Got annoyed with completing a series of chapter objectives only to have already reached the final objective for the next chapter, thus missing out on plenty of coin.
Grand Campaign
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Be at War with Delmatae
- II: (1500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Triballi
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- II: (2000) Construct a Shrine of Anzotica
- III: (2000) Control 1 Sea Region
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Adriaticum, Mare Ionium and Mare Tyrrhenum
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (4000) Research technology Improved Shipbuilding
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Raze or Sack 7 different Settlements
- II: (6000) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Africa
- II: (10000) Construct a Sanctuary of Anzotica
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Maintain 8 units of Illyrian Noble Hoplites
- II: (8500) Earn an Annual Income of at least 40000 talents
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 15 Factions
- II: (10000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Sinus Gallicus, Mare Hispanum, Mare Africum and Mare Ibericum
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Research technology Iron Tools
- II: (1500) Construct a Farm
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Construct a Shrine of Endovelicus
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 units of Mercenaries
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Construct a Shrine of Ataegina
- II: (4000) Subjugate Lusitani
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Research a total of 7 Civil Technologies
- II: (4000) Construct a Sanctuary of Ataegina
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 8 Factions
- II: (6000) Construct a Sanctuary of Endovelicus
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Tarraconensis, Lusitania, Cartaginensis and Baetica
- II: (10000) Be at War with Rome
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Hold Roma
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (10000) Construct a Sacrificial Grove
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Control Caucasia
- II: (1000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Pontus
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Control Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (2000) Maintain 5 units of Eastern Cataphracts
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 Factions
- II: (4000) Construct a Royal Palace
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Ponto Caspia and Scythia
- II: (4000) Research technology Trade Language
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control Syria
- II: (4500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Parthia
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Research a total of 9 Military Technologies
- II: (10000) Control Persis
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Control Cilicia
- II: (5000) Construct a Danesgah
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Control Nabataea and Aegyptos
- II: (10000) Construct a Royal Mausoleum
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Subjugate Aedui
- II: (2000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Sequani
- III: (1500) Establish Trade with Massilia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Cisalpina, Tarraconensis, Raetia et Noricum and Magna Germania
- II: (4000) Control either Celtica, Belgica, Germania Minor or Magna Germania
- III: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Britannia
- IV: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia
Chapter III: (7500) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- I: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Rome
- II: (4000) Be at War with 2 Germanic Factions
- III: (4000) Control either Cisalpina, Raetia et Noricum, Tarraconensis or Magna Germania
- IV: (4000) Maintain a total of 15 Cavalry units
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate 13 Factions
- I: (5000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
- II: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- III: (6000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Suebi
- IV: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (7500) Control Aquitania, Celtica; Provincia, Belgica and Germania Minor
- II: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia
- III: (6000) Raze or Sack Roma
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- I: (9000) Control Cisalpina, Italia and Magna Graecia
- II: (6500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- III: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factions
- I: (9000) Maintain 20 units of Naked Warriors
- II: (10000) Control Britannia and Caledonia et Hibernia
- III: (9000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (14000) Control Suebia, Silesia, Magna Germania and Hercynia
- II: (12000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Contol Pannonia, Illyria, Macedonia, Thracia, Asia and Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Sparta
- II: (2500) Be at War with Macedon
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (3000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Egypt
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia or Thracia
- III: (5000) Subjugate Macedon
- IV: (2500) Research a total of 4 Civil Technologies
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Hellas
- II: (3500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 Factions
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (5000) Control either Asia or Bithynia et Pontus
- II: (4500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Pontus
- III: (4500) Be at War with Rome
- IV: (6000) Research a total of 10 Civil Technologies
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control either Magna Graecia or Illyria
- II: (5000) Establish an maintain Trade with at least 5 Factions
- III: (5000) Research technology Naval Manoeuvres
- IV: (7000) Control either Bosporus, Caucasia or Ponto Caspia
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (9000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (6000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (6000) Control either Syria or Nabataea
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (9000) Control either Aegyptus, Libya or Africa
- II: (11000) Subjugate Egypt
- III: (7000) Be at War with Carthage
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (13000) Subjugate Carthage
- II: (12000) Control Baetica, Cartaginensis, Tarraconensis and Provincia
- III: (14000) Subjugate Seleucid
- IV: (12000) Construct the Acropolis
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 9 Settlements
- I: (1000) Be at War with at least 1 Nomadic Faction
- II: (1500) Control either Aria or Gedrosia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 4 Factions
- II: (1500) Be at War with Parthia
- III: (2000) Control either Parthia or Carmania
- IV: (2000) Research technology Scholarship
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Be at War with Seleucid
- II: (3500) Maintain 20 Cavalry units
- III: (3000) Control either Persis or Media Magna
- IV: (3500) Research technology Architectural Advances
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 15 Factions
- I: (6000) Make Seleucid a Client State
- II: (4500) Control Syria and Mesopotamia
- III: (4000) Control either Armenia or Nabataea
- IV: (3500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
- V: (3000) Be at War with 3 Nomadic Factions
Chapter V: (13000) Hold 65 Settlements
- I: (4500) Control either Arabia Felix or Arabia Magna
- II: (4500) Control either Galatia et Cappadocia or Cilicia
- III: (8000) Make Egypt a Client State
- IV: (5500) Control Aegyptus and Libya
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 26 Factions
- I: (6000) Research technology City Planning
- II: (5500) Control either Africa or Mauretania
- III: (5500) Control either Bithynia et Pontus or Asia
- IV: (5000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 8 Factions
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8000) Make Macedon a Client State
- II: (7500) Control Macedonia and Thracia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold 85 Settlements
- I: (5000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 8 Factions
- II: (5000) Be at War with Rome
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (10000) Subjugate Rome
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (2000) Control either Suebia, Silesia or Magna Germania
- II: (2000) Research technology Mint
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Hold Noreia
- II: (2000) Research technology Animal Husbandry
- III: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 2 Factions
- IV: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia
Chapter III: (7500) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- I: (2000) Be at War with Biephi
- II: (3500) Control either Dacia or Sarmatia
- III: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Helvetii
- IV: (2500) Hold Patavium
- V: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate 13 Factions
- I: (3500) Hold Bibracte
- II: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Etruscan League
