A quick and easy overview of all the spirits, their size and season (1.5.0)
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Spirits prefer sitting next to a spirit from the following season.
A Spring spirit will be happy sitting next to a Summer spirit, a Summer spirit will enjoy a Fall spirit’s company, and so on.
In addition, Spirits come in three different sizes, small, medium and large.
List of Spirits
Spring Spirits
- Large (3×3) – Morinoba
- Medium (2×2) – Fenias / Juso
- Small (1×1) – Aurora / Fatherog / Mariko / Meowshroom / Upo
Summer Spirits
- Large (3×3) – Avanis / Coronis
- Medium (2×2) – Dolmori / Heck, Geckit, Froke / Kurkapi
- Small (1×1) – Gorgo / Jookyoo / Larrick
Fall Spirits
- Large (3×3) – None
- Medium (2×2) – Chiropi / Lunariss / Naos
- Small (1×1) – Aurum / Borzo / Corvink / Hobin / Mujina / Muwo / Ribbard / Ruko
Winter Spirits
- Large (3×3) – Onishi / Umakiki
- Medium (2×2) – Bantushi / Fonuki / Nimboars
- Small (1×1) – Flitt / Nanashi / Tikan / Wasajiji
Lord Spirits
Just as a side note.
There are four different Lord Spirits, one for each season, which require their own bath. Spirit compatibility does not come into play.
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