PC Building Simulator – PCBAY – An In-depth Guide

An in-depth guide that will show you the step-by-step guide on how to use PCBAY, how to profit from it, when to use it and common troubleshooting methods.

Understanding PCBAY

What is PC bay?

PC bay is an online marketplace to buy used Computer parts or sell parts that you have.

Why use PC bay?

PC bay sells some very good computer parts for VERY cheap. Discounts usually range from 60% – 90% and you can get parts ranging from case fans to 1080tis.

How do I use PC bay?

Plug your USB stick into the computer of choice and double click PC bay from the “add programs” list. You then must restart the computer and it’ll be there, on your desktop.

Buying on PCBAY – Basics

How do I buy these parts on PC bay?

Very simple, just launch the PC bay application and click buy on any part that you’d like to purchase!

What will I even use these parts for?

Some jobs don’t actually specify that they only want new parts. This means that you can use used parts for the whole build but just be sure to stock up so that when the opportunity arises, you can nab that part and use it in a build.

Other uses of used parts

Recently, the option to sell PCs on PC bay was added, just walk over to your desk and pick up the small leaflet that says PC bay on it. Then walk over to your PC which will presumably have used parts in it and click to upload it to PC bay for selling.

Buying on PCBAY – Advanced

Buying PCs on PCBAY

Recently I shifted my gameplay direction to ONLY PC bay. I’ve stopped doing any missions which has affected my level and how much money I make. It’s worth noting right now that buying broken PCs on PC bay and selling them isn’t currently a stable source of income. The only reason I do it is because doing missions simply got boring.

So, what’s first?

Buy a PC from PC bay. Whether it is broken or not, just buy one. The delivery will take quite a time but now you’ll have a PC to work on.

Should I buy broken or normal PCs?

I’d 100% suggest getting broken PCs first. They are much more fun to work on and are cheaper whilst providing profit once fixed.

Selling on PCBAY – Basics

What can I sell on PC bay?

PC bay lets you sell broken parts, working parts, and PCs. To sell parts:

  1. Go to your inventory by clicking the shelf in the main workspace
  2. Find the “Auction on PC bay” button next to the Sell button
  3. Click it to put the item up for auction

To sell PCs:

  1. Go to the left of your desk
  2. Look for post-it notes that say “On PC bay”
  3. Click to select the post-it
  4. Walk to the PC you want to sell
  5. Click once to put the post-it on the PC and list it for sale

How can I see what I’m selling?

If you head onto the PC bay window, you’ll see a tab called “SELL”. Clicking on it will show you all of the items and PCs that you are selling. It will also show you information such as the number of bidders, current bid and days left.

Noooo, I didn’t mean to sell that!

Do not worry, you can cancel a PC bay listing at any time before the last day of bidding. To do so, go to the PC bay window and select the SELL tab. Beneath the listings you’ll either see “Collect Auction” or “Remove from PC BAY”. If the option is “Collect Auction” then you can’t cancel the listing and just have to take the money.

Selling on PCBAY – Advanced

How to ensure profit on PC bay

The easiest way is to check the resale value of a PC, note that down somewhere and watch the bids every day. If the bid on the last day is around $50 less than the resale value, you might want to cancel the listing. This may be patched in the future since it can guarantee profit every time.

How to rule the stock market

PCBS has a piece of software called “Market” which provides weekly-ish updates on part prices. You will also get daily emails from PC bay with hints about prices. If you notice a certain part is currently cheap, buy them and wait for the prices to go back up and sell then.


Positives of using PC bay as a source of income

  • Much more fun that missions
  • Bad sales won’t affect reputation or level
  • You can make a lot of money from nothing
  • VERY cheap parts

Negatives of using PC bay as a source of income

  • Your profit margin will be tiny
  • Stock market can be unpredictable
  • You can lose a lot of money very quickly
  • Most jobs don’t like used parts
  • You don’t gain any levels or rep

How the devs can improve on PC bay

  • Make it more like the shop where you can buy every part in the game but the amount of stock of each price is different. E.G if you see a 1080ti for sale, you better buy it quick since it is very rare to see those sold second hand
  • If you don’t want to use that last suggestion, at least add more parts to buy. When I use this as my main source of income it’s very annoying when all 3-4 parts available to buy are case fans or HDDs.
  • Make profit more guaranteed. In real life, you can buy a broken PC for $200 and sell it for $400 easily. In this game it is very hard to see that level of increase.
  • Show the amount you bought the PC for. I’d love to know how much I bought it for and compare how much I sold it for to see if I made profit or not.
  • More jobs that allow for used parts.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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