- III: (3000) Be at War with Rome
- IV: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 4 Factions
- V: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (3500) Hold Bibracte
- II: (8000) Control either Suebia, Silesia, Hercynia or Magna Germania
- III: (6500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- IV: (6000) Raze or Sack Roma
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- I: (9000) Control Cisalpina, Italia and Magna Graecia
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Britannia
- III: (4000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
- IV: (6500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factions
- I: (9000) Control either Celtica, Belgica, Germania Minor or Magna Germania
- II: (9000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (12000) Control Britannia and Caledonia et Hibernia
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Contol Pannonia, Illyria, Macedonia, Thracia, Asia and Galatia et Cappadoci
Chapter I: (2500) Control 3 Provinces
- I: (1500) Control the entirety of either Magna Graecia or Mauretania
- II: (1000) Construct a Trading Port
- III: (1500) Be at War with Rome
Chapter II: (5000) Hold 18 Port Settlements
- I: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Hispanum, Mare Tyrrhenum, Mare Africum and Sinus Gallicus
- II: (3000) Maintain 10 Mercenary units
- III: (3000) Research a total of 5 Military Technologies
- IV: (2500) Control the entirety of Corsica et Sardinia
Chapter III: (7500) Maintain a total of 75 Military units
- I: (3500) Control the entirety of 3 Sea Regions
- II: (3500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 5 Factions
- III: (4500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Macedon
- IV: (3500) Maintain 25 Naval units
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (4000) Maintain 15 different Mercenary units
- III: (4000) Research technology Naval Artillery Training
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (5000) Hold Tyros
- II: (7000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Syrtis, Mare Aegyptum and Mare Phoenicum
- III: (7500) Control the entirety of Tarraconensis, Lusitania, Cartaginensis and Baetica
Chapter VI: (16000) Hold 35 Port Settlements
- I: (8000) Control the entirety of either Nabataea or Syria
- II: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 10 Factions
- III: (8000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Carpathium, Mare Aegaeum, Mare Ionium and Mare Adriaticum
- IV: (9000) Subjugate Egypt
- V: (7000) Maintain 30 Naval units
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (9000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Pontus Thracius, Pontus Cimmerius and Pontus Euxinus
- II: (9000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Oceanus Atlanticus, Oceanus Gallicus and Sinus Aquitanus
- III: (9000) Earn an Annual Income of at least 40000 talents
- IV: (10000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Parthia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold 70 Settlements
- I: (12000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 15 Factions
- II: (12000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Sinus Arabicus, Sinus Persicus and Mare Indicum
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Oceanus Britannicus, Mare Hibernicum, Oceanus Germanicus and Mare Suevicum
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Hold Siracena
- II: (1000) Research Improved Irrigation
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Hold Phasis
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 Naval units
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 17 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Bitynia et Pontus
- II: (4000) Construct an Amphorae Kiln
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 15 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Thracia
- II: (4000) Control Scythia
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control Macedonia and Hellas
- II: (3500) Research Temple Design
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (10000) Control Dacia and Illyria
- II: (8000) Construct a Slave Market
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Control Asia and Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (5000) Maintain 10 units of Cimmerian Noble Infantry
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Control Aegyptos and Libue
- II: (10000) Construct a Rose Marl Building
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (1500) Control Trapezos
- II: (1000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Kartli
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Control Bithynia et Pontus
- II: (2000) Maintain 6 units of Eastern Horse Skirmishers
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 10 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Bosporus
- II: (4000) Research Legal Institutions
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 9 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Armenia
- II: (4000) Control Asia
Chapter V: (13000) Control 9 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control Media Magna and Persis
- II: (4500) Construct an Electrum Mint
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 14 Factions
- I: (10000) Control Macedonia and Hellas
- II: (8000) Research Crane Mechanics
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Control Nabataea and Aegyptos
- II: (5000) Maintain 14 units of Colchian Nobles
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Construct a Great Market
- II: (10000) Construct a Temple of the Golden Fleece
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 3 Provinces
- I: (1500) Construct a Library
- II: (3000) Be at War with Seleucid
- III: (3000) Subjugate Cyrenaica
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (4000) Control Syria
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 Naval units
- III: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with Rome
Chapter III: (7500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 11 Provinces
- I: (4500) Control Aegyptus, Libya and Aethiopia
- II: (3500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Rome
- III: (7000) Make Seleucid a Client State
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (3500) Control Syria and Mesopotamia
- II: (4000) Control either Arabia Magna or Arabia Felix
- III: (4000) Maintain 10 Elephant units
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (7500) Make Macedon a Client State
- II: (6000) Earn an Annual Income of 20000 talents
- III: (6000) Maintain 20 Naval units
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Macedonia and Thracia
- II: (6000) Be at War with Parthia
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (10000) Make Baktria a Client State
- III: (10000) Control Parthia, Carmania, Aria and Persis
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (13000) Research a total of 18 Civil Technologies
- II: (13000) Control Bactria and Arachosia
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Subjugate Rome
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with Macedon
- II: (2500) Subjugate Sparta
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (3000) Research technology Hellenisation
- II: (2000) Be at War with Rome
- III: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria and Magna Graecia
- IV: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 5 Factions
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (7000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (5000) Control Magna Graecia and Italia
- III: (3500) Be at War with Carthage
- IV: (3000) Be at War with Macedon
- V: (4000) Control either Corsica et Sardinia, Provincia or Cartaginensis
- VI: (4000) Maintain 6 units of Tarantine Cavalry
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Subjugate Macedon
- II: (5000) Control Macedonia and Hellas
- III: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Africa and Mauretania
- IV: (6000) Control Corsica et Sardinia, Provincia and Cartaginensis
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (7500) Subjugate Carthage
- II: (5000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Egypt
- III: (6000) Control Africa and Mauretania
- IV: (6000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia and Cilicia
- V: (6500) Control Illyria and Thracia
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Asia and Cilicia
- II: (5000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (6000) Maintain 5 units of Mercenary African Elephants
- IV: (6000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Seleucid
- V: (7000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia and Dacia
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (9000) Control Pannonia and Dacia
- II: (10000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Raetia et Noricum, Hercynia, Sarmatia and Ponto Caspia
- III: (11000) Subjugate Egypt
- IV: (5000) Be at War with Seleucid
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (14000) Control Raetia et Noricum, Hercynia, Sarmatia and Ponto Caspia
- II: (14000) Subjugate Seleucid
- III: (12000) Construct the Oracle of Dodona
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (2000) Research technology Sacred Grove
- II: (2000) Control Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (1500) Be at War with Pergamon
