Turbo Dismount – French Revolution and The Millennial while AFK

A step by step guide to achieve French Revolution and The Millennial easily while AFK using AutoHotkey.

The Introduction

This guide will help you set up a script for AutoHotkey which will let you achieve the two most grindy achievements in Turbo Dismount: French Revolution (1000 decapitations) and The Millennial (1000 dismounts).


The Script

AutoHotkey uses .ahk scripts which can (among other things) trigger inputs automatically. We’re going to use a script which will automatically dismount on high speed, wait for the crash (and hopefully the decapitation), reset and start again over and over again.

To create a script open Notepad or any other plain text editor on your PC and paste the following in a blank file:

    ; hold to launch
    Send {Space down}
    Sleep 500
    Send {Space up}

    ; wait for crash and reset
    Sleep 7000
    Send {Space down}
    Sleep 1000
    Send {Space up}
    Sleep 500

TAB::Pause Toggle

Save this file as a .ahk file. If you’ve got AutoHotkey installed, the file should have an icon with a “H” in it.

Script Explanation


Lets the script start paused, so it will only run when you tell it to.


This piece of script will run over and over again until you tell it to stop.

; hold to launch
Send {Space down}
Sleep 500
Send {Space up}

Holds down spacebar to launch. 500 ms is pretty close to dismounting full speed.

; wait for crash and reset
Sleep 7000
Send {Space down}
Sleep 1000
Send {Space up}
Sleep 500

Wait 7 seconds for the crash to happen, then hold down spacebar for a second to reset the level and wait another 500 ms before triggering a new dismount.

TAB::Pause Toggle

Use the [TAB] key to pause/unpause the script.

The Setup

  1. Run the .ahk script you’ve just created (double click it). A red icon containing an “H” should appear in your system tray.
  2. Open Turbo Dismount
  3. Load the Giant Palm Tree Explosion level
  4. Use the Wedge as vehicle
  5. Use Mr. Ego as character
  6. Use the pose where he’s on the front of the hood
  7. Use the straight line as steering direction
  8. Now make sure that the dismount button is not revving itself*, and when it’s not or after it’s done press the TAB key on your keyboard.

* After some time the dismount button will start revving by itself periodically, make sure to press TAB when it’s not doing that.

The Profit

If everything was done correctly the car should have dismounted itself, crashed the car into the palm trees, reset the level and started over again. You can stop the script again by pressing TAB or closing it from the system tray.

Now you can walk away from your PC and let it handle grinding out The Millennial and French Revolution. Disintegration and Paul Bunyan will probably be achieved as well.

I went away from my PC for about an hour and came back with both achievements unlocked.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 2987 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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