: Research new technology at the Academy to unlock boosts. Upgrade the Academy to reduce research time.
Battle Hall: Build a Battle Hall to start or join a rally! Upgrade your Battle Hall to rally more troops. (Soldiers that join a Rally will share the Coalition Leader’s attributes, including Technology, Boosts, Hero Skills, Equipment, and Altar Boosts.)
Embassy: Once you have an Embassy, your guildmates will be able to send troops to help you. Upgrade your Embassy to let more Allied Troops into your turf. Upkeep for Allied Troops sent to your turf will be paid by your guildmate.
Workshop: Forge Equipment, and fuse Jewels and Materials in the Workshop. Upgrade the Workshop to Lv 17 to unlock your Leader’s 2nd Accessory slot, and to Lv 25 to unlock the 3rd Accessory slot.
Trading Post: Trade resources with your guildmates at the Trading Post. Upgrade the Trading Post to send more resources and pay less supply tax. Upgrade the Trading Post to Lv 25 to increase your Supply Troops’ Travel Speed by 100%.
Prison: You can capture enemy Leaders in your Prison at Castle Lv 10+. If your Castle is Lv 17+, you’ll be able to execute prisoners. It takes longer to execute higher level prisoners. Upgrade your Prison to reduce waiting time. (Lv 25 Prisons will grant an Army ATK Boost when an enemy leader is imprisoned.)
Altar: The Altar grants temporary Army Boosts when you execute your captured Leaders. Upgrade the Altar to improve the effects of these boosts. (Executing 1 Leader grants a 24-hour boost. You can extend the duration of the boost by executing more Leaders.)
Special Buildings: Hero Stages, Shelter, Colosseum, Cargo Ship, Treasure Trove, Transmutation Lab, Labyrinth, Kingdom Tycoon, Bazaar
Hero Stages: Mix and match a team of 5 heroes to clear stages! This is e you can get Hero Medals and Trophies. STA is used to enter Herwhero Stages.
Shelter: The Shelter protects your Leader and troops from attacks. Troops in the Shelter will not be lost when your Castle is attacked. (The Shelter has a size and time limit.)
Colosseum: Send out a team of 5 Heroes to battle against other players here! Colosseum battles are all set to auto-battle. When you defeat a player of a higher ranking, you will exchange rankings with that player. You can gain Gems every 3 hours depending on your Colosseum ranking. There are 5 free entries daily, but you can use Gems or Familiar skills to get additional entries. The Colosseum is also influenced by Constellations that change periodically and may help or hurt Heroes depending on the requirements.
Cargo Ship: The Cargo Ship is stocked with amazing items! Trade resources to get the items you want. Each batch of items will remain in the shop for 6 hours. Once the timer runs out, a new batch of items will be brought in. You can also lock items in the shop to prevent them from being taken away.
Treasure Trove: Deposit Gems at the Treasure Trove and earn more Gems over time! Upgrade it to increase the max deposit amount and interest rate.
Transmutation Lab: Transmute Dark Essences (received when destroying Darknests) at the Transmutation Lab. The Transmutation Lab can store a maximum of 3 Dark Essences. You can only transmute one Dark Essence at a time. Each Dark Essence will take a different amount of time to transmute. You can claim your transmuted items once the transmutation is complete.
Labyrinth: Within the Labyrinth lie great treasures, but you must defeat the foul beasts that stand in your way! Only the light of a Holy Star can hurt the creatures that lurk in the Labyrinth. You might chance upon one of the Guardians while journeying through the Labyrinth. Defeat them to get their hoard of Gems!
Kingdom Tycoon: Grab your Luck Tokens and play Kingdom Tycoon to find hidden treasures!
- Use Luck Tokens to advance on the map. Tap [Start] to roll the die, and [Stop] to stop it. The number indicated on the die will determine the number of steps you can move.
- Map tiles may reward you with items or special effects. You could also bump into a Gemming Gremlin on the way! You will encounter a Gemming Gremlin once you reach the end of the map. Gemming Gremlin encounters will allow you to nab Gems from their stashes. If you’re lucky, you could even win their entire Gem stash!
- The map will be reset once you reach the end.
Note: Unlocked at Castle Lv 21+ after completing [Skirmish 8 – Sacred War].
Bazaar: A mysterious building is said to appear only to those chosen by fate. If you’re lucky, the Bazaar will grace you with its presence and offer you special packs!
- The Bazaar is unlocked after completing [Skirmish 4 – Lush Plains].
- The Bazaar will appear randomly in your Turf within the [Bountiful Plains] region.
- Enter the Bazaar to discover special packs! Offers are available for a limited time only.
Familiar Buildings (Clear Skirmish 8 to unlock): Monsterhold, Mystic Spire, Gym, Spring
Monsterhold: The Monsterhold is where you manage your Familiars. You can summon Familiars with Pacts, enhance them to the next growth stage, or upgrade their skills. You can also shatter Runes here.
Mystic Spire: The Mystic Spire is where you can get Pacts and Skillstones. Pacts can be used to summon Familiars (duplicate Familiars will turn into Runes). Skillstones are used to activate Familiar skills. Upgrade the Mystic Spire to increase the amount of items you can get in each batch.
Gym: Train your Familiars in the Gym! Here, they can gain EXP and level up. Elder Familiars at max level can also gain Skill EXP. (Each Gym built will give 1 additional training slot.)
Spring: Springs affect Anima production rate and storage. Production stops when storage is full. Build more Springs or upgrade them to increase efficiency and merging speed in the Mystic Spire.
Research technology in this research tree to increase Construction Speed, Resource Production, Army Capacity, Gem Gathering Speed, and Resource Gathering Speed.
Research technology in this research tree to increase max Wall HP and unlock traps. You can also upgrade Traps here to keep out intruders.
Research technology in this research tree to increase Training Speed, Army Travel Speed, Troop Attributes, and receive more information when scouting (Intelligence Report). You can also unlock higher tier troops here to make your army stronger.
Monster Hunt
Research technology in this research tree to improve your Monster Hunting capabilities. You can increase Energy limit and regain speed, and reduce Energy required for hunting. You can also increase the number of times you can hunt in a row, hunting Travel Speed, DMG Boost, etc. Research these technologies to unlock the ability to hunt higher level monsters!
Upgrade Defenses
Research technology in this research tree to improve your traps’ attributes, increase Wall repair speed, and Trap-building Speed. You can also unlock the ability to repair traps destroyed in battle and save resources.
