The Dream Libra Had – 100% Achievements Guide

All quests, all paintings, both endings, all achievements and more.


The game has 11 achievements that include completing all quiests, collecting all the paintings and getting both endings. This guide will explain how to get all of them.


Here’s a map of the game to make navigation a bit easier.


You start in Forest2. From here you need to complete quests to get apples. Give apples to your girlfriend at Home to raise one of the stats. Raising different stats opens different endings.

I recommend to visit Base as soon as possible to get a gun. It will help you with aggressive mobs and it is also required for some of the quests.


Reach Brain (requers at least 10 charm in total), then go to Heart.

Completed with awaken-end

Choose “Thank you for everything” at the end. You’ll need at least 5 heart charm (walking with Amili).

Completed with rest-end

Choose “Make a strong wish to stay here” at the end. You’ll need at least 5 body charm (sleeping with Amili).


Quest Master
Completed all quests

  1. Desperated to live

Forest3 (top right). You will need Hercules (can be found in Forest4, bottom left). After talking to Torrent, go to Frog (bottom left in the same location). After the conversation go back to Torrent.

  1. Lover turned into clover

Forest4 (bottom right). You will need a four-leaf clover.

  1. The Snake and the Frog

Cave1 (top right). You will need two of each gem: ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst. Get them from shooting rocks with gems in them.

  1. How to cast a Curse

Get the straw doll in Cave2 (bottom right). Then go to Cave3 (top right) and talk to the two bats. After that you need to go to Forest2 and talk to Torrent: “I want to do the cursing ritual.” Now go back to the bats.

  1. Uminoke

Ice 1, bottom left. Go to Ice3 bottom right and give him the Uminoke. Go back to Penguin.

  1. The Poor Penguin

Ice 3, bottom left. Bring him gardenia. Go to Ice4 (bottom left). To complete the quest go back to Penguin, who gave you the quest.

  1. Live a life for others

Ice2, at the top. Simply talk to the penguin.

  1. Finest Mushrooms

Coalmine3, bottom left. Talk to Coal Miner. You can find Matsutake in autumn locations. Also you can use a regular mushroom (can be found in forest and autumn locations). Bring it to Coal Miner.

  1. The Unsuccessful Painter

Coalmine3, middle. Talk to Coal Miner. Go to Mansion2 and talk to Pumpkin in the middle right. Give Pumpkin the painting. Go back to Coal Miner and talk to him.

  1. The Child of the Mansion

Mansion1, middle. Talk to Pumpkin. Go to Coalmine1 and give the painting to Coal Miner. Go back to Mansion1 and talk to Pumpkin.

  1. Elixir of Immortality

Mansion3, left. Talk to Pumpkin in the left room. Go to Hospital1 and pick up Elixir in the top left room. Go back and give Elixir to Pumpkin. Now talk to Pumpkin in the right room. Use your gun to kill Pumpkin in the left room, then talk to Pumpkin in the right room.

  1. The Hero beyond Sacrifice

Hospital2, top right. Talk to the penguin. Choose any option. Go to the top right room and talk to all the ghosts. Go back a bit and talk to another ghost. Turn on the light and talk to the penguin. Choose any option.

  1. Stay with me forever

Hospital1 at night, top left. Click on a switch to get to night. Go to the top left room and talk to the ghost. Switch back to day, go to the same room and kill the penguin in it. Switch back to night and talk to the ghost.

  1. Ancient Romance

Mansion2, bottom left. Collect fossils by shooting rocks. After assembling them, give them to Pumpkin.

  1. A Taste of Photosynthesis

Cosmos. When talking to the alien pick both options. Now you need to bring him four different types of food: Omurice, Steak, Stir fry vegetables, Curry. Food is cooked by Amili at home. You will need to bring her kitchen, cutting board and knife. All of it can be found in Mansion2 (top left).


Art collector
Collected all paintings

Unsung KingdomMansion3On the wall
OrangeMansion3On the wall
Night BlueMansion3On the wall
Dr. LibraMansion3On the wall
Mad pumpkinMansion3On the wall
JamieMansion3On the wall
Witches’s craftMansion2On the wall
At a certain placeMansion2On the wall
1203Mansion2On the wall
Second space warMansion2On the wall
Space warMansion1On the wall
Space warMansion1On the wall
Space warMansion1On the wall
WraithMansion1On the wall
Deep seaHospital1On the wall
LiliaHospital1On the wall
Happy endingHospital1On the wall
AloneHospital1On the wall
Withered fruitsHospital2On the wall
SunsetHospital2On the wall
Working coal minerCoalmine1Quest*
The Dream Libra HadStomachAfter the rest ending.

*You can get it from pumpkin during the quest “The Child of the Mansion”. If you want to complete the quest and get the painting simply buy it from Coal Miner after giving it to him. He will ask for four gems, one of each kind. Shoot the rocks with gems around the area to find them.

**It will be on the wall ffter completing the quest “The Unsuccessful Painter”.

Other Achievements

Break time
Bought a drink

Find a vending machine in the Accident location. Use a coin on it to buy a drink. Coins can be found in Mansion3 on the right.

Garbage collector
Threw away trash

You will need tissues (Mansion2, bottom left) and a trash can (Mansion2, bottom left). Bring them both to your home and put tissues near the bed. At some point a used tussue will appear. Put it in a trash can.

Used up tissue

You will need tissues (Mansion2, bottom left). Bring them to your home and put near the bed. Tissues are used by Amili or by both of the girls. Wait until the box gets empty.

Assembled dinosaur fossil

Shoot rocks with a gun to find fossil parts. Place them correctly.

Space traveler
Went to space

The portal is located at Coalmine3 (bottom right). Save it on the map and go there.

Pink penguin
Captured pink penguin

Shoot ice rocks with a gun. There is a chance for a pink penguin to appear.

Killed an inhabitant

You need to kill a unique character. Can be done during a quest “Stay with me forever”.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 2987 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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