- II: (2500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia
- III: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 2 Factions
Chapter III: (7500) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- I: (5000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Gallic Confederation
- II: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- III: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia
- IV: (3000) Be at War with Seleucid
- V: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in either Mesopotamia or Armenia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia
- II: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria
- III: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in either Persis or Media Magna
- IV: (2500) Be at War with at least 1 Nomadic faction
- V: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 4 Factions
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (5500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in either Carmania or Parthia
- II: (4000) Be at War with at least 1 Germanic faction
- III: (5500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Raetia et Noricum
- IV: (6000) Maintain a total of 20 Naked Swords
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- I: (7500) Control either Provincia, Aquitania, Celtica, Belgica or Germania Minor
- II: (6000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in ether Aria or Gedrosia
- III: (6000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factons
- I: (10000) Control Provincia, Aquitania, Celtica, Belgica and Germania Minor
- II: (7000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in either Bactria or Arachosia
- III: (7500) Raze or Sack Roma
Chapter VIII: (25000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (11000) Control Suebia, Silesia, Hercynia and Magna Germania
- II: (9000) Control Britannia and Tarraconensis
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control Raetia et Noricum, Pannonia, Illyria, Macedonia, Asia and Thracia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 2 Factions
- II: (1000) Construct a Sacred Enclosure
- III: (1500) Be at War with Scordisci
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- II: (2000) Construct a Grove of Zalmoxis
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Be at War with Royal Scythia
- II: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Region of Pontus Cimmerius
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Ponto-Caspia and Scythia
- II: (4000) Research technology Dacian Courage
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Raze or Sack 7 different Settlements
- II: (6000) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Parthia, Aria and Media Magna
- II: (10000) Construct a High King’s Hold
- III: (10000) Research a total of 13 Technologies
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (5000) Maintain any 12 units of Nobles (Horsemen, Spears and Swords)
- II: (8500) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 15 Factions
- II: (10000) Control Parthia, Aria, Arachosia, Gadrosia, Persis and Carmania
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 8 Settlements
- I: (2500) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Britannic Confederation
- II: (1000) Maintain 5 Naval units
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Belgica and Germania Minor
- II: (3000) Raze or Sack 2 different Settlements
- III: (4000) Control Britannia
- IV: (3000) Research technology Improved Chariots
Chapter III: (7500) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- I: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Suebia and Magna Germania
- II: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Arverni
- III: (4000) Be at war with 2 Germanic Factions
- IV: (3000) Control Caledonia et Hibernia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Hercynia and Raetia et Noricum
- III: (5000) Maintain 20 units of Painted Ones
Chapter V: (13000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- I: (6000) Raze or Sack Roma
- II: (5000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 5 Factions
- III: (7000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Dacia, Pannonia and Cisalpina
Chapter VI: (16000) Control 12 Provinces
- I: (7000) Raze or Sack 4 different Settlements
- II: (8000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria, Thracia and Italia
- III: (8000) Research a total of 14 Military Technologies
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (9000) Control either Celtica, Aquitania or Provincia
- II: (9000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Bithynia et Pontus and Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (12000) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- II: (14000) Control either Tarraconensis, Cartaginensis, Lusitania or Baetica
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control Cartaginensis, Aquitania, Raetia et Noricum, Thracia and Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Research technology Advanced Saddle
- II: (1500) Control Lusitania
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Construct a Shrine of Endovelicus
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 units of Mercenaries
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Construct a Shrine of Ataegina
- II: (4000) Subjugate Arevaci
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Research a total of 7 Military Technologies
- II: (4000) Construct a Sanctuary of Ataegina
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 8 Factions
- II: (6000) Construct a Sanctuary of Endovelicus
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Tarraconensis, Lusitania, Cartaginensis and Baetica
- II: (10000) Be at War with Rome
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Hold Roma
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (10000) Construct a Sacrificial Grove
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Maintain 5 Naval units
- II: (2000) Make Epirus a Client State
- III: (1000) Be at War with Pergamon
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (4000) Subjugate Pergamon
- II: (3500) Control the entirety of either Asia or Hellas
- III: (3500) Maintain 10 units of Pike Infantry
- IV: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Seleucid
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control the entirety of Asia and Cilicia
- II: (3000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Carthage
- III: (4000) Maintain 5 units of Heavy Cavalry
- IV: (3000) Be at War with Rome
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (4000) Maintain 30 Naval units
- III: (4000) Control the entirety of Thracia
- IV: (4000) Control the entirety of Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (7500) Make Egypt a Client State
- II: (4000) Be at War with Seleucid
- III: (6000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Dacia, Pannonia and Ponto Caspia
- IV: (6000) Control the entirety of Magna Graecia and Italia
- V: (6000) Control the entirety of Nabataea
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (10000) Make Seleucid a Client State
- II: (7000) Control the entirety of Aegyptus and Libya
- III: (7500) Maintain 40 combined units of Pike Infantry and Heavy Cavalry
- IV: (8000) Control the entirety of Media Magna and Persis
- V: (6500) Control the entirety of either Africa or Mauretania
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factions
- I: (10000) Control the entirety of Syria and Mesopotamia
- II: (9000) Be at War with Parthia
- III: (9000) Control the entirety of either Arabia Magna or Arabia Felix
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (12000) Research a total of 20 Military Technologies
- II: (14000) Make Baktria a Client State
- III: (12000) Maintain 70 combined units of Pike Infantry and Heavy Cavalry
- IV: (13000) Control the entirety of Parthia and Carmania
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control the entirety of Arachosia and Bactria
- II: (15000) Control the entirety of either Transoxania or Gedrosia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Nomadic Confederation
- II: (2000) Maintain 20 Cavalry units
- III: (3000) Be at War with Parthia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (5000) Control Dacia, Caucasia, Chorasmia and Bosporus
- II: (3500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- III: (2500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 Factions
- IV: (2500) Be at War with Siraces
- V: (3500) Be at War with 3 Eastern Factions
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Media Magna
- II: (3000) Be at War with Cimmeria
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Parthia, Armenia,Thracia and Sarmatia
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack 6 different Settlements
- III: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- IV: (4500) Be at War with Pontus
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (5000) Hold Jerusalem
- II: (5000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (5000) Be at War with Macedon
- IV: (4000) Research technology Stargazing
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Aegyptus
- II: (6000) Raze or Sack 9 different Settlements
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 10 Factions
