OMORI – How to Get The Very Best Achievement

I’m going to be showing you the locations of the enemies in Faraway Town.

The Very Best Achievement Guide

This achievement is obtained by defeating the champion of the game ”pet rock”. This mini-game is purchased at the hobbeez store and can be done on any of the days you spend in the real world.

Pet rock is basically ”rock paper scissors” the achievement is obtained by defeating the champion of the game, but first you will have to fight against the players who are in the park and in the houses, including veterans.

The first enemy is KEL, you can win or lose to him, it wont affect the achievement.

To play ”pet rock” youll have to get the pet rock equipped as a charm, by doing so there will be a rock image above some people’s head, indicating that you can play pet rock with them, you can fight any enemy in any order you want, but im going to give you the order i did.

The first enemy is PRETTY BOY, he can be found in the faraway park.

Here’s pretty boy’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp.

  • 3 HP
  • 0% chance of picking rock.
  • 60% chance of picking paper.
  • 40% chance of picking scissors.

The second enemy is RAY, can be found at GINO’S

Here’s Ray’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 3 HP
  • 25% chance of picking rock.
  • 50% chance of picking paper.
  • 25% chance of picking scissors.

The third enemy is COLORFUL GIRL, she can be found at HOBBEEZ

Here’s Colorful Girl’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 3 HP
  • 60% chance of picking rock.
  • 40% chance of picking paper.
  • 0% chance of picking scissors.

The fourth enemy is CREEPY GUY, can be found at the granny’s house

Here’s Creepy guy’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 3 HP
  • 40% chance of picking rock.
  • 0% chance of picking paper.
  • 60% chance of picking scissors.

After defeating these enemies youll have to go to talk with the SHOPKEEP at HOBBEEZ, he will talk to you about the VETERANS, your new enemies

The first veteran is GLASSES MAN, can be found at GINO’S

Here’s Glasses Man’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 4 HP
  • 33% chance of picking rock.
  • 33% chance of picking paper.
  • 33% chance of picking scissors.

The second veteran is FIX IT GUY, can be found at FIX-IT

Here’s fix it guy’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 5 HP
  • 25% chance of picking rock.
  • 25% chance of picking paper.
  • 50% chance of picking scissors.

The third veteran is CUTE GIRL, can be found in the candy shop at othermart

Here’s cute girl’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 5 HP
  • 50% chance of picking rock.
  • 25% chance of picking paper.
  • 25% chance of picking scissors.

The fourth veteran is the SHOPKEEP, can be found at HOBBEEZ

Here’s Shopkeep’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors

  • 5 HP
  • 25% chance of picking rock.
  • 50% chance of picking paper.
  • 25% chance of picking scissors.

The last one is the OTHERMART LADY, can be found at the fish shop in othermart

Here’s Othermart Lady’s chances of picking rock/paper/scissors and hp

  • 9 HP
  • 33% chance of picking rock.
  • 33% chance of picking paper.
  • 33% chance of picking scissors.

You will need luck for this fight, its a very hard one.

After defeating her you will get the achievement! congratulations!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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