Written guide that describes skills and character passives.
I started writing down what skills do. Some of the stuff is based on testing. The guide focuses more on the weapons’ and skills’ mechanic rather then on numerical values.
- 10% increased reload speed
- Basic weapon
- Fast fire rate
- Fast reload speed
- Bigger magazine than Pistol
- Damage and magazine size increases with skill level
Assault rifle
- Better version of Uzi, more damage and bigger magazine size
- Damage and magazine size increases with skill level
Sniper rifle
- High damage, slower fire rate than the other weapons
- Pierces through enemies
- Damage and magazine size increases with skill level
Grenade trail
- Throws grenade to nearby enemies
- Description says throws in opposite direction of the players movement direction
- Grenade amount increases by 1 per skill level
Helicopter strike
- A helicopter moves across the map in a line *insta-killing common enemies
- The helicopter’s initial direction aligns with the player
- Cool down reduction per skill level
Automatic turret
- Spawns a turret for 15 seconds, shoots at nearby enemies
- Additional damage and cool down reduction per skill level
- Can have multiple turrets if cool down is lower than duration
Additional Info
I only tested Helicopter strike in the default game mode and insta-killed common zombies without a damage number. I could not confirm that the skill damages bosses
- +300 maximum HP
- Fires an amount of bullets in a cone
- Reloads after one shot
- Increases bullets fired per skill level
Pump action shotgun
- Similar as shotgun reloads after 2 shots
- Fast firing gun
- Large magazine size
Rocket launcher
- Shoots a rocket that deals explosion damage in an area
Saw blade drone
- A saw blade rotates around the player damages enemies
- +1 additional sawblade per skill level up to 5
- Plants 3 mines at random locations
- + 1 mine amount and some cool down reduction per skill level
Bombing strike
- A plane drops down a set amount of bombs that deal explosion damage in an area
- increased number of bombs, increased area of effect, cool down reduction per skill level
- 10% skill cool down reduction
- Fast fire rate
- *Shot is instant
- A better version of taser
- Fast fire rate
- Chains to nearby enemies
- Shoots a ball projectile that damages nearby enemies
- Projectile explodes on impact
- Hit box for the projectile is small
- Fires a continuous beam of energy
- Rapid fire
- Pierces enemies
- The beam’s hit box is tiny, so most likely you will do constant damage to the initial target
- Damages enemies around the player
- Cool down reduction and increased area per skill level
Electric turret
- Deploys a turret that periodically damages enemies around itself
- Turret damages enemies in 1 second intervals
- Area and cool down reduction per skill level
Energy shield
- Creates an energy field around the player in an area
- Enemies who enter the area are damaged once
- Common zombies stay stunned while in Energy shield’s area
- Boss enemies are immune to stun except the summoner boss(might be a bug)
Additional Info
It does not shoot projectiles so it can not miss the shot
- 10% critical hit chance
- Fires a single arrow
- Inaccurate when moving
- Has similar stats as the bow
- Adds 1 additional projectile per skill level
Explosive arrow
- Fires 2 arrows that stick into enemies and explod after a short delay
- Skill level 1 damage seems the same as maximun skill level damage for multishot
- + fire rate and + 1 projectile per skill level
Freezing arrow
- Fires 2 arrows that applies slow to enemies in an area
- Slow lasts approximately 1 second
- *Slow amount is around 50%
- + fire rate and + 1 projectile per skill level
Eagle eye
- +4% critical hit chance per skill level
Arrow rain
- Shoots arrows that damages enemies in an area
- + area and cool down reduction per skill level
Zombie decoy
- Places a decoy that taunt enemies and explodes after a time
- + area and cool down reduction per skill level
Additional Info
I did not find any numerical value on the slow amount, it just feels like it halves the enemies’ movement speed
- 10% dodge chance
- Close range attack
- Single target
Katana splash
- Better version of Katana
- Hits enemies in an arc
Thousand cuts
- Attacks enemies in an area around the player
- Shoots a projectile forward
- Throws 3 shurikens at the enemies
- Pierces common enemies
- Does not go through bosses
- +1 projectile per skill level
Project: Critical
- Grants 50% critical hit chance for 5 seconds
- +1 sec duration per skill level
Kunai dance
- Shoots 10 kunais around the player
- *Does not pierce
- +1 projectile and additional damage per skill level
Additional Info
It seems like the kunai does not pierce but I am not 100% sure
- 100% increased *healing bonus
- Basic weapon
Antidote gun
- Shoots a bullet that deals damage over time
- Deals damage over time every second for 3 second for 100% weapon damage per tick
- **Enemies killed while affected by the damage over time explode applying the damage and
damage over time to surrounding enemies
Antidote vial
- Similar to the Antidote gun but deals damage in an area
- Leaves a damaging pool on the ground for a few seconds
Freezing vial
- Throws a projectile that damages and slows enemies in an area
- Does not do damage over time
- ***Slow amount around 50%
- Adds 2 HP/sec regeneration per skill level
- Grants a buff for 3 seconds that grants 10% life steal chance and 5% life steal amount
- +1 sec duration per skill level
- Grant a buff that gives the player 25% more increased fire rate and movement speed for 3 seconds.
- +1 second duration per skill level
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