I absolutely fell in love with Pathologic 2 after having complete it on the PS4 at launch.
Ticking Away
Upon completion of the introduction you will earn this achievement.
Day 1
When you enter Rubin’s apartment you will discover “Bachelor.” After your discussion with him you need to exit Rubin’s house where two children will be waiting outside for you to speak to. After the dialogue ends, re-enter the house to convince Bachelor that he should provide help to the children.
Wonder Bull
While exploring on the path to your fathers house you will see a man trying to sell a bull on the side of the road for 300 coins. Purchase this bull and on day 11 it will be in the back of your home for you to speak to.
On the Run
Before 20:00, you need to complete Rubin, Lara, Notkins and Grief’s storyline quests. Once done a marker will appear outside of Lara’s house where you need to speak to the pantomime’s.
In Kind
Located in Notkin’s warehouse is a little girl sitting on a wooden crate. Speak to her where she will give you a bottle of milk and some toast. You need to save this toast and return on day 2 after 6:00 to speak with her.
Fate No More
After you go to sleep, you will have a dream with 3 people attacking you. Just stand there and let them beat you up to earn this achievement.
Day 2
On day 2 while wandering the street you will see a red light shine down on one of the cylindrical advertisements in the street for the theater. You need to visit the theater daily from this point on until day 11 to earn this achievement.
Clear Conscience
On Day 2, speak with the member of the Kin sitting on the cart outside the Termitary and accept his money. Go to Aspity’s during the early morning of Day 3; speak with the Kin member again and agree to return the money.
Mute Curse
Upon entering the Nutshell you will find Maria and Capella arguing inside. Once you leave you will find Clara waiting for you outside. Speak to her and earn this achievement.
We’re Only Looking
After 6:00 you need to sleep where you will awake to a dream with children surrounding a door in front of you. Turn to your right and you will find Measly and Thrush sitting above you on a rock. Speak to them to earn this achievement.
Heavenly Train
After 6:00 at the Station you will find a group of children who after speaking to them will inform you of a ghost train. Walk along the nearby curving train tracks until you reach the end and wait there to earn the achievement.
Time waits for no one
Survive day 2.
Day 3
Alarm Bell
At 19:00 you will hear an alarm bell and earn the achievement.
Magic Lantern
At the Nutshell is a lantern that needs repairing. You need to use a piece of scrap metal to repair the lantern to earn the achievement.
Time is merciless
Survive day 3.
Day 4
Victoria’s Trace
At the start of day 4 you will hear the sounds of piano playing from houses located across the city. To begin this quest speak to an NPC in one of these houses. After repeating this at two more houses you will earn the achievement.
Parcels of Life
To earn this achievement you need to rescue at least two children during day 4 and 5 that are located in houses with the plague. Once rescue you can take them to the Town Hall.
Three Graces
Starting on day 4 and continuing through day 6 you need to speak 3 women, Eva, Anna and Maria. On day 6 after the conversation this achievement will be earned.
Life has become shorter yet
Survive day 4.
Day 5
Rotten Tooth
After you speak to “Sticky” you will receive a mission bubble requiring you to visit the chemist located in Bridge Square. Once you arrive you need to locate and converse with the chemist and then speak to Victor. Concluding that you need to speak to Maria at her residence and you will earn the achievement.
Days grow shorter
Survive day 5.
Day 6
More Than Meat
At the Backbone grocery store you will find Big Vlad where you need to speak to him and convince him to close the meat shop. After that you will earn this achievement.
Umbilical Cord
On Day 6, speak with Measly and Thrush at the train platform and pick the dialogue option that suggests that you know someone who can help destroy the train tracks. Speak to Grief, and then meet him on the tracks after midnight on Day 7.
Doctor’s Risk
Test the Panacea on yourself. Best way to do this—when you meet Murky’s “friend” on Day 6 after sunset. Tell Changeling to infect you instead of Murky, then heal yourself. Two birds with one stone.
Nights grow shorter
Survive day 6.
Day 7
Comes the Inquisitor
At 7:30 you will discover the inquisitor to earn this achievement.
His Grace
You need to finish Grace’s quest and instruct Dora that she needs to have Grace taken to a safe location in town. After this you can travel to Peter’s home and speak to grace to unlock this achievement.
Seconds slip through your fingers
Survive day 7.
Day 8
Another Sky
Locate and climb the stairs of the Polyhedron.
To earn this achievement you need to jump from the marked location near the crane on top of the Polyhedron.
You can’t hold to the past
Survive day 8.
Day 9
Comes the Commander
You will earn this achievement at the beginning of the day.
Big Heart
While you are infected from the plague, go to and speak to Zurkhen at the Big Chamber during the Abattoir mission.
Not a Dream
To earn this achievement you need to have Living Blood in your inventory and complete the Abattoir mission bubble.
You’ll soon run out of time
Survive day 9.
Day 10
After 20:00 you need to speak to Aglaya and agree to leave town together. On day 11 at 2:00 you need to meet her at the train station and then make your way back to town at the conclusion of your meeting.
After you sleep you will have a dream. Name the Albinos to earn this achievement.
And nothing will remain
Survive day 10.
Day 11
There is an achievement for each of the different endings you can see below:
Nocturnal Ending
Destroy the Inquisitor’s orders.
Diurnal Ending
Deliver the Inquisitor’s orders to Block.
Do not pick up the Inquisitor’s orders and reach 22:00.
Time has worn out
Survive day 11.
Remaining Achievements
To earn this achievement you need to start a game and complete it without touching the difficulty slider under the games options.
Dream On
To earn this achievement you must participate in each of the dreams. The dreams and their associated days are listed below:
- Day 1: 3 punks in train yard dream
- Day 1: 3 pantomime dream – you must sleep after 02:30 and before completing the missions for Rubin, Notkin, Lara and Grief.
- Days 2: Children near a door dream
- Day 3: Herb bride dream
- Days 4–11: The theater dream
- Days 5–6: The school Dream
- Days 5–6: The termitary dream
- Days 7–11: Murky dream – you must let Murky’s “friend” take her or alternatively you must not visit the Crowstone on the early morning of Day 7.
- Day 7: Another herb bride dream
- Day 10: Abattoir dream – you must have completed the Abattoir quest from day 9.
One for All
To earn this achievement you must test out the panacea on day 7, complete Lara’s mission during day 10 and speak to Rubin located at the train station on day 11. When going for the Diurnal ending, you must speak to and ensure that Greif, Lara, and Stakh do not die.
No Reflection
To earn this achievement you must locate and converse with the reflections listed below:
- Day 1: Grief
- Day 3: In early morning: Aspity
- Day 5: Alexander and Katerina
- Day 7: Oyun
- Day 10: Aglaya
- Day 10: Lara
L’appel du Vide
You will earn this achievement after becoming infected and hearing the whisper of the Plague.
Once you gain access to the Cathedral, travel up the spiral staircase to the second floor and use the large pendulum to save your game.
Make 27 different trades with any of the children around the city.
You can earn this achievement after day 1. You need to die at least 7 times and then accept the Fellow Traveler’s offer. The achievement will unlock after you complete the game.
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