Upgrade Military
Research technology in this research tree to unlock Gathering Priority and Rally Priority, functions that help you auto-select troops. You can also increase Infirmary Healing Speed, Training Speed, Army Travel Speed, max Talent sets, max Equipment sets, Army Limit, and reduce the cost of training troops.
Army Leadership
Research technology in this research tree to unlock various Army Lineups, improve resource gathering, increase Training Speed, Infirmary Capacity, and Gold production and capacity. You can also research technology that weakens your enemy army’s ATK, DEF, and max HP.
Military Command
Research technology in this research tree to increase resources obtained from [Extra Supplies], resource storage, and max Stamina. You can also expand your Shelter, increase attributes for attacking Darknests, and more.
Research technology in this research tree to unlock higher level Pacts. You can also increase Anima production and Merging Speed, and reduce Merging Costs… all of which will help you in your quest to summon and train Familiars!
Note: This research tree will only be unlocked after clearing [Skirmish 8 – Sacred War]
Research technology in this research tree to improve various attributes and unlock Sigil slots for each equipment type. This allows you to inlay Sigils in your equipment. Different Sigils will grant different skills.
Note: This research tree will only be unlocked at Academy Lv 24.
Wonder Battles
Research this tree to increase troop attributes and max Coalition Army size in Wonder battles. Note: This research tree will only be unlocked at Academy Lv 24.
Your Leader can wear Equipment for useful boosts. There are 6 different types: Helmet, Armor, Legs, Main-hand, Off-hand, and Accessory. Gather materials to forge and upgrade Equipment in the Workshop. Boosts will only be active when your Leader is alive and uncaptured.
You can also inlay Jewels and Sigils into equipment to increase its attributes. Equipment sets can easily be changed by using the Quick Swap feature (Tap on your Leader’s portrait on the top left → Swap button in the middle of your equipment to access Quick Swap).
Note: Go to the Workshop to learn more about equipment and materials required for forging equipment.
You’ll get Talent Points each time you level up. These can be used to learn or upgrade Talents. Tap on your Leader’s portrait on the top left corner, and the first blue icon on the left to find your Talents. Here, you can assign Talent Points to Talents for boosts.
You can unlock more Talent Sets by researching [Innate Talent] in the Academy (in the [Upgrade Military] research tree). You can also gain more Talent points by researching [Hidden Talent] in the [Military Command] research tree.
Guilds are an important part of Lords Mobile in this war-torn Kingdom. Joining a guild will grant you access to events like the Guild Fest and Guild Showdown, and features such as Guild Help (where your guildmates can help speed up your construction and research projects) and Monster Hunt. Work together with your allies to raid your enemies, protect each other from attacks, and fight for the Wonders! Share gifts, treasures, and supplies with each other. The Guild Shop will also be available, along with its inventory, which you can purchase with Guild Coins.
You will receive various different messages in this game, e.g. System Messages, Supply Reports, and Battle Reports. These will be sorted into different mail folders. You can also tap on the star to the right of a message to save it. Each mail folder has a limit to how many messages it can hold. Once the limit is reached, old mail will be deleted automatically. Make sure you check your mailbox to ensure that you do not miss out on any important messages.
There are many quests that you can complete in Lords Mobile: [Turf Quests], [Admin Quests], [Guild Quests], and [VIP Quests].
Turf Quests: Turf Quests will guide you through the game. If you are new here, follow the recommended Turf Quests, as they will help you progress through the game and understand its intricacies.
Admin Quests: Admin Quests are completed once the countdown timer ends. There are 5 Quest Grades: Legendary > Epic > Rare >Uncommon > Common. Higher graded Quests yield better rewards, including Equipment Materials and Jewels. Once you have completed a list of quests, it will take 6 hours for a new list to become available. Quests that are completed or in-progress will not reset before the 6 hours are up.
Guild Quests: Guild Quests are only unlocked when you join a Guild. Guild Quests are similar to Admin Quests, as they are also completed once the countdown timer ends. They also have 5 Quest Grades: Legendary > Epic > Rare >Uncommon > Common. Higher graded Quests yield better rewards, including Equipment Materials and Jewels. Once you have completed a list of quests, it will take 6 hours for a new list to become available. Quests that are completed or in-progress will not reset before the 6 hours are up.
VIP Quests: More VIP Quest Chests will be available as you increase your VIP level. You can open 1 VIP Quest Chest each hour to get many amazing items.
Note: You can use [Quest Scroll (Guild)] and [Quest Scroll (Admin)] to refresh the lists of Guild and Admin quests respectively.
You can auto complete Admin Quests at VIP 7, and auto complete Guild Quests at VIP 8. All you need to do is tap the Auto-Complete button to claim your quest rewards.
About Sigils:
- Sigils and Sigil slots look different from Jewels and Jewel slots.
- You can unlock Sigil slots by performing research under the [Sigils] research tree.
- Jewels cannot be inlaid into Sigil slots.
- Sigils cannot be inlaid into Jewel slots.
- The Sigil’s skill will not work if it is inlaid into equipment of a higher grade. For example, a [Legendary] Shadow Sigil will work on Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary Equipment. A [Common] Shadow Sigil will only work on Common Equipment.
About Sigil Skills: Each Sigil has unique skills. e.g. the Wolfpack Sigil increases Rally ATK (only for Wonders: Forts, Base, Royal Wonder, District Wonder) based on the total number of Wolfpack Sigils inlaid into the equipment of the rally participants (does not include Rally Captain)
Get Sigils from:
- Mall packs.
- Various in-game events.
No longer are monsters just wild creatures, to be hunted for the treasures they possess! Now, Athena has extended her blessings, and granted all Lords and Ladies the ability to forge pacts with Monsters and make them Familiars! Train your Familiars to their full potential! Their support skills will improve your turf and their attack skills will destroy your enemies! With these formidable companions by your side, nothing will stand in your way!
All your Familiars can be found in the Monsterhold, a special building found in the leftmost area of your Turf. You can summon Familiars by opening Pacts, which can be made in the Mystic Spire. Duplicate Familiars will be turned into Runes. To make Pacts, you must merge Anima (a resource produced by the Springs) with other items. Runes are required to enhance your Familiar and make them stronger! To upgrade your Familiar, you must also max out their level. You can increase their level by training them in the Gym.
