Pavlov VR – Troubleshooting (Update 29)

How to address issues with the new update.


Black screen in headset, game will display on monitor, some headsets don’t launch at all.

Make sure OpenXR is set in SteamVR

  • From your computer, open the SteamVR app.
  • Head to Settings.
  • Select Show in Advanced Settings.
  • Head to the Developer tab.
  • Set Current OpenXR runtime as “OpenXR runtime”

I want to or need clear my mod content folder

App data is where content goes by default.

  • C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Pavlov\Saved\Mods

You would delete this to completely clear out unwanted, corrupted, or bad mod files.

I am seeing double images in the game/weird transparency

Navigate to settings ini and make sure to remove the line for “sg.resolutionquality=”

  • AppData\Local\Pavlov\Saved\Config\Windows\GameUserSettings.ini

Vive Cosmos and Cosmos elite not launching properly with openXR after switching to the proper runtime?

Delete and clear all of the Vive software on your computer. Reinstall and vive should
install the proper files.

I don’t want to store maps from on my windows drive

Look for “ModDirectory=” line in GameUserSettings.ini to change your mod directory.

Move the contents of the default mods folder to your new specified directory.

Meta quest & rift have bad performance, visual vibration effects floaty vision

Change the openXR to be Oculus by default. Open the oculus software and go to Settings -> General and then click the “Set Oculus as active” button.

EAC blocking pavlov from launching on Windows 11

If you are getting an error from EAC relating to 30005 stating “Kernel-Mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection” or any random link you can not solve with normal solutions, try this. Go to Settings, then privacy and Security. From there select Windows \ Security Device, then Security to Core Isolation. Disable “KERNEL-MODE HARDWARE-ENFORCED STACK PROTECTION” and Then Reboot.

Engine file dxgi.dll corrupted or needing to be reinstalled error

Don’t use VRPerfKit/FSR, it can cause crashes / fail to start the game.

Corrupt Data error with EAC

If you have any additional .pak files installed in your local Pavlov directory (E.g. custom scoreboard or other workshop stage related paks, usually found in:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PavlovVR\Pavlov\Content\Paks

Or your own Pavlov directory), you may need to delete them. The .pak files you’re looking for will either have workshop, stage, or noeditor in the file names. Don’t delete any other paks as those are game files

Cannot accept EULA, no input is registering

Restarting PC typically fixes this issue. If that doesn’t work, consider resetting your SteamVR bindings using the SteamVR bindings section.

BSOD on EAC Launch

Update your graphics drivers. Is your machine overclocked? You may want to set your CPU clock back to default to see if it addresses the issue. The software starts up by stressing the computer briefly and and comparing the results to a set of criteria that if the computer fails. Occasionally windows needs to update its ‘performance – Windows Experience Index’. Delete your windows temp files to clear out some older temporary files by clicking on start and typing “delete temporary files” You will see an option for temporary files. Make sure you are checking the relevant check boxes so you don’t delete your downloads folder.

To run the Windows Experience Index too, open command prompt with admin rights and use the command “winsat formal’”

SteamVR Binds are not working anymore.

Re-customize bindings, set to default bindings

I’m teleporting to below/above the mappoint to point 0,0,0

This happens due to a buggy control scheme for SteamVR. Unsubscribe from any custom bindings you have (Or just remove your own bindings), and reset steamvr. Make sure your system clock is synchronized correctly in windows as custom system clock settings may affect the game.

My hands are stuck on the floor

Reset SteamVR Bindings, use default bindings, then edit again from there.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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