![Love Money Rock'n'Roll](https://re-actor.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Love-Money-RocknRoll-678x381.jpg)
A quick and dirty choices guide to getting each routes good endings.
Here’s a quick guide of the major choices you have to make to get the good ending of each heroine. Let me know if I missed anything. The choices included in the guide only cover ones that will give you points with the heroine and ones to avoid getting any of the bad ends. For any choice that’s for a different heroine than the one you want, choose any options that basically ignore them.
Personal recommended play order would be Himitsu > Ellie > Catherine > Kagome.
- Hide
- Search for answers
- Lie
- Agree
- Support Ellie
- About you
- Tell the truth
- Agree with Ellie
- Say that you intend to defend Kagome
- Hint at serious intentions regarding Ellie
- No need I’ll call you myself
- Agree
- Ask Kobayashi Jun for help
- Accept
- Intervene
- Go for a stroll
- Go to the roof
- Go to the roof
- Look for answers
- Do nothing
- Tell the truth
- Support Kagome
- Keep Kagome out of it
- Say you’re ready to support her
- Say I’m sure
- Don’t free her
- Join Himitsu for lunch
- Lie
- Go to Himitsu
- Go home with Himitsu
- Go for a walk
- Stay home
- It’s none of your business!
- The bar
- Refuse
- Run after Catherine
- We used to date
- I was with Catherine
- Check Catherine’s apartment
- Stay home
- I’m having a difficult time in my life
- I can’t say anything right now
- Keep quiet
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