Inviting Friends
Voyage Quests are unlocked at Castle Lv 4. You can start inviting friends to join your Allied Voyage at Castle Lv 7. Complete quests together and you’ll both get rewards!
Voyage Quests
- Last for 14 days.
- Complete the quests to get rewards.
- Finish all quests to get the Completion Reward!
Inviting Friends
- Invited friends that join and link their account will get the [Welcome Gift]
- You will receive an [Invitation Reward] when a friend you invited joins the game.
- You get the [Comrade Reward] when your friend completes a Voyage Quest.
New Player Guide
What can I expect in Lords Mobile?
Lords Mobile is a MMO strategy game with millions of players from all over the globe. In the game, you are the ruler of your Turf. You have to work to develop your Turf, expand your Castle, raise your army, and compete against others to be the best! To that end, you can choose to join a guild, and work together with your allies to further your goals.
There are many packs in the Mall for you to choose from! The “Winning Start” pack in particular is extremely useful to new players. These packs contain Speed Up items, Bravehearts, VIP Points, Energy, resources, Sacred equipment, and The Big Guy Medals. The Medals can be used to hire and enhance the exclusive hero: The Big Guy. Sacred equipment and The Big Guy will really increase a new player’s Might.
Note: The first “Winning Start” pack does not contain any Equipment or Medals. Sacred Equipment and The Big Guy Medals are only available after the 2nd tier of this pack.
How do I protect my Turf?
You can activate a Shield. While it is active, the Shield will ensure that your Turf cannot be scouted or attacked by other players. You can also send your troops to your Shelter; if your Turf is attacked, troops in the Shelter will not be harmed.
Why has my Shield disappeared?
The following actions will deactivate your Shield:
- Your newbie Shield (3 d) will deactivate when your Castle reaches Lv9.
- Your Shield will deactivate when you scout or attack other players.
- Your Shield will deactivate when you relocate to the Wonder’s Province.
How can I check or move to other Kingdoms?
Tap on the Map icon on the bottom left corner to go to the Kingdom Map, then tap on the globe icon to go to the World Map. Tap on a Kingdom to check out its Kingdom Map. New players can use a Novice Relocator to transfer their Turf to another Kingdom by tapping on an empty tile, and selecting [Relocate]. Players can only move to a Kingdom where migration is restricted if it is older than their home Kingdom.
Note: The Novice Relocator can only be used at Castle Lv 5 or lower, and within seven days after starting the game.
How can I get more Gems?
- Join a Guild for the first time
- Open Guild Gifts
- Open the Mystery Box (chest icon on the bottom right corner in your Turf)
- Participate in events
- Purchase packs in the Mall
- Attack/ kill the Guardians in the Labyrinth
- The top 5,000 players in the Colosseum will get Gems (amount depends on their ranking)
- Deposit Gems in the Treasure Trove to earn more over time
- Some Familiar skills will grant you Gems
- Link your account (does not apply to Facebook links)
- Monsters may drop Gems
Note: Clear Skirmish 8 to unlock the Labyrinth
Can I sell/buy Gems and resources?
Gem and resource buying and selling is against the IGG Terms of Service. However, you can gift items to your guildmates (only those with lower Might) if you have access to the Gift Shop, which can be unlocked by purchasing a $99.99 USD pack. You can also send resources to guildmates through the Trading Post.
How do I change my player name?
There are two ways to change your player name:
- 1. Tap on your [Bag] and head to the [Gem Mall]. You can purchase the [Name-Changer] under the [Unique] tab.
After this, the item can be found in your [Bag]. Tap on the [Use] button, enter your new name, and tap [Confirm] to change your name.
- 2. Tap on your Leader’s portrait (top left corner), and tap on the scroll icon besides your name. If you already have a [Name-Changer], you can use it here. If not, you can spend 100 Gems to purchase one and use it.
Note: Your player name is also the name of your Turf.
How do I gather resources?
You can find resource tiles on the Kingdom Map. Once you find one, tap on it and select [Gather] to send your troops out to gather resources. Your troops will need some time to gather the resources. Once complete, they will return back to your Turf with these resources. You will also receive a Resource Report in your mailbox. The max number of resources you can gather depends on your Army Capacity.
How do I earn Player EXP?
Clear Hero and Skirmish Stages, hunt Monsters, engage in battles, use Player EXP items, or complete Turf, Admin, and Guild Quests, etc. to earn Player EXP.
How do I link and switch accounts?
Tap on the Gear icon, and choose [Account]. If your account has not been linked, tap on [Link] to link your account to Gmail or Apple Game Center. You can also link your account to your Facebook or WeChat account. Once you have linked your account, you can use the [Switch Account] button to log in via your linked 3rd party account.
I opened the game and my account has become a new account! What do I do?
If your account has been linked to a 3rd party account, please use that account to log into the game.
If your account has not been linked to any 3rd party accounts, please link your new account to a 3rd party account that you want to be linked to your old account, and contact customer support with the relevant information. We will help you retrieve your old account.
I can’t log into the game and there’s an error message! What do I do?
Switch to another Wifi / 4G connection and try logging in again. If this issue persists, please contact our customer support.
I logged back into the game but my Turf has moved! What happened?
If you haven’t changed your Player Name or have not logged into the game for a long period of time, your account will be regarded as an inactive account. These inactive accounts will be temporarily reclaimed by the system, and will be placed on a random spot on the Map when you return.
What are Talent Points, and how do I get them?
Talent Points are used to level up Talents. You can get Talent Points by increasing your Player Level, or by researching the relevant technology.
What is Energy?
Energy is used in Monster Hunts. Hunting monsters depletes Energy, which will recover over time. You can also use items to regain Energy.
Note: There is an Energy Limit. Energy will be lost if you restore Energy that exceeds this limit. You can increase your Energy Limit through research, unlocking certain heroes’ Battle Skills, equipping Hunting equipment, or inlaying the relevant Jewels onto your equipment.
What are Turf Quests, Admin Quests, Guild Quests, and VIP Quests?
Turf Quests are quests that will guide you as you progress through the game. Tap on the Collect button to claim your rewards once you have completed a quest.
Admin and Guild Quests are completed once the countdown timer ends. A new list of Quests will be available every 6 hours.
You can open a VIP Quest Chest every hour. The number of chests you can open will reset daily.
Under what circumstances will a Guild be disbanded?
