Manor Lords – Efficiency Tips for Producing a Lot of Food

Passive Food Production Guide

Backyard Food Production:

  • You don’t need extra workers, so everyone else can keep doing their usual jobs.
  • You can put it anywhere; doesn’t matter if the soil is good or bad.
  • It’s a big help in feeding your people and can make your population grow faster because of the food variety.

Vegetable Gardens:

  • When setting up your plots for growing stuff, pick how big you want them based on what you’re planting.
  • Go for bigger plots if you’re growing veggies or have fruit trees. Bigger plots let you plant more and also build houses, which helps avoid maxing out your population limit.
  • A decent-sized garden can feed 10 families, which is pretty good. Also, having these plots near markets is a plus because it makes upgrading easier.

Chicken Coops:

  • Size doesn’t matter for egg production, so just use small plots.
  • One family can handle a chicken coop, so no need for big spaces.
  • Having more chicken coops means more eggs, but remember that just because you have eggs, doesn’t mean there’ll be extras to sell. The more people in the plot, the more they’ll eat themselves.

Basically, plan your space wisely based on what you want to grow or raise, and think about how close you are to the market for easier upgrades.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


    • Though, to be fair, I understand your point—it’s a vegetable garden, not a carrot garden. For the photo, a carrot is used. I would assume they are receiving more direct attention than crops in a field because it is literally a backyard garden rather than a field. In real life, I have grown carrots before. When given the correct soil and attention, they flourish.

  1. It’s beneficial to grow wheat for bread. Getting 200 wheat is simple (you may also force harvest in July, so.. ).

  2. In the game, food plots appear to have a minimal effect on overall food production. They do not significantly contribute to solving issues related to farm yield or crop rotation.

    • In fact, I grow vegetables for money. Anything above 200 is what I ultimately sell to the merchant. I create pretty large vegetable plots, each of which is home to four families. Regular farming is shamed by the ratio of work and land to output. This will probably get nerfed.

  3. Every month, hens lay one egg.
    This is the sequence in which people eat: Meat > Berries > Bread > Veggies > Eggs > Apples > Honey.

    If you believe it can be beneficial to you.

    Although it’s difficult, it’s preferable for veggies to attempt to put the house on the side.

  4. @Jraes, Eggs can be used as a buffer for happiness, but it takes time to accumulate enough to make a significant impact. Ensure you have a variety of other food options to reduce the consumption of eggs.
    The game has a priority system for which food is consumed first, but you can bypass this by having dedicated granaries for each food type. Workers from these granaries will create food stalls that only provide the specific food stored in their granary. Burgages supplied by these stalls will only consume that particular food type.
    Alternatively, you can have a single granary that stores all food types. The workers from this granary will create a food stall offering up to 5 different food types, which will be consumed in a specific order. In a varied food stall, berries are eaten first. To increase your egg count, assign extra workers to gather berries while they are in season. This will allow you to stockpile berries before winter, reducing the consumption of other food types, including eggs.

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