- II: (7500) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
- III: (7000) Research technology Multilingual
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (9000) Control Bactria, Asia and Silesia
- II: (8000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- III: (7500) Be at War with 3 Celtic Factions
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Control Genua
- II: (1000) Research Voyages of Pytheas
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Hold Octuduron
- II: (2000) Maintain 5 units of Massilian Hoplites
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (1500) Be at War with Carthage
- II: (1500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Rome
- III: (4000) Control Corsica et Sardinia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Tarraconensis and Cartaginensis
- II: (4000) Construct a Wine Market
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control Aquitania and Celtica
- II: (3500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 5 Factions
- III: (1000) Hold Iska
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Africa and Mauretania
- II: (10000) Research a total of 11 Civil Technologies
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Control Magna Graecia and Italia
- II: (5000) Maintain 10 naval units of Assault Hexeres (Thureos Spears)
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Control Illyria, Macedonia and Hellas
- II: (10000) Construct a Cult of Ephesus
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Be at War with 2 Celtic factions
- II: (1500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Atrebartes
- III: (2000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Magna Germania
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Research technology War Horn
- II: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
- III: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Britannia
- IV: (2500) Control Magna Germania
Chapter III: (7500) Raze or Sack 8 different Settlements
- I: (2500) Research technology Craft Specialisation
- II: (3500) Control Britannia
- III: (4000) Control either Cisalpina, Raetia et Noricum, Tarraconensis or Magna Germania
- IV: (2500) Maintain 10 units of Guerilla Swordsmen
- V: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate 13 Factions
- I: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria
- II: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- III: (8000) Control Aquitania, Celtica; Provincia, Belgica and Germania Minor
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (7500) Control Suebia, Silesia, Magna Germania and Hercynia
- II: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia
- III: (6000) Raze or Sack Roma
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
- I: (10000) Control Britannia and Caledonia et Hibernia
- II: (6500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factions
- I: (9000) Maintain 20 units of Naked Warriors
- II: (9000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia
- III: (9000) Control Cisalpina, Italia and Magna Graecia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (12000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control Pannonia, Illyria, Macedonia, Thracia, Asia and Galatia et Cappadocia
Odrysian Kingdom
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 2 Factions
- II: (1000) Be at War with Triballi
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- II: (2000) Construct an Altar of Dionysus
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Subjugate Macedon
- II: (3000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Adriaticum, Mare Ionium and Mare Tyrrhenum
- III: (2500) Maintain 6 units of Thracian Horsemen
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Pontus Thracius, Pontus Cimmerius and Pontus Euxinus
- II: (4000) Research technology Improved Shipbuilding
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Raze or Sack 7 different Settlements
- II: (6000) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control either Italia or Magna Graecia
- II: (10000) Construct a Sanctuary of Dionysus
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (5000) Raze or Sack 11 different Settlements
- II: (8500) Earn an Annual Income of at least 40000 talents
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 15 Factions
- II: (10000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Sinus Gallicus, Mare Hispanum, Mare Africum and Mare Ibericum
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 8 Settlements
- I: (1500) Control Parthia
- II: (2500) Be at War with Seleucid
- III: (1000) Research technology Logistics
- IV: (1500) Establish and maintain Trade with Baktria
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Aria and Carmania
- II: (3500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Baktria
- III: (3000) Maintain 10 units of Missile Cavalry
- IV: (4000) Subjugate Dahae
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 20 Settlements
- I: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Media Magna, Persis and Mesopotamia
- II: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with Arachosia
- III: (3000) Maintain 15 Mercenary units
- IV: (4000) Maintain 2 Client States
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Media Magna, Mesopotamia and Persis
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Scythia
- III: (6000) Earn an annual Trade Income of at least 3500 talents
Chapter V: (13000) Hold 40 Settlements
- I: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Syria
- II: (5000) Be at War with Armenia
- III: (6000) Control Arachosia
- IV: (6000) Maintain 10 units of Cataphracts
- V: (10000) Subjugate Seleucid
Chapter VI: (16000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
- I: (7000) Control Syria
- II: (7000) Be at War with Rome
- III: (8000) Maintain 4 Clients States
- IV: (9000) Subjugate Armenia
Chapter VII: (20000) Subjugate a total of 25 Factions
- I: (11000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Nabataea, Cilicia and Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (8000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (10000) Control Arabia Magna and Arabia Felix
- IV: (10000) Earn an annual Trade Income of at least 7000 talents
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold 70 Settlements
- I: (12000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Aegyptus and Libya
- II: (12000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Hellas and Macedonia
- III: (12000) Maintain 40 Cataphracts
- IV: (14000) Research a total of 28 Technologies
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Subjugate Rome
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (1000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Bithynia
- II: (1500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Pontus
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Hold Ephesus, Pessinus and Iconium
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 units of Mercenaries
- III: (1000) Be at War with Seleucid
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (4000) Earn an end-turn Income of at least 2500 talents
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 5 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Cilicia
- II: (4000) Research Temple Design
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Control Syria and Mesopotamia
- II: (3500) Construct a Baths of Asclepius
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (10000) Control Thracia and Macedonia
- II: (8000) Research Pergaminus
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Control Hellas and Illyria
- II: (5000) Maintain 10 units of Pergamon Noble Cavalry
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Construct a Great Altar of Pergamon
- II: (10000) Construct a Library of Pergamon
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (2000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Galatia
- II: (2500) Subjugate Cappadocia
- III: (2500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Armenia and Galatia et Cappadocia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Seleucid
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Caucasia and Bosporus
- III: (3000) Research technology Philhellenism
Chapter III: (7500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 11 Provinces
- I: (5000) Control Bithynia et Pontus and Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (2500) Be at War with Galatia
- III: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Asia and Cilicia
- IV: (3000) Control Bosporus
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (4000) Be at War with Egypt
- II: (6000) Control Asia and Cilicia
- III: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia and Ponto Caspia
- IV: (6000) Subjugate Pergamon
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Mesopotamia, Media Magna and Syria
- II: (7000) Subjugate Armenia
- III: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- IV: (5000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Athens
- V: (7000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Macedonia, Illyria and Hellas
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (9000) Subjugate Egypt
- II: (8000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Libya, Aegyptus and Nabataea
- III: (8000) Control Persis