- 1. When a Guild does not contain at least 11 members for 3 consecutive days, the system will send a warning message to the Guild Leader. If the Guild does not contain at least 11 members within the next two days, the Guild will automatically be disbanded.
- 2. If the Guild Leader is the only member in the guild, and their account is reclaimed by the system due to inactivity, the Guild will automatically be disbanded.
What is the max Castle, Hero, and Player Level?
The max Castle Level is 25, while the max Hero and Player Levels are 60.
What is the VIP system?
All players are VIP members. There are 15 VIP levels and you can get more VIP perks (e.g. Resource Production boost, Travel Speed boost, Auto Battle for Hero Stages, Army attribute boosts, etc.) by increasing your VIP level.
Note: Tap on the VIP icon near your Leader’s portrait to view your current VIP perks, and perks for each VIP level.
How do I get VIP points?
Log in daily to earn VIP points. You can earn more VIP points when you log in on consecutive days. Tap on the [Get Points] button in the VIP menu to purchase items that will grant you VIP points. You can also earn VIP Points through other methods like completing Quests, participating in events, and using certain Familiar skills.
How do I increase my Might?
You can increase your Might by training troops, building and upgrading buildings, researching new technology, building traps, completing quests, increasing your Player Level, enhancing and promoting Heroes, and upgrading Familiars. You can view the Might you will earn from the project in the construction / research / upgrade menu.
What is a rally?
A rally is when multiple players team up to attack an enemy.
When starting a rally, the Rally Captain can set a Rally time. Guildmates must deploy their Armies within this time. Once this time is up, the Coalition Army will attack the enemy.
You must have a Battle Hall to start a Rally. Your Battle Hall level will determine the max number of troops that can be deployed in your Coalition Army.
Only the Rally Captain can dismiss the entire Coalition Army, or send back Coalition Troops sent by a certain player. Players cannot recall troops sent to a rally.
How do I increase my Army Limit?
You will gain an Army at Castle Lv 7, 13, 19, and 25. You can also increase your Army Limit by researching technology.
How do I save coordinates?
Tap on a tile on the Kingdom Map, and then tap on the scroll icon to create a bookmark. You can find your bookmarks by tapping on the scroll icon under the chat window.
Note: You can only save coordinates, not places (e.g. another player’s Turf, resource tiles, monsters, etc.).
How do I hire Heroes?
Collect 10 Hero Medals to hire that Hero. You can earn Medals by completing Hero Stages (Normal & Elite), purchasing packs, or participating in events.
How do I upgrade Heroes?
You can level up your Heroes and collect Trophies to equip them to your Heroes. Your Heroes can be promoted when you fill all Trophy slots, unlocking more Hero and Battle Skills for use! You can also use Medals to enhance Heroes, which increases their Might and improves their skills.
What do Heroes do in battle?
Heroes lead your troops into battle and can increase your max army size! Their battle skills will also grant boosts to your army, e.g. ATK and DEF Boosts.
What is the difference between Equipment and Hero Trophies?
Equipment grants boosts to your entire Turf / Army, while Trophies will only affect the Hero that they are equipped on. Fill all Trophy slots on a Hero, and you can promote them!
What are the perks to joining a Guild?
Many events and features are only available to players in a guild, e.g. Monster Hunt, Rally Attack, etc. Joining a guild will grant you access to the Guild Gift and Guild Coins. And that’s not all! Join a guild now to find out more!
What do I get from completing Skirmishes?
Complete Skirmishes to unlock areas in your Turf to build more buildings. Certain buildings are only unlocked after clearing Skirmishes.
Which technology should I research?
There are many different technologies in the Academy that you can choose from. Check out the different research trees, e.g. “Economy”, “Military”, “Monster Hunt”, depending on which aspect you want to focus on.
Which troops should I train?
This depends on your Equipment, Research, Talents, and many other factors. Build an army of your very own! Will you choose to focus on one or two troop types, or a mixed army? It’s all up to you!
How many Resource / Military Buildings should I build?
The number of Resource Buildings you’ll want to build will depend on:
- Which resources you require.
- Boosts acquired from your equipment, Talent, Research, etc. Production Boosts can boost the efficiency of your Resource Buildings.
(Remember that you can also gather resources from Resource Tiles on the Kingdom Map!)
As for Military Buildings:
- If you want to speed up troop training and produce more Gold, build more Manors.
- If you want to train more troops at a time, build more Barracks.
- If you need to hold more injured troops, build more Infirmaries.
What are the special packs that are based on my Castle Level e.g. 7 of the Best, All the way to 11, etc.? How are they different from the other packs in the Mall?
These special packs will only appear when your Castle reaches a certain level. These packs contain items that will help you progress at your Castle level. It will expire once the countdown ends or when you reach a higher level.
What is the Limited-Time: Full Charge Gift?
When you purchase a pack, there’s a chance that you’ll activate the “Full Charge Gift” page. Purchase the required amount of Gems before the time runs out, and you will receive the “Full Charge Gift” (along with a notification mail).
Can I have multiple construction or research projects at the same time?
You can have a maximum of 1 construction project and 1 research project in your queue. You must complete your current project to construct or research a new project.
How does the Grade, Rank, and Level of my Hero affect them?
- Hero Grade affects the potency of Battle Skills and the base stat growth of the Hero.
- Hero Rank increases the Hero’s Command and unlocks more skills.
- Hero Level affects the level of Hero Skills. Trophies also have a level requirement.
Heroes have various skills that boost Research Speed, Construction Speed, Training Speed, Troop ATK, DEF, etc. How are these skills activated?
Tap on their icon under Battle Skills to check. “Activates when hired”: Indicates that this skill is activated when the Hero is hired, and the Grade Bonus depends on the Grade of that Hero. e.g. Research Boost, Construction Boost, Training Dummy, etc. “Active when sent into battle”: Indicates that this skill is only active when the Hero is sent into battle with troops. e.g. Army ATK Boost, Infantry DEF Boost, etc.
Will my troops die when my Food reaches 0?
When Food reaches 0, the system will not deduct your Food resources, and this does not affect your troops. We suggest using Food resource items if required for projects such as construction.
Why does the Gift Level EXP increase when I open Guild Gifts?
You can get Guild Gifts when you or your Guildmates kill Monsters or buy Special Bundles. Open these Guild Gifts to get Keys, and fill up the key bar to unlock a Guild Box. Opening the Gift Box will grant Gift EXP, that increases Gift Levels. You can find out more by heading to the [Guild Gifts] page and tapping on [i].
