Sailing Era – Barmaid Guide

Barmaid Guide

Barmaid can be found in Tavern or Inn in certain Port. You can Interact with them by “Have a Drink” first with them.

  • “Send Gift” will rise their Favorability to unlock their story by doing their request and get special equipment in the end.
  • “Inquire for Info” can provide you information about ship wreck location, treasure or clue for exploration.
  • “News” is you give information about exploration what they want to know and will rise Favorability depend on your answer.
  • “Sweet Talk” is ability you can unlock if you have “Costello Hermann” in your crew and you already unlock his specialty “Master of Love”. But this ability if fail favorability will drop.


There are 3 Stage Heart and there are max point for each stage to rise it so don’t waste your point by over get it by using gift. Getting favorability point you can get by doing this:

  • Have a Drink: 10 Point
  • News: right answer (40 Point), wrong answer (20 Point)
  • Send Gift: Favorite (1st time 100 Point, 2nd 50 Point), Other (20 Point)
  • Sweet Talk: Success (50 Point), Fail (-20 Point)

Point you needed for every heart stage. 1st stage: 50 Point, 2nd stage: 200 Point, 3rd Stage: 400 Point.

*There are cooldown time for the interaction and refresh every beginning of the month.

Buying Gift

You can buy Gift in certain port that have “Gift Shop”. This a Port list with Gift shop and their item:

MarseillesEast EuropeSoap, Vellum, Tile Painting, Ivory Comb, Glass Art
VeniceEast EuropeLace Mask, Marble Statue, Nazar Amulet, Sweet Dew Wine, Mechanical Pendulum
AntwerpNorth EuropePremium Tableware, Glass Bead, Golden Harinet, Amber Fossil, Noble Dress
Santo DomingoCaribbeanCoral Jewelry, Chess, Gemstone Shortsword, Pearl Jewelry
CeylonIndian OceanToy Cat, Painted Puppet, Wooden Spinning Top, Knucklebones, Gemstone Ring
MacaoEast AsiaSilk Sachet, Phoenix Hairpin, Kite, Manual of Leaves, Folk Story Script, Porcelain Bird Cup

*Purple Item only can be unlock by rise Population 50000 and Tech 300 with Guild Investment.

*You also can found Gift while doing exploration.

Knowing their Favorite you can check in Knowledge > Archives.

Favorite item only can give Favorability 100 point at the first time. If you give same item on 2nd time it will only give 50 point. So use it just for last/ 3rd Favorability Heart.


To make “News” more easy to answer, you must have at least 5 discoveries from different region exploration and type or you just restart until she ask you exploration that you have. You can also discover what they want by having “Esmeralda” in your crew and unlock her Specialty “Thought Reader”.

Barmaid Location

DaisyLondonIvory Comb, Porcelain Bird Cup, Glass ArtScholar Flat Cap
TheresaHamburgSoap, Noble Dress, Jewelry BoxGladiator Armor
AstridStockholmMarble Statue, Nazar Amulet, Pearl JewelryArmlet
MargaritaAmsterdamNoble Dress, Gemstone Ring, Jewelry BoxSea Amber Necklace
JulianneLisbonVellum, Painted Puppet, Mechanical PendulumSextant
Clara MonicaSevilleAmber Fossil, Lace Mask, Noble DressCutlass
CamilleMarseillesPremium Tableware, Gemstone Ring, Porcelain Bird CupTulip Brooch
Vera Lucia ScythiaVeniceTile Painting, Noble Dress, Gemstone RingEtruscan Necklace
PriyaAthensManual of Leaves, Sweet Dew Wine, Porcelain Bird CupVelvet Coat
Nubu KasheliAlexandriaChess, Silk Sachet, Mechanical PendulumThebes Necklace
MerriamIstanbulTreasure Chest, Mechanical Pendulum, Porcelain Bird CupSiphai Armor
ValentinaHavanaGlass Bead, Gemstone Shortsword, Pearl JewelryEagle Warrior Armor
AndreaVeracruzCoral Jewelry, Phoenix Hairpin, Glass ArtEagle Feather Crown
ShalinSt. GeorgeEma, Gemstone Ring, Noble DressLute
EminMuscatWooden Spinning Top, Junihitoe, Pearl JewelryPelican Brooch
Kanam AgarwalCalicutKoinobori, Kite, Pearl JewelryBlue Bird Bracelet
LatiaMalaccaKnucklebones, Mechanical Pendulum, Jewelry BoxNapier’s Bones
Gu WanZhangzhouFolk Story Script, Glass Art, Jewelry BoxJadeite Golden Ring
SakurakoNagasakiSugar, Toy Cat, Glass ArtShakuhachi
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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