- IV: (7000) Be at War with Parthia
- V: (9000) Control Macedonia, Illyria and Hellas
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 20 Military units
- I: (10000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Sarmatia, Scythia and Dacia
- II: (12000) Subjugate Rome
- III: (10000) Control Italia, Magna Graecia and Cisalpina
- IV: (10000) Control Libya, Aegyptus and Nabataea
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (14000) Control Sarmatia, Dacia and Scythia
- II: (14000) Control Parthia, Carmania and Aria
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Subjugate Parthia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Control either Magna Graecia or Italia
- II: (1500) Subjugate the Etruscan League
- III: (1000) Be at War with Carthage
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Control Corsica et Sardinia
- II: (2000) Maintain 10 Naval units
- III: (2000) Research technology Naval Manoeuvres
- IV: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Illyria, Macedonia and Hellas
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Cisalpina, Italia and Magna Graecia
- II: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Mauretania and Africa
- III: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Tarraconensis, Cartaginensis and Baetica
- IV: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Provincia and Raetia et Noricum
- V: (2000) Be at War with Macedon
- VI: (2000) Maintain 1 Client State
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Subjugate Carthage
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack Carthago
- III: (6000) Subjugate Macedon
- IV: (4000) Control Provincia
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (6000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Cilicia, Asia and Bithynia et Pontus
- II: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Pannonia and Thracia
- III: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Syria and Nabataea
- IV: (6500) Control either Aquitania, Celtica, Belgica or Germania Minor
- V: (5000) Research technology Remuneration Reforms
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Subjugate Pontus
- II: (10000) Subjugate Seleucid
- III: (9000) Control Provincia, Celtica, Aquitania, Belgica and Germania Minor
- IV: (7000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Britannia and Caledonia et Hibernia
- V: (8000) Maintain 3 Client States
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (10000) Subjugate Egypt
- II: (8000) Research a total of 22 Technologies
- III: (10000) Construct a Pantheon
- IV: (10000) Establish an Empire
- V: (10000) Control Britannia, Raetia et Noricum, Pannonia and Dacia
- VI: (6000) Be at War with Parthia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Control either Mesopotamia, Media Magna or Caucasia
- II: (10000) Control either Magna Germania, Hercynia, Suebia or Silesia
- III: (10000) Control either Arabia Magna, Arabia Felix or Nabataea
- IV: (12000) Make Armenia a Client State
- V: (12000) Construct a Colosseum
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control Magna Germania, Suebia, Hercynia, Silesia and Caledonia et Hibernia
- II: (15000) Control Mesopotamia, Persis, Parthia, Media Magna and Syria
- III: (15000) Subjugate Parthia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I; (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Nomadic Confederation
- II: (2000) Maintain 20 Cavalry units
- III: (2000) Be at War with Siraces
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (5000) Control Dacia, Caucasia, Chorasmia and Bosporus
- II: (3500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- III: (2500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 Factions
- IV: (3000) Be at War with Cimmeria
- V: (3000) Be at War with Parthia
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Media Magna
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- III: (3500) Be at War with Pontus
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Parthia, Armenia, Thracia and Sarmatia
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack 6 different Settlements
- III: (4000) Be at War with Macedon
- IV: (4500) Be at War with 3 Eastern Factions
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (5000) Hold Jerusalem
- II: (5000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (5500) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
- IV: (4000) Research technology Stargazing
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Aegyptus
- II: (6000) Raze or Sack 9 different Settlements
- III: (6000) Be at War with 3 Celtic Factions
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 10 Factions
- II: (7000) Research technology Multilingual
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (9000) Control Bactria, Asia and Silesia
- II: (8000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Royal Scythia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Nomadic Confederation
- II: (2000) Maintain 20 Cavalry units
- III: (2000) Be at War with Siraces
- IV: (2000) Be at War with Cimmeria
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (5000) Control Dacia, Caucasia, Chorasmia and Bosporus
- II: (3500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
- III: (2500) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 Factions
- IV: (3000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
- V: (3000) Be at War with Pontus
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Be at War with Macedon
- II: (4000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Media Magna
- III: (3500) Be at War with Parthia
- IV: (3500) Be at War with 3 Hellenic Factions
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (8000) Control Parthia, Armenia, Thracia and Sarmatia
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack 6 different Settlements
- II: (4000) Be at War with 3 Celtic Factions
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (5000) Hold Jerusalem
- II: (5000) Be at War with Egypt
- III: (4000) Research technology Stargazing
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Aegyptus
- II: (6000) Raze or Sack 9 different Settlements
- III: (6000) Be at War with 3 Eastern Factions
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 10 Factions
- II: (7000) Research technology Multilingual
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (9000) Control Bactria, Asia and Silesia
- II: (8000) Raze or Sack 12 different Settlements
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 13 Settlements
- I: (4000) Be at War with Egypt
- II: (2500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Nabataea
- III: (2500) Control Cilicia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (5000) Make Egypt a Client State
- II: (2500) Maintain 10 Naval units
- III: (4000) Subjugate Galatia
- IV: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Macedon
- V: (4000) Maintain 8 Client States
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 35 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Aegyptus and Libya
- II: (6000) Make Armenia a Client State
- III: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Arabia Magna
- IV: (3500) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Thracia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Make Macedon a Client State
- II: (5000) Control either Arabia Felix or Arabia Magna
- III: (5000) Maintain 30 Cavalry units composed of Citizen/Median/Tarantine
Chapter V: (13000) Control 15 Provinces
- I: (7000) Control Macedonia and Thracia
- II: (5000) Be at War with Parthia
- III: (6000) Maintain 10 units of Elephants
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (7500) Make Baktria a Client State
- II: (6000) Be at War with Rome
- III: (9000) Subjugate Parthia
- IV: (6000) Research technology Supply Reforms
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (10000) Control Bactria and Arachosia
- II: (9000) Maintain 10 Cavalry units of Hellenic Cataphracts/Azat Knights
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 40 Provinces
- I: (10000) Control either Africa or Mauretania
- II: (14000) Subjugate Rome
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Athens
- II: (2500) Subjugate Epirus
- III: (2000) Be at War with Macedon
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Maintain 10 units of Spartan Hoplites
- II: (5000) Subjugate Macedon
- III: (3500) Research 4 Military Technologies
- IV: (4000) Control either Asia or Thracia
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Control Hellas
- II: (3500) Establish and maintain Trade with Egypt
- III: (5000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Rome
- IV: (3000) Research technology Physical Conditioning
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (5000) Be at War with Seleucid
- II: (6000) Control either Cilicia, Galatia et Cappadocia or Bithynia et Pontus
- III: (7000) Control Illyria, Dacia and Pannonia
- IV: (5000) Research a total of 10 Military Technologies
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (10000) Subjugate Seleucid
- II: (7000) Control either Syria, Mesopotamia or Armenia
- III: (7000) Control either Magna Graecia, Itaia or Cisalpina
- IV: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- V: (6000) Research technology Weapon Proficiency
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (8000) Control either Aegyptus, Libya or Africa