I’ve completed a Solo / Hell Event, but I didn’t get any ranking prizes!
These events are open to all Kingdoms. Competition can get fierce as players from every Kingdom are ranked on the same board. If you want to rank in these events, you will likely need to get more event points than the minimum to complete them!
My Leader was captured! What do I do?
If your Leader was captured, you can try the following:
- Contact your guildmates or friends to attack the player who captured your Leader. If they defeat the captor in battle, your Leader will be freed.
- If your captor has set a Ransom, you can pay that ransom to free your Leader. If your captor has not set a ransom, or the ransom fee is too high, you can message them to negotiate.
- Set a bounty for your Leader. Other players can claim this bounty if they attack your captor and rescue your Leader. (Once you set a bounty, you cannot reclaim it. Your bounty will not be refunded even if your Leader is not rescued, or they are set free by the captor.)
- Use the Devil’s Cap. This will poison your Leader, and they will die in 24 hours. You can either wait for your Leader to revive, or use a Revival Fruit to revive them instantly. (Devil’s Caps can be purchased from the Mall. Chalice Points can be used to redeem Devil’s Caps in the Chalice Treasury. Revival Fruits can be found in the Gem Mall.)
If none of the above solutions work, you can only wait for your Leader to be executed. You can revive your Leader after execution by waiting for them to revive, or using a Revival Fruit. There’s also a chance that your Leader may escape if their captor has not executed them yet.
Will my account be affected when my Leader is captured?
When your Leader is captured, you will lose all boosts from your Talents and Equipment. These boosts will be reactivated once your Leader has returned to your Castle or has been revived.
Why do the resource bars on the top right corner change to a different color?
When a resource bar turns completely blue (with yellow text), this means that you have reached the maximum quantity of that resource. Production of that resource will stop once this happens. If a resource bar is not completely blue, resource production will still be active.
Why can’t I damage my enemy’s Castle Wall?
Castle Walls have their own HP bar and DEF, which can be upgraded via research, Talents, Equipment, Hero Skills, etc. If your army is not strong enough, you may not be able to damage the Wall at all.
My Infirmary isn’t full yet, but my troops have died!
Only 60% of troops injured in Skirmishes and outside your Turf (attacking, rallying, War for Wonders) will be sent to the Infirmary. The remaining 40% will be killed.
Is there a limit to how many messages my mailbox can hold?
Each mail folder has a limit to how many messages it can hold: 50 System Messages,100 Battle Reports, 100 Supply Reports, and 100 Saved Mail.
Why did I lose Energy when the Monster I was attempting to hunt disappeared?
Your Energy will be deducted once you send your Hunting Troops out. This Energy cannot be regained even if you were unable to hit the Monster. Please take note if any other players are hunting the same Monster as you are before sending your troops. Remember to check the countdown timer under the Monster, as they will disappear from the Kingdom Map once the countdown ends.
Is there a limit to how long my Altar Boost can last?
Executing multiple Leaders will extend the duration of your Altar Boost. There is no limit for the boost duration.
Note: You can also increase the boost duration by researching the relevant technology.
Why did my troops attack when my Castle Wall had not been destroyed?
If the attacking army is only made up of ranged troops, your defending troops will automatically attack.
My second consecutive Monster Hunt dealt less damage despite the extra DMG boost!
Monster Hunt damage depends on how much DMG your Heroes deal out. Many factors can affect this: your Hero Team, skill activation, MP recovery, etc. As such, damage dealt may vary on different hunts.
I’ve completed all Phases of the Hell Event, but I didn’t receive the points!
Points will only be awarded for completing Hell Event Quests in the first 55 minutes of the event. The Hell Event will be closed in the last 5 minutes of the hour to get ready for the next Hell Event.
My Gold disappeared after I set the bounty!
Your Gold will be deducted once you set the bounty. Your bounty will not be refunded even if your Leader is not rescued, or they are set free by the captor.
My troops were still travelling, but they’ve already attacked my target’s Turf!
If your target relocated their Turf after your army was sent out, your army will immediately attack your target’s Turf.
Where can I get Star Scrolls?
You can get them from:
- Packs in the Mall that include Star Scrolls (e.g. the “Castle Remodeling” pack).
- Various in-game events.
What are the Turf Club & 7-Day Dash Bundle?
Turf Club – Subscribe to or purchase the Turf Club to get the following benefits:
- 1) Research Speed +25%
- 2) Construction Speed +25%
- 3) Player EXP Boost +25%
- 4) Auto-completion of Admin Quests and one-tap collection of rewards
- 5) Auto-completion of Guild Quests and one-tap collection of rewards
7-Day Dash Bundle – Subscribe to or purchase the 7-Day Dash Bundle to claim the following items once per day for up to 7 Days after subscribing or purchasing:
- 1) Speed Up (60 m) *4
- 2) Speed Up Training (60 m) *4
- 3) Speed Up Research (60 m) *4
- 4) 600,000 Gold
- 5) 1,500,000 Stone
- 6) 1,500,000 Timber
- 7) 1,500,000 Ore
- 8) 6,000,000 Food
Note: Subscriptions are a Google/Apple feature. Players on other versions can purchase the Turf Club & 7-Day Dash Bundle to enjoy the above benefits. Check the “Turf Club” & “7-Day Dash Bundle” page in Turf Boosts for more details.
Where do I find the Turf Club & 7-day Dash Bundle?
Turf Club:
- Head to the Turf Boosts menu (icon under the resource bars on the right).
- Scroll down to “Subscriptions/Special Benefit”
- Tap on “Turf Club”
7-day Dash Bundle:
- Head to the Turf Boosts menu (icon under the resource bars on the right)
- Scroll down to “Subscriptions/Special Benefit”
- Tap on “7-day Dash Bundle”
How long will a Turf Club subscription/purchase cycle last?
- A subscription cycle lasts one month, and can be automatically renewed.
- A purchase cycle lasts for 30 days, and will not be automatically renewed.
Note: The cycle will remain active if you go offline.
Frequently Asked Questions / F.A.Q.
What can I expect in Lords Mobile?
Lords Mobile is a MMO strategy game with millions of players from all over the globe. In the game, you are the ruler of your Turf. You have to work to develop your Turf, expand your Castle, raise your army, and compete against others to be the best! To that end, you can choose to join a guild, and work together with your allies to further your goals.
