Help for basic game controls, basic settings setup and how to play. No achievement details, spoiler free.
Guide to Basics
Basic Gameplay Tips (No Spoilers)
This is a relaxing game, the best tip I can give you is to just enjoy your time with the ducks. Everything will unlock with time, if not then there are achievement guides on here. I will not be posting one of those.
Basic Controls
Correct at time of this guides creation.
- In-game Screenshot – P (Saves to the game folder, not steams function).
- Toggle Music On/Off – M (cursor must be locked to work).
- Switch to a hotspot – E (Based on DLC, this can be multiple place).
- Switch duck – TAB key (Switches between ducks).
Left mouse click
- Select a duck manually (with cursor unlocked).
- Makes the selected duck “Quack” or its unique audio.
Right Mouse click
- Unlock the cursor (Can not swap duck or hotspot).
- Lock the cursor.
Screenshots Save Location (Windows)
- \Users\your username here\Pictures\Placid Plastic Duck Simulator
Got issues with the game settings?
High Performance
- Fullscreen, knock your socks off without V-Sync too. FPS will be lots and lots.
Med Performance
- Fullscreen, V-Sync enabled to “Every V Blank”. FPS will be capped.
Low Performance
- WIndowed Mode – Set this to something smaller than your screen resolution.
Example: Your screen resolution is 1920×1080 so use 1600×900 as the window size.
V-Sync enable to “Every Second V Blank”, This should set to half of your screens refresh rate.
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