- III: (7000) Control either Media Magna or Persis
- IV: (6000) Be at War with Egypt
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (10000) Subjugate Egypt
- II: (11000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Raetia et Noricum, Hercynia, Sarmatia and Ponto Caspia
- III: (8000) Control either Caucasia or Bosporus
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (14000) Control Raetia et Noricum, Hercynia, Sarmatia and Ponto Caspia
- II: (12000) Construct a Hero Shrine
- III: (12000) Control either Corsica et Sardinia, Provincia or Cartaginensis
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 8 Settlements
- I: (1500) Be at War with 2 Germanic Factions
- II: (1500) Research technology War Dance
- III: (2000) Control either Suebia, Silesia or Magna Germania
Chapter II: (5000) Raze or Sack 5 different Settlements
- I: (4000) Raze or Sack 4 Celtic Settlements
- II: (4000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Germanic Confederation
- III: (3000) Maintain 20 units of Spear Brothers
Chapter III: (7500) Maintain a total of 75 Military units
- I: (5000) Control Suebia, Silesia and Magna Germania
- II: (3500) Form a defensive or military Alliance with Sequani
- III: (4000) Raze or Sack 4 different Settlements
Chapter IV: (10000) Control 8 Provinces
- I: (5000) Control either Pannonia or Dacia
- II: (6000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Germanic Confederation
- III: (4000) Be at War with 3 Celtic Factions
Chapter V: (13000) Subjugate a total of 16 Factions
- I: (5000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (6000) Maintain 10 units of Germanic Berserkers
- III: (7500) Control Silesia, Hercynia, Suebia, Magna Germania and Germania Minor
- IV: (5000) Control either Macedonia or Thracia
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 15 different Settlements
- I: (6000) Be at War with Iceni
- II: (6000) Raze or Sack Roma
- III: (8000) Control either Italia or Magna Graecia
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- II: (9000) Control either Britannia or Caledonia et Hibernia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in 30 Provinces
- I: (12000) Raze or Sack 10 different Settlements
- II: (14000) Control either Tarraconensis or Lusitania
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control the entirety of either Tarraconensis or Lusitania
- II: (15000) Hold Carthago
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1000) Be at War with Carthage
- II: (1500) Construct an Amphitheatron
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Construct a Temple of Zeus
- II: (2000) Hold Carthago
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (3000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (4000) Control Magna Graecia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Sparta
- II: (4000) Construct a Drydock
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Maintain at least 4 units of Picked Hoplites
- II: (6000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Hold Roma
- II: (10000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Ionium, Mare Tyrrhenum, Mare Africum and Syrtis
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (8500) Research technology Naval Artillery Training
- II: (10000) Control Italia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Research technology Golden Age
- II: (10000) Control Cartaginensis, Baetica and Lusitania
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Construct an Altar to Zeus
- II: (15000) Construct a Theatre of Syracuse
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Be at War with Bithynia
- II: (1000) Control Thracia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2000) Maintain at least 9 units of Thracian Warriors
- II: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 2 Factions
- III: (2500) Subjugate Macedon
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 25 Settlements
- I: (4000) Get at least 1 Faction to Join in a Confederation
- II: (3000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Adriaticum, Mare Ionium and Mare Tyrrhenum
- III: (2500) Raze or Sack 3 different Settlements
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (7000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Pontus Thracius, Pontus Cimmerius and Pontus Euxinus
- II: (4000) Research technology Improved Shipbuilding
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (4500) Raze or Sack 7 different Settlements
- II: (6000) Be at War with 3 Hellenic factions
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (8000) Control either Italia or Magna Graecia
- II: (10000) Construct a Sanctuary of Cernunnos
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (5000) Raze or Sack 11 different Settlements
- II: (8500) Earn an Annual Income of at least 40000 talents
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (10000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 15 Factions
- II: (10000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Sinus Gallicus, Mare Hispanum, Mare Africum and Mare Ibericum
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
Caesar in Gaul
CiG – Arverni
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 5 Settlements
- I: (2500) Control Gergovia
- II: (1500) Maintain a total of 25 Military units
- III: (2000) Research technology Knowledge of the Oak
Chapter II: (5000) Control Lugdunensis and Pictavis
- I: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
- II: (1500) Be at War with Aedui
- III: (2500) Maintain 2 units of Chosen Swordsmen
Chapter III: (7500) Maintain a total of 60 Military units
- I: (2500) Research technology Perennial Irrigation
- II: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
Chapter IV: (10000) Control 4 Provinces
- I: (2000) Be at War with Suebi
- II: (3500) Subjugate Aedui
- III: (3500) Hold Narbo Martius
Chapter V: (13000) Maintain a total of 80 Military units
- I: (3000) Raze or Sack Rauricon
- II: (4000) Research technology Cultural Identity
- III: (4500) Control Senonia
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 10 different Settlements
- I: (6000) Get at least 2 Factions to join in a Gallic Confederation
- II: (3500) Hold Alesia
- III: (4500) Control Aquitania
Chapter VII: (20000) Control Insubria
- I: (6000) Maintain 5 units of Oathsworn
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack at least 1 Latin Settlement
- III: (7000) Research technology Confederation
Chapter VIII: (25000) Achieve Victory
- I: (7500) Raze or Sack Genua
- II: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- III: (10000) Get at least 2 Factions to join in a Gallic Confederation
CiG – Nervii
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 6 Settlements
- I: (2500) Control Germania Inferior
- II: (1500) Maintain a total of 25 Military units
- III: (2000) Research technology Physical Conditioning
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
- II: (1500) Be at War with Remi
- III: (2500) Maintain 2 units of Guerrilla Swordsmen
Chapter III: (7500) Control Arduenna Silva and Silva Carbonaria
- I: (2000) Research technology Grain Kiln
- II: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Gallic Confederation
- III: (3000) Subjugate Suessiones
Chapter IV: (10000) Control 4 Provinces
- I: (5000) Subjugate Aedui
- II: (2500) Be at War with Rome
- III: (2500) Maintain 5 Naval units
Chapter V: (13000) Maintain a total of 80 Military units
- I: (3500) Hold Durovernon
- II: (4000) Maintain 5 units of Fierce Swords
- III: (7000) Get at least 2 Factions to join in a Gallic Confederation
Chapter VI: (16000) Raze or Sack 10 different Settlements
- I: (7000) Control Silva Nigra, Maxima Sequanorum and Helvetia
- II: (4000) Maintain 15 Naval units
- III: (4500) Subjugate Vangiones
Chapter VII: (20000) Control Insubria and Liguria
- I: (5000) Maintain 5 units of Oathsworn
- II: (5000) Raze or Sack at least 1 Latin Settlement
- III: (6000) Research technology War Chiefs
Chapter VIII: (25000) Achieve Victory
- I: (5000) Control Britannia
- II: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- III: (7500) Get at least 2 Factions to join in a Gallic Confederation
CiG – Rome
Chapter I: (2500) Control 3 Provinces
- I: (2500) Control Helvetia
- II: (1500) Subjugate Helvetii
- III: (2000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Aedui
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (2000) Maintain 4 combined units of Celtic Warriors and Spear Warriors
- II: (3500) Maintain 3 Client States
- III: (1500) Research technology Appoint Legates
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (3000) Make Aedui a Client State
- II: (3500) Hold at Rauricon, Vesontio and Argentorate
- III: (1500) Be at War with Suebi
Chapter IV: (10000) Control Arduenna Silva and Germania Inferior
- I: (3500) Maintain 15 combined units of Celtic Warriors, Spear Warriors, Spear Brothers and Longbow Hunters
- II: (4000) Subjugate Nervii
- III: (3000) Raze or Sack Bagacum
Chapter V: (13000) Maintain a total of 80 Military units
- I: (2500) Hold Gesoriacum
- II: (2500) Maintain 10 Naval units
- III: (4500) Research technology Support Syrian Claim
Chapter VI: (16000) Control Britannia and Lutetia
- I: (4000) Subjugate Belgae
- II: (3500) Control Aremorica
- III: (4500) Research technology Bribe Gaius Scribonius Curio