I’ve linked the wrong account! What do I do?
Don’t worry! Contact our customer support with the relevant information. Once we have verified the information provided, we will help you make the changes.
There are many packs in the Mall for you to choose from! The “Winning Start” pack in particular is extremely useful to new players. These packs contain Speed Up items, Bravehearts, VIP Points, Energy, resources, Sacred equipment, and The Big Guy Medals. The Medals can be used to hire and enhance the exclusive hero: The Big Guy. Sacred equipment and The Big Guy will really increase a new player’s Might.
Note: The first “Winning Start” pack does not contain any Equipment or Medals. Sacred Equipment and The Big Guy Medals are only available after the 2nd tier of this pack.
How do I protect my Turf?
You can activate a Shield. While it is active, the Shield will ensure that your Turf cannot be scouted or attacked by other players. You can also send your troops to your Shelter; if your Turf is attacked, troops in the Shelter will not be harmed.
Why has my Shield disappeared?
The following actions will deactivate your Shield:
- Your newbie Shield (3 d) will deactivate when your Castle reaches Lv9.
- Your Shield will deactivate when you scout or attack other players.
- Your Shield will deactivate when you relocate to the Wonder’s Province.
How can I check or move to other Kingdoms?
Tap on the Map icon on the bottom left corner to go to the Kingdom Map, then tap on the globe icon to go to the World Map. Tap on a Kingdom to check out its Kingdom Map. New players can use a Novice Relocator to transfer their Turf to another Kingdom by tapping on an empty tile, and selecting [Relocate]. Players can only move to a Kingdom where migration is restricted if it is older than their home Kingdom.
Note: The Novice Relocator can only be used at Castle Lv 5 or lower, and within seven days after starting the game.
How can I get more Gems?
- Join a Guild for the first time.
- Open Guild Gifts.
- Open the Mystery Box (chest icon on the bottom right corner in your Turf).
- Participate in events.
- Purchase packs in the Mall.
- Attack/ kill the Guardians in the Labyrinth.
- The top 5,000 players in the Colosseum will get Gems (amount depends on their ranking).
- Deposit Gems in the Treasure Trove to earn more over time.
- Some Familiar skills will grant you Gems.
- Link your account (does not apply to Facebook links).
- Monsters may drop Gems.
Note: Clear Skirmish 8 to unlock the Labyrinth
Can I sell/buy Gems and resources?
Gem and resource buying and selling is against the IGG Terms of Service. However, you can gift items to your guildmates (only those with lower Might) if you have access to the Gift Shop, which can be unlocked by purchasing a $99.99 USD pack. You can also send resources to guildmates through the Trading Post.
I logged in to a new account! What do I do?
If your account was linked to a 3rd party account, you can log in via this 3rd party account to access your old account in [Gear] – [Account]. If your account was not linked to any 3rd party account, please contact customer support with your account information, and we will aid you in retrieving your account after verifying your identity.
I’m not getting any push notifications!
If you’re not getting any push notifications, please do the following:
- Ensure that your notifications are turned on in both game settings and device settings
- Check if you have logged into the game on multiple devices, including device emulators. Notifications will only be sent to the device that you last logged into.
- If you are sharing accounts, please note that notifications will only be sent to the device that the account was last logged into.
- Notifications will not be sent within 3 minutes of closing the game, as the system still regards you as being online
- Switch off battery saver and/or hardware acceleration. You may not be able to receive notifications if you have switched on these modes.
- Switch to a stable connection. You may not be able receive notifications if your device is connected to an unstable network.
- Check if you can receive enemy attack / scout notifications.
- Switch off all notifications in-game, then restart the game. Switch the notifications back on once you’ve restarted, and check if you can now receive notifications normally.
- Change your game to another language, and then change it back. Check if you can now receive notifications normally.
If you are still unable to receive notifications after doing the suggestions above, please contact our customer support, and we will help you investigate this issue.
I can’t log into the game!
Switch to a 4G or Wifi connection and restart the game. Please check your device settings and ensure that you have allowed [Lords Mobile] to use both WLAN & Mobile Data. If there are no problems with your connection settings, please contact our customer support and we will investigate the issue.
I can’t make a purchase!
Try the steps below. If the issues persist, please contact customer support for further assistance.
- Switch to a stable connection.
- Quit and reboot the game.
- Check your payment method.
Account Issues
Does Lords Mobile support account sharing and trading?
No. Account sharing and trading will compromise your account security. The Lords Mobile team is not responsible for any losses that occur from these actions.
What is an IGG ID?
An IGG ID is your game account. This is required if you want to join events or use exchange codes.
How do I link my account?
For Android / Amazon Users:
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Link account] to link a Google account / Amazon account.
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch Device]. Choose the third party account you want your game account to be linked to, and tap [Link]. Follow the steps shown on your screen to link your account.
For iOS Users:
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch Device]. Choose the third party account you want your game account to be linked to, and tap [Link]. Follow the steps shown on your screen to link your account.
If you have any queries about linking your account, please contact customer support. We will do our best to assist you!
How do I switch accounts?
For Android Users:
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch account], and sign in with the Google account that your game account is linked to.
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch Device] → [Log In], and follow the instructions on screen to log into the third party account that your game account is linked to.
For iOS Users:
- Switch your Game Center account and then relog into the game to switch accounts.
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch Device] → [Log In], and follow the instructions on screen to log into the third party account that your game account is linked to.
For Amazon Users:
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Log In] to switch accounts.
- Tap on the [Gear icon] → [Account] → [Switch Device] → [Log In], and follow the instructions on screen to log into the third party account that your game account is linked to.
If you have any queries about switching your account, please contact customer support. We will do our best to assist you!
What is a guest account?
Guest accounts are game accounts linked to your device. If your device is linked to a guest account, you could lose your game progress during the following (a new account will be started upon entering the game):
- Reinstalling the game
- After update maintenance
- Resetting phone to factory settings
- Changing your device
We recommend linking your game account to a 3rd party account to prevent losses. If you have lost your old account, please contact our customer support and we will aid you in the retrieval of your account.
Can I unlink a third party account from my Lords Mobile account?
Please contact customer support for such services. They will assist you in unlinking your third party account after verifying your account information.
I’ve linked the wrong account! What do I do?
