It’s a step-by-step guide how to change the age of your character or of a lord of your choice. No mods or cheats required!
Step-by-Step Guide
Before we get to the Main-Part of the Guide, I recommend that you read Important notice in this guide later.
Step 1: Open your Mount and Blade II Bannerlord file.
You can find it in your Steam file under: \steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord
Step 2: Find ModuleData
You can find it in your Mount & Blade II Bannerlord file under: \Modules\SandBox\ModuleData
Step 3: Open the document lords in ModuleData with Editor.
By rightclicking lords go to open with and choose Editor.

Here you can see the file ModuleData (red) and the document lords (yellow).
Now you have the choice to change the age of your character and/or lord.
Changing the age of your character is simple:
- Press CTRL + F and search for: id=”main_hero”. It should be at the beginning of the document.
- Age must be in the same line as id=”main_hero”.
- Change the number behind the word age to your desired age. Please take care that you don’t remove the quotation marks!

The part in red is the part you search for to find your character. The part in yellow is the age you have to change.
Change the age of lords:
- Press CTRL + F and search for the name of the lord.
- This document contains a bit of lore which means that some names appear more than 1 time. To find the right line look for the name in a format like this: name=”{=CLqPbdiZ}Lucon”.
- After finding the right line just change the number after the word age. Please take care that you don’t remove the quotation marks!

The part in red is the part you have to look for, if you search for the lord. The part in yellow is the age you have to change.
If you are interested in getting a bit deeper into the lore, I recommend that you read some parts of the document: lords.
Important Notice
Important things to know before changing character or lord ages.
Make a backup first
- Save a copy of the file in another folder
- This protects your original file
About save files
- Age changes won’t work on games you already started
- You need to start a new game for the changes to work
Age effects
- Characters under 21 will look younger
- AI lords under 18 won’t show up on the map
- Your character can be very young (tested at age 13) and still work fine
That’s all you need to know before changing ages. Remember to back up your files first!
Is there a way to change armor and weapons when the main character is younger than 18 ? I tried and I can’t use the lootet items on him.
I followed the instructions exactly however when I go to start a new character it kicks me out of the game after I choose my culture any tips would help me.