Chapter VII: (20000) Control Narbonensis, Gergovia and Pictavis
- I: (6000) Subjugate Arverni
- II: (5000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
Chapter VIII: (25000) Achieve Victory
- I: (5000) Control Aquitania
- II: (7500) Research technology Return Legion
- III: (7500) Maintain 5 First Cohort units
CiG – Suebi
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 6 Settlements
- I: (1500) Hold Divoduron
- II: (2000) Research technology Supply Foraging
- III: (2000) Raze or Sack at least 1 Celtic Settlemen
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (3000) Get at least 1 Faction to join in a Germanic Confederation
- II: (2500) Maintain 2 units of Bloodsworn
Chapter III: (7500) Control Helvetia and Arduenna Silva
- I: (3500) Research technology Field Surgery
- II: (3500) Subjugate Aedui
Chapter IV: (10000) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (3000) Hold Vesontio
- II: (5000) Hold at least 1 Settlement in Insubria
- III: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Arverni
Chapter V: (13000) Control Arduenna Silva
- I: (3000) Hold Bagacum
- II: (4000) Research technology Temple of the Oak
- III: (4000) Maintain 2 units of Noble Riders
Chapter VI: (16000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
- I: (5000) Be at War with Arverni
- II: (4000) Raze or Sack at least 1 Latin Settlement
- III: (4000) Hold Vercelum
Chapter VII: (20000) Control Senonia and Gergovia
- I: (6000) Research technology Human Sacrifice
- II: (6000) Subjugate Nervii
- III: (5000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
Chapter VIII: (25000) Achieve Victory
- I: (7500) Control Silva Carbonaria
- II: (10000) Subjugate Rome
- III: (5000) Hold Genua
Hannibal at the Gates
H@G – Arevaci
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (2000) Research technology Iron Tools
- II: (1500) Construct a Farm
- III: (2500) Be at War with Lusitani
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain 50 Military units
- I: (2500) Subjugate Lusitani
- II: (2000) Maintain 4 units of Painted Warriors
- III: (2000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Vettones
Chapter III: (7500) Control Hispania Ulterior, Turdetania, Lusitania, Hispania Citerior, Gallaecia and Celtiberia
- I: (5000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Hispanum, Mare Ibericum, Gaditanum Fretum and Atlanticus Oceanus
- II: (3000) Research a total of 6 Civil Technologies
Chapter IV: (10000) Hold Rutubis, Tingis, Volubilis and Siga
- I: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with 8 Factions
- II: (4000) Be at War with Libya
Chapter V: (13000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (6000) Construct a Sacrificial Grove
Chapter VI: (16000) Achieve Victory
H@G – Carthage
Chapter I: (2500) Control 4 Provinces
- I: (2000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Arevaci
- II: (1500) Establish and maintain Trade with Libya
- III: (1000) Research technology Diplomats
Chapter II: (5000) Hold 24 Settlements
- I: (4000) Hold Pallantia, Ebora and Ilerda
- II: (2000) Research technology Foreign Policy
- III: (2000) Establish and maintain Trade with Lusitani
Chapter III: (7500) Control 28 Settlements
- I: (3000) Control Hispania Citerior
- II: (3000) Maintain 16 Naval units
- III: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Region of Mare Sardoum
- IV: (2000) Research a total of 6 Military Technologies
Chapter IV: (10000) Hold Genua, Patavium and Pisae
- I: (3000) Research technology Promise of Freedom
- II: (4000) Control Gallia Transalpina
- III: (4000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Boii
Chapter V: (13000) Hold Roma
- I: (6000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Etruscan League
- II: (6000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Samnites
Chapter VI: (15000) Achieve Victory
H@G – Lusitani
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (2000) Research technology Advanced Saddle
- II: (1500) Construct a Grove of Endovelicus
- III: (2500) Be at War with Arevaci
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain 50 Military units
- I: (2500) Subjugate Arevaci
- II: (2000) Maintain 4 units of Lusitani Spearmen
- III: (2000) Be at War with Carthage
Chapter III: (7500) Control Hispania Ulterior, Turdetania, Lusitania, Hispania Citerior, Gallaecia and Celtiberia
- I: (5000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Regions of Mare Hispanum, Mare Ibericum, Gaditanum Fretum and Atlanticus Oceanus
- II: (3000) Research a total of 6 Military Technologies
Chapter IV: (10000) Hold Genua, Patavium, Placentia and Pisae
- I: (7000) Establish and maintain Trade with 8 Factions
- II: (4000) Be at War with Rome
Chapter V: (13000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (6000) Construct a Sanctuary of Endovelicus
Chapter VI: (16000) Achieve Victory
H@G – Rome
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 30 Settlements
- I: (1000) Hold Genua
- II: (1000) Research technology Diplomats
- III: (1000) Establish and maintain Trade with Syracuse
Chapter II: (5000) Hold 35 Settlements
- I: (2500) Research a total of 8 Military Technologies
- II: (2000) Control Gallia Transalpina
- III: (2000) Construct a Blacksmith
Chapter III: (7500) Control 11 Provinces
- I: (2000) Research technology Iberian Mission
- II: (3000) Subjugate Volcae
- III: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Region of Atlanticus Oceanus
Chapter IV: (10000) Hold 40 Settlements
- I: (7000) Hold Saguntum
- II: (4000) Subjugate Vaccaei
- III: (6000) Raze or Sack Carthago Nova
Chapter V: (10000) Hold Cirta, Capsa and Tacapae
- I: (4000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining the Sea Region of Mare Africum
- II: (5000) Hold Tingis
- III: (3000) Hold Ibossim
- IV: (3000) Research technology African Mission
Chapter VI: (11000) Hold Carthago
- I: (5000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Libya
- II: (5000) Forge a defensive or military Alliance with Massyli
Chapter VII: (15000) Achieve Victory
H@G – Syracuse
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (2000) Be at War with Carthage
- II: (1500) Construct an Odeon
- III: (2500) Subjugate Libya
Chapter II: (5000) Control Tripolitana, Africa, Numidia and Mauretania
- I: (2500) Maintain 15 Naval units
- II: (2000) Raze or Sack Carthago
Chapter III: (7500) Control Hispania Ulterior, Turdetania and Lusitania
- I: (5000) Subjugate Carthage
- II: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 6 Factions
Chapter IV: (10000) Maintain a total of 90 Military units
- I: (7000) Be at War with Rome
- II: (4000) Maintain 17 units of Mercenaries
- III: (6000) Research technology Golden Age
Chapter V: (13000) Hold Roma
- I: (6000) Construct an Altar to Zeus
- II: (5000) Construct a Theatre of Syracuse
Chapter VI: (16000) Achieve Victory
Imperator Augustus
IA – Antony
Chapter I: (2500) Control 17 Provinces
- I: (1000) Control Palmyra
- II: (1500) Subjugate Nasamones
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (2500) Hold Edessa, Hatra, Phraaspa and Gazaca
- II: (2000) Construct an Auxiliary Barracks
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 70 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Mesopotamia and Media Magna
- II: (3000) Control Dacia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Africa
- II: (5000) Research Cohort Organisation
Chapter V: (13000) Control 26 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Parthia and Aria
- II: (5000) Research Mysticism
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 15 Factions
- I: (9000) Hold Brundisium
- II: (8000) Control Pannonia
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 200 Military units
- I: (10500) Hold Roma
- II: (9000) Maintain 10 total units of Veteran Legionaries and/or Evocati Cohort
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 38 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Cisalpina, Narbonensis and Aquitania
- II: (9000) Construct a Colosseum
IA – Armenia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Subjugate Atropatene
- II: (1000) Establish a Trade Agreement with Pontus
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (2500) Hold Gabata and Mtskheta
- II: (2000) Maintain 5 units of Eastern Cataphracts
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 20 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Scythia
- II: (3000) Construct a Royal Palace
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 9 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Chorasmia and Media Magna
- II: (4000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 4 factions
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Persis and Parthia
- II: (5000) Research Fixed Tarrifs
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 14 Factions
- I: (9000) Control Carmania, Aria and Transoxania
- II: (8000) Research at least 9 Military Technologies
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Syria and Judea
- II: (9000) Construct a Danesgah
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Galatia et Cappadocia and Asia
- II: (9000) Construct a Royal Mausoleum
IA – Dacia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 2 Provinces
- I: (1500) Control Pannonia
- II: (1000) Research Raised Site
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (2500) Hold Istros