Don’t worry! Contact our customer support with the relevant information. Once we have verified the information provided, we will help you make the changes.
Payment Issues
Can I get a refund after purchasing a pack?
No. If you have any issues regarding pack purchases, please contact customer support ASAP.
I didn’t get the pack I paid for!
This may be due to various issues, e.g. technical issues, delays with payment servers, etc. Please try the following steps:
- Wait for the pack to arrive.
- Quit and reboot the game.
- Contact our customer support to check your pack’s status.
What do I do if payment fails, along with an error code?
Try the following steps below. If you still have issues after doing these steps, please contact our customer support.
- Switch to a stable connection.
- Quit and reboot the game.
- Check your payment method.
What do I do if the wrong currency is shown in the Mall?
Switch to another 4G or Wifi connection and restart the game. Please check if the account that you are using is the account you use to make payments. If there are still display issues after following the instructions given, please contact our customer support.
I’m not interested in any of the packs currently available in the Mall.
The packs in the Mall will be changed daily. Normally, packs will refresh every day at 0:00 (GMT-5). However, packs may appear at other times. Check the Mall daily and your favorite packs will be back before you know it!
Kingdom Clash
Ready your weapons and lead your kingdom to victory! To the victors go the Gem lodes!
1. The Kingdom Clash is not available in protected Kingdoms. Kingdoms must be at least 90 days old to participate. The event will last for 1 day.
2. [Migration Scrolls] are rendered inactive during the event. Participating players can use a [Random Relocator] or [Relocator] to invade a rival Kingdom. Players can only invade the rival Kingdom that their home Kingdom is competing against.
3. Earn Solo, Guild, and Kingdom points by occupying Wonders, killing rival soldiers, destroying rival traps, and gathering resources and hunting monsters in rival Kingdoms.
- Solo Cup – 3 event checkpoints. Earn rewards when you complete a checkpoint. You can also get ranking prizes.
- Guild Cup – 3 event checkpoints. Work together as a guild, and all guild members will receive rewards when a checkpoint is reached. The top 100 guilds will get ranking prizes.
- Kingdom Cup – Work together with your Kingdom to earn points! Kingdoms will be ranked against each other on a ranking board.
4. Gem Lodes will appear in participating Kingdoms 1 day after the event ends. The top Kingdoms will get bigger Gem Lodes.
Guild Fest
The Guild Fest is a test of teamwork. Each guild member can complete quests to earn points for their guild. The more points your guild gets, the higher the Reward Tier! Raise your guild’s Tier to claim more rewards!
Event Rules:
- You can only participate if your guild has more than 25 members, and your Castle is Lv15 or above.
- You can only gain points for the guild you started the event in. (No switching guilds mid-event.)
- Once you accept a quest, you must complete it within a certain time. The quest will fail if you exceed the time limit.
- Abandoning quests will not restore your quest attempts. Choose your quests carefully!
- Rank 4 and above guild members can remove quests that have not been claimed yet. No points/attempts will be lost.
- If a quest is claimed or removed, a new quest will appear after 30 minutes.
Gauntlet Rules:
- There are five Gauntlets. From lowest to highest: Beginner Gauntlet → Intermediate Gauntlet → Advanced Gauntlet → Expert Gauntlet → Master Gauntlet
- Guilds who are participating in the Guild Fest for the first time will start in the Beginner Gauntlet.
- Guilds that reach Tier 8 and are ranked in the top 5 will advance to a higher Gauntlet in the next Guild Fest. To advance to the Master Gauntlet, Guilds must reach Tier 8 and be ranked in the top 3.
- Guilds will be dropped to a lower Gauntlet in the next Guild Fest if they are ranked in the bottom 5 in the first 4 Gauntlets, or in the bottom 6 in the Master Gauntlet.
- Quest attempts and reward tiers change according to Gauntlet changes.
- Master Gauntlet: 10 Quest Attempts, 27 Reward Tiers.
- Expert Gauntlet: 9 Quest Attempts, 24 Reward Tiers.
- Advanced Gauntlet: 8 Quest Attempts, 21 Reward Tiers.
- Intermediate Gauntlet: 7 Quest Attempts, 18 Reward Tiers.
- Beginner Gauntlet: 6 Quest Attempts, 15 Reward Tiers.
About Rewards:
- Guild Points are based on members’ points. The guilds that reach Tier 8 and are ranked in the top 5 will get the Ranking Reward.
- You can claim event rewards within 3 days of the event’s end (rewards depend on your Tier). Remember to claim your rewards!
Feudal War
A mysterious force has split the Royal Battleground into several districts. Only the worthy may enter!
Are you ready to duke it out in the Royal Battlefield for a chance to become the Baron?
Baron’s Hoard
- A special Legendary Jewel
- 500,000 Gems
- 300,000,000 Gold
Baron’s Authority
- The Baron’s captured prisoners cannot be pardoned by the Overlord
- Issue District Titles
- Honor and reward guildmates
Second Place
- A special Epic Jewel
Third Place
- 2 special Rare Jewels
Feudal Treasury
- During the Feudal War, earn Feudal Points by killing Tier 4 Troops in District Wonder battles (1 point per kill).
- Feudal Points can be exchanged for items in the Feudal Treasury after the event has ended.
Only Players with Lv 25 Castles can use the [Relocator] to participate in the Feudal War.The commander who occupies the District Wonder for the longest time will be proclaimed the victor and become the Baron!
- You must be in a Guild to participate.
- Wonders will be owned by the rally commander instead of the guild leader.
- This event will not be available in protected kingdoms
Battle Royal
The battle for the Emperor’s throne is about to begin!
Prepare yourself for a clash unlike any other! Face the best of the best and prove that you are worthy of the throne!
Players with Lv 25 Castles can use [Royal Pass] to participate in the Battle Royal. The commander who occupies the wonder for the longest time will be proclaimed the victor and be crowned the Emperor!
Emperor’s Hoard:
- The almighty Emperor Equipment
- 1,000,000 Gems
- 600,000,000 Gold
Emperor’s Edicts:
- The Emperor’s captured prisoners cannot be pardoned by the Overlord
- Assign Kingdom Labels
- Issue Imperial Titles
- Honor and reward guildmates
Second Place
- Emperor Equipment that expires after 20 days
Third Place
- Emperor Equipment that expires after 10 days
Royal Treasury
- During the Battle Royal, earn Royal Points by killing Tier 4 Troops in Royal Wonder battles (1 point per kill).
