Potionomics – Useful Tips to Progress

This guide will be covering some game play essentials that you will need to know in order to progress (and not live in a box).

Progressing Tips


If you’re here i assume you would have lost to Roxanne (pre patch) and was hoping to find ways to progress pass her!

Macro aims:

Brew the best potions

In order to do that we need to do the following steps

  1. Buy a Cauldron from Walrus dude.
  2. Get better materials (through sending heros or funding expeditions).
  3. Upgrade Cauldron (this part is essential).
  4. Brew winning Potion!

Now that we know what we need to do how do we go about doing it?

Much alike real businesses it all comes down to money! You have to be both calculated and scheming to generate the highest profit margins. This is a business sim after all.

Since that is the crux of the game, ill let you figure that one out yourself.

Useful Notes

Getting better materials!

To get better materials you need to progress newer areas. Seems obvious, but you will need to send your heros to the newer areas to get the best materials that you can possibly get. Additionally, the attack damage of the enemy affects the rarity of the drop. enemies with higher damage will drop higher rarity drops and vice versa.

Stamina Potions are very useful

Heros have a limited carrying capacity. Therefore, they are unable to carry everything they have earned through killing monsters back to you (especially when you finish an entire area). Hence the need for stamina potions to bring back more stuff (if the area has increased drop rates all the more reason to use a stamina potion as some heros like corsac have very limited carrying capacities).

Personal Remarks

I just wanted to say that i hope you are enjoying the game as much as i have. I made this guide as a reference for people who have problems progressing through the game. Not sure if it is a difficulty now (after the patch) but i died to Roxanne multiple times and hope to aid people progress and ultimately beat the game.

”Many players cannot help approaching a game as an optimization puzzle. Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game,” and therefore, “one of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.” – Civilization IV co-designer Soren Johnson

I wanted to add that the reason why the guide was so short was because i wanted you to enjoy the game as i have, slowly learning ways to accumulate capital and finally, beat the game. The quote above serves as a reminder to not partake in the ‘meta’ as there are often more fun ways (albeit less effective) to beat the game.

Now go and beat your opponent in that potion contest!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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