- II: (2000) Maintain 4 units of Falxmen
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 16 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Sarmatia
- II: (3000) Construct a Shrine of Gebeleizis
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Hercynia
- II: (5000) Maintain a Trade Agreement with Pontus
Chapter V: (13000) Control 8 Provinces
- I: (6500) Control Lugii
- II: (6500) Research Multilingual
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 18 Factions
- I: (10000) Hold Antheia, Odessos and Pulpudeva
- II: (7000) Research Warrior Aristocracy
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Raetia et Noricum
- II: (9000) Maintain 8 Heavy Onagers
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (12000) Raze or Sack Roma
- II: (9000) Construct a High King’s Hold
IA – Egypt
Chapter I: (2500) Hold 8 Settlements
- I: (1500) Subjugate Nasamones
- II: (1000) Research Dynastic List
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 50 Military units
- I: (2000) Maintain 10 Mercenary units
- II: (2500) Control Aethiopia
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Arabia Felix
- II: (3000) Construct a Temple of Horus
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Africa and Phazania
- II: (5000) Construct Irrigation Ditches (Farm III)
Chapter V: (13000) Control 8 Provinces
- I: (6500) Hold Charax, Adummatu, Gerrha and Yathrib
- II: (6500) Earn an end turn income of at least 20000 talents
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 15 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Persis and Carmania
- II: (10000) Research Annual Survey
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Sicily
- II: (9000) Maintain 35 Naval units
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Baetica, Mauretania, Numidia, Africa, Phazania and Aethiopia
- II: (9000) Construct a Great Library
IA – Iceni
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (1500) Subjugate Corieltauvi
- II: (1000) Establish a Trade Agreement with Dumonii
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 40 Military units
- I: (2500) Control Pretanic Isles and Britannia
- II: (2000) Maintain 4 units of Chariots
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 11 Settlements
- I: (5000) Hold a Port Settlement adjoining Oceanus ermanicus and Mare Suevicum
- II: (3000) Research Ammunition Stores
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 11 Factions
- I: (7000) Control Magna Germania and Suebia
- II: (4000) Construct a Tavern
Chapter V: (13000) Control 8 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Germania Minor, Belgica and Gallia
- II: (5000) Research Intensified Production
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 20 Factions
- I: (9000) Control Aquitania and Raetia et Noricum
- II: (8000) Construct a Coin Hoard
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
- I: (10500) Hold Roma
- II: (9000) Maintain 8 units of Heavy Onagers
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 16 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Tarraconensis and Narbonensis
- II: (9000) Construct a Nemeton
IA – Lepidus
Chapter I: (2500) Control 8 Provinces
- I: (1000) Hold Aracillum
- II: (1500) Control Mauretania
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
- I: (2500) Maintain 14 units of Legionaries
- II: (2000) Construct Irrigation Ditches (Farm III)
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 27 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Sicily and Corsica et Sardinia
- II: (3000) Research Legal Institutions
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 7 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Libya
- II: (5000) Establish and maintain at least 3 Client States
Chapter V: (13000) Control 17 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Aegyptos and Aethiopia
- II: (5000) Construct a Colonia (Iron Armour III)
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 15 Factions
- I: (9000) Control Narbonensis and Aquitania
- II: (8000) Own at least 1 Source of all 9 Resources
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 190 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Italia, Latium and Cisalpina
- II: (9000) Research Mysticism
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 28 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Macedonia, Achaia and Illyricum
- II: (9000) Construct a Pantheon
IA – Marcomanni
Chapter I: (2500) Control 1 Province
- I: (1000) Subjugate Vindelici
- II: (1500) Be at War with Boii
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 40 Military units
- I: (2500) Hold Koria and Noreia
- II: (2000) Maintain 5 units of Bloodsworn
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 11 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Magna Germania
- II: (3000) Establish and maintain Trade with at least 3 factions
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 13 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Suebia
- II: (5000) Construct a Shrine of Wodanaz
Chapter V: (13000) Control 6 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Lugii
- II: (5000) Construct a Stables
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 18 Factions
- I: (9000) Control Germania Minor, Belgica and Gallia
- II: (8000) Research Battle Fury
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 100 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Aquitania and Narbonensis
- II: (9000) Maintain 10 units of Noble Riders
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 18 Provinces
- I: (12000) Hold Roma
- II: (9000) Construct an Oak of Teiwaz
IA – Octavian
Chapter I: (2500) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (1000) Be at War with Pompey
- II: (1500) Hold Bergium
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (2000) Research technology Remuneration Reforms
- II: (2500) Hold Aracillum
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 38 Settlements
- I: (3000) Research technology Legal Institutions
- II: (5000) Control Raetia et Noricum and Hercynia
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 11 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Corsica et Sardinia and Sicily
- II: (5000) Maintain 5 total units of Veteran Legionaries and/or Evocati Cohort
Chapter V: (13000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Africa and Tarraconensis
- II: (5000) Research technology Moulded Architecture
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 18 Factions
- I: (10000) Earn an end turn income of at least 30000 talents
- II: (7000) Control Hispania, Baetica and Lusitania
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 180 Military units
- I: (8500) Construct a Basilica of Jupiter
- II: (11000) Control Illyricum and Macedonia
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 30 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Aegyptos and Libya
- II: (9000) Maintain a Trade Agreement with Parthia
Chapter IX: (30000) Achieve Victory
- I: (15000) Control Achaia, Asia, Syria and Judea
- II: (15000) Research 20 Civil Technologies
IA – Parthia
Chapter I: (2500) Control 12 Provinces
- I: (1000) Subjugate Armenia
- II: (1500) Control Chorasmia
Chapter II: (5000) Maintain a total of 110 Military units
- I: (2500) Control Syria
- II: (2000) Maintain 6 units of Parthia Horse Archers
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 46 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Judea
- II: (3000) Construct a Silk Road (Large Town IV)
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Galatia et Cappadocia
- II: (5000) Research Military Method
Chapter V: (13000) Control 24 Provinces
- I: (7000) Control Asia and Bithynia et Pontus
- II: (6000) Research Fixed Tarrifs
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 16 Factions
- I: (10000) Control Aegyptos and Nabataea
- II: (7000) Construct a Temple of Great Fires
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 200 Military units
- I: (10500) Control Caucasia and Scythia
- II: (9000) Maintain 12 units of Royal Cataphracts
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 35 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Macedonia and Achaia
- II: (9000) Earn an end turn income of at least 75000 talents
IA – Pompey
Chapter I: (2500) Maintain a total of 40 Military units
- I: (1000) Research Double Plank Construction
- II: (1500) Hold Siga
Chapter II: (5000) Control 4 Provinces
- I: (2500) Establish and maintain Trade with Antony
- II: (2000) Construct a Temple of Neptune
Chapter III: (7500) Hold 15 Settlements
- I: (5000) Control Africa
- II: (3000) Hold 9 Port Settlements
Chapter IV: (10000) Subjugate a total of 5 Factions
- I: (6000) Control Numidia
- II: (5000) Maintain 5 total units of Veteran Legionaries and/or Evocati Cohort
Chapter V: (13000) Control 10 Provinces
- I: (8000) Control Italia
- II: (5000) Form a defensive or military Alliance with Antony
Chapter VI: (16000) Subjugate a total of 10 Factions
- I: (9000) Hold Roma
- II: (8000) Research Seed Selection
Chapter VII: (20000) Maintain a total of 120 Military units
- I: (10500) Hold Sparta
- II: (9000) Fully Own at least 4 Sea Regions
Chapter VIII: (25000) Control 20 Provinces
- I: (12000) Control Aegyptos and Libya
- II: (9000) Control Cisalpina, Narbonensis and Aquitania
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