- Royal Points can be exchanged for items in the Royal Treasury after the event has ended.
- You must be in a Guild to participate.
- Wonders will be owned by the rally commander instead of the guild leader
- This event will not be available in protected Kingdoms
Guild Bash
Cooperation is key in the Guild Bash! Earn event points to get Monster Crests, and summon monsters to win amazing rewards!
- Complete Guild Bash challenges to earn event points. Once you have enough points, you will win Monster Crests.
- You can only earn points for the guild you started the event in.
Event Challenges:
- Hell Event, Darknest, Donation Box, Monster Hunt.
Challenge Requirements:
- Attack Darknests to earn points.
- Donate items to earn points.
About Summoning:
- If you change guilds after the event starts, you will not be able to summon Monsters, or earn Summon Bonuses and Slayer Loot.
- Rank 4 and 5 members can use the Monster Crest to summon monsters.
- Summoning a monster will give all guild members a Summon Bonus (found in Guild Gifts).
- Once a monster is summoned, it can be attacked by anyone in the Kingdom. The Guild that lands the killing blow will receive the Slayer Loot.
Summoned monsters will appear near the summoner.
Each guild can summon a maximum of 6 monsters: Complete Phase 1 to get 1 Monster Crest; Complete Phase 2 to get 2 Monster Crests; Complete Phase 3 to get 3 Monster Crests.
Monsters will only appear for 3 hours when summoned.
Solo Event
- Solo Events run for 3 hours, and refresh every 3 hours.
- Complete the objectives to earn points and Phase rewards.
- Complete all 3 Phases to earn a rank based on your points. The top 100 will win terrific prizes!
Note: Players from all Kingdoms will be ranked on the same ranking board.
Hell Event
- Hell Events run for 1 hour, and refresh every hour.
- Complete the objectives to earn points and Phase rewards. Rare Hero Medals may be found in Phase 3 rewards!
- Complete all 3 Phases to earn a rank based on your points. The top 100 will win terrific prizes!
Note: Players from all Kingdoms will be ranked on the same ranking board.
24h Challenge
- The 24 Challenge runs for 24 hours, and refreshes daily.
- Complete the objectives to earn points and Phase rewards. Rare Hero Medals may be found in Phase 3 rewards!
- Complete all 3 Phases to earn a rank based on your points. The top 100 will win terrific prizes!
Note: The 24h Challenge is not available in protected Kingdoms. Players from all Kingdoms will be ranked on the same ranking board.
Guild Showdown
- Players will face contestants from their opponent guild. The weakest to strongest (Might) members will do battle in turn. The winner of each battle will face their next opponent with their remaining army.
- The number of contestants required for each guild will depend on the Division they’re in.
- The results of each battle will be shown in order.
- Battle Fury will NOT be activated by any actions related to the Guild Showdown.
- Registered armies will not be included in the player’s Army Limit.
Event Format
- Each group will consist of 16 guilds max. Guilds will be eliminated when they are defeated. The guild that makes it through all 4 rounds will become the Showdown Champion!
- There are 14 Divisions in total. New guilds will start from Division 1.
Lords Cup
The Lords Cup is a tournament in the kingdom. Players send their troops to move the Lords Ball toward goals, which are Wonders and Darknests. When you score, you get points. The Lords Ball has special power from Athena that can remove Darknests it touches. You play against other people and guilds in the kingdom. The goal is to score the most points and win the tournament.
- Each Lords Cup will have 4 matches. Lords Balls will spawn at the start of each match, and players will have 120 minutes to attack. Points accumulated from all 4 matches will go towards your final score.
- Each troop tier has a different kicking skill, allowing them to kick the Lords Ball for different distances. You must have the required number of troops of that tier to use the skill.
- Tap the Lords Ball on the Kingdom Map, hold down the skill icon, slide towards the direction you want, then release to send your troops marching. Once your troops reach the Lords Ball, they will use their skill to kick the ball in the specified direction.
- When the Lords Ball lands, the 8 tiles around it (including the ball itself) will be regarded as the active Lords Ball area (9 tiles in total). Points will be awarded if this area lands on the Base, a Fort, or the Wonder’s Land. The Lords Ball will disappear after being kicked to one of these goals, and will respawn somewhere on the map. If this area lands on a Darknest, points will also be awarded, but it is the Darknest that will disappear and respawn instead.
- If the Lords Ball lands on an obstacle (Player Castle, Camp, Field, Rich Vein, Rocks, Woods, Ruins, Gem Lode, Monster, Lords Ball, Lake, Shore), it will be moved to the nearest empty tile (Grassland, Forest, Rock Pile, Magma Path, Lava Hill, Tundra, Wonder’s Province) in the same direction.
- Your troops will gain a Travel Boost when you land consecutive kicks on the same ball.
Note: Only unprotected Kingdoms and Kingdoms whose protection ends in fewer than 60 days can participate.
Guild Fest – Master Gauntlet
The Master Gauntlet is similar to the other Gauntlets in the Guild Fest. However, it is much harder to get to and remain in.
- Guilds in the Expert Gauntlet that reach Tier 8 and are ranked in the top 3 will advance to the Master Gauntlet
- Guilds in the Master Gauntlet will be randomly assigned into groups of 20. The remaining guilds will be put into the same group.
- The Master Gauntlet also has rankings for Member Participation and Guild Ranking.
- Guilds will be dropped to the Expert Gauntlet if they are ranked in the bottom 6 in the Master Gauntlet. If there are less than 20 guilds in a group, the guilds ranked from 15 to 20 will drop to the Expert Gauntlet.
The Master Gauntlet also features a World Ranking board, where guilds from all over the world will clash against each other to see who’s best!
Players in the Master Gauntlet have access to bonus tasks; each member is given 3 random quests. Once one is complete, they will be able to claim bonus points. Each player has only one chance, so make it count!
Limited Challenge
Charge into special stages with your Heroes and clear challenges for rewards!
- The Limited Challenge is only open during the event period.
- Unlocked at Castle Lv 5+ by completing Skirmish 3 – Vantage.
- One challenge stage will be unlocked per day during the event.
- STA is not required to enter challenge stages.
- Choose which Heroes to send out based on the enemies’ skills. (Note: Some stages have restrictions where you must use certain Heroes.)
- You will get a premium reward when you clear a stage for the first time. (You can only get each stage’s reward once.)
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