SCP: Secret Laboratory – How to Successfully Play

How to Improve Your Overall Experience

This guide aims to improve your overall experience, I’m going to focus on Class D first so you don’t have to run around aimlessly until you get killed.

Finding a Keycard

First off, get out of your cell, to do this press the button E on your keyboard (I’ve seen people not knowing how to get out of cells and spending the entire game trapped).

Now that you are outside, your goal is to find a card of any tier, or find someone that has a card, keep in mind scientists always spawn with cards. Cards can sometimes be found in toilet rooms marked WC.This guide aims to improve your overall experience, I’m gonna focus on Class D first so you don’ have to run around aimlessly until you get killed.

First off, get out of your cell, to do this press the button E on your keyboard (I’ve seen people not knowing how to get out of cells and spending the entire game trapped).

Now that you are outside, your goal is to find a card of any tier, or find someone that has a card, keep in mind scientists always spawn with cards. Cards can sometimes be found in toilet rooms marked WC.

What to Do with a Keycard

When you have located someone with a card or got a card yourself what you should do is get to SCP-914, he can easily be found if you look at the numbers above doors in hallways, his door is marked #914, you will need a card with access to Containment Chamber Tier 1, If you do not know what cards have that i would suggest this info:

Keycard Access Levels

Obtaining Keycards

Upgrading Keycards

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Next, you need a keycard that has both Checkpoint access and gate access, Either of the following cards will do: MTF Lieutenant, MTF Commander, Facility Manager or 05 Keycard, the Chaos Insurgency Access Device also has the required access.

Getting Out and What to Do When You Get Out

Next you should find your way through a checkpoint, the maps can be really hard to navigate but when you see two separate single doors you know you are at the right place, the maps always generate randomly, but there is a lot of guides on how to navigate yourself through each zone in the game.

Once you go through the heavy containment zone and found a checkpoint labeled “Entrance Zone” go through the checkpoint, you are now almost outside, only thing you need to do is navigate to either Gate A or Gate B, Once you found them open the gates and go down the elevator. No matter what gate you exited through you should always head left, if you spawned at Gate A go down the stairs on the left and continue forward, if you are at Gate B go left until you hit a big white wall, i should note, you are headed straight towards an MTF spawn, so be careful to not get caught at the wrong moment of you see a helicopter approaching where you need to go either run back inside the facility or risk it by going to them and hope they do not kill you, if you do survive and after you keep going forward until you see a big wall in-front of you on your left should be a door, continue through this door and through a tunnel. You should now re-spawn as a Chaos Insurgency agent and that is it! You managed to escape the facility, hopefully unharmed.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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