All the joker, tarot and spectral cards with their descriptions and known unlock conditions.
Jokers: Common
Joker – +4 Mult
Greedy Joker – Played cards with Diamond suit give +4 Mult when scored
Lusty Joker – Played cards with Heart suit give +4 Mult when scored
Wrathful Joker – Played cards with Spade suit give +4 Mult when scored
Gluttonous Joker – Played cards with Club suit give +4 Mult when scored
Jolly Joker – +8 Mult if played hand contains a Pair
Zany Joker – +12 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind
Mad Joker – +20 Mult if played hand contains a Four of a Kind
Crazy Joker – +12 Mult if played hand contains a Straight
Droll Joker – +10 Mult if played hand contains a Flush
Sly Joker – +50 Chips if played hand contains a Pair
Wily Joker – +100 Chips if played hand contains a Three of a Kind
Clever Joker – +150 Chips if played hand contains a Four of a Kind
Devious Joker – +100 Chips if played hand contains a Straight
Crafty Joker – +80 Chips if played hand contains a Flush
Half Joker – +20 Mult if played hand contains 3 or fewer cards
Credit Card – Go up to -$20 in debt
Banner – +40 Chips for each remaining discard
Mystic Summit – +15 Mult when 0 discards remaining
8 Ball – Create a Planet card if played hand contains 2 or more 8s (Must have room)
Misprint – +
Raised Fist – Adds double the rank of lowest card held in hand to Mult
Chaos the Clown – 1 free Reroll per shop
Scary Face – Played face cards give +30 Chips when scored
Abstract Joker – +3 Mult for each Joker card (Currently +0 Mult)
Delayed Gratification – Earn $2 per discard if no discards are used by end of the round
Gros Michel – +15 Mult 1 in 4 chance this card is destroyed at end of round
Even Steven – Played cards with even rank give +4 Mult when scored (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
Odd Todd – Played cards with odd rank give +30 Chips when scored (A, 9, 7, 5, 3)
Scholar – Played Aces give +20 Chips and +4 Mult when scored
Business Card – Played face cards have a 1 in 2 chance to give $2 when scored
Supernova – Adds the number of times poker hand has been played to Mult
Ride the Bus – +1 Mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card (Currently +0 Mult)
Egg – Gains $3 of sell value at end of round
Runner – Gains +10 Chips if played hand contains a Straight (Currently +20 Chips)
Ice Cream – +100 Chips -5 Chips for every hand played
Splash – Every played card counts in scoring
Blue Joker – +2 Chips for each remaining card in deck (Currently +104 Chips)
Faceless Joker – Earn $5 if 3 or more face cards are discarded at the same time
Green Joker – +1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard (Currently +0 Mult)
Superposition – Create a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight (Must have room)
To Do List – Earn $5 if poker hand is a High Card, poker hand changes on every payout
Cavendish – X3 Mult 1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at end of round
Red Card – Gains +3 Mult when any Booster Pack is skipped (Currently +0 Mult)
Square Joker – Gains +4 Chips if played hand has exactly 4 cards (Currently 16 Chips)
Riff-raff – When Blind is selected, create 2 Common Jokers (Must have room)
Photograph – First played face card gives X2 Mult when scored
Mail-In Rebate – Earn $3 for each discarded Ace, rank changes every round
Hallucination – 1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened (Must have room)
Fortune Teller – +1 Mult per Tarot card used this run (Currently +0 )
Juggler – +1 hand size
Drunkard – +1 discard
Golden Joker – Earn $4 at end of round
Popcorn – +20 Mult -4 Mult per round played
Walkie Talkie – Each played 10 or 4 gives +10 Chips and +4 Mult when scored
Smiley Face – Played face cards give +4 Mult when scored
Golden Ticket – Played Gold cards earn $3 when scored
Swashbuckler – Adds the sell value of all owned Jokers left of this card to Mult (Currently +1 Mult)
Hanging Chad – Retrigger first played card used in scoring (Beat a Boss Blind with a ‘High Card’ as the last hand played).
Shoot the Moon – +13 Mult for each Queen held in hand (Play every Heart in your deck in a single round).
Jokers: Uncommon
Joker Stencil – X1 Mult for each empty Joker slot Joker Stencil included (Currently X1)
Four Fingers – All Flushes and Straights can be made with 4 cards
Mime – Retrigger all card held in hand abilities
Ceremonial Dagger – When Blind is selected, destroy Joker to the right and permanently add double its sell value to this Mult (Currently +0 Mult)
Marble Joker – Adds one Stone card to deck when Blind is selected
Loyalty Card – X4 Mult every 6 hands played 5 remaining
Dusk – Retrigger all played cards in final hand of round
Fibonacci – Each played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored
Steel Joker – This Joker gains X0.25 Mult for each Steel Card in your full deck (Currently X1 Mult)
Hack – Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5
Pareidolia – All cards are considered face cards
Space Joker – 1 in 4 chance to upgrade level of played poker hand
Burglar – When Blind is selected, gain +3 Hands and lose all discards
Blackboard – X3 Mult if all cards held in hand are Spades or Clubs
Constellation – Gains X0.1 Mult per Planet card used (Currently X1 Mult)
Hiker – Every played card permanently gains +4 Chips when scored
Card Sharp – X3 Mult if played poker hand has already been played this round
Madness – When Blind is selected, gain X0.5 Mult and destroy a random Joker (Currently X1 Mult)
Vampire – Gains X0.2 Mult per Enhanced card played, removes card Enhancement (Currently X1 Mult)
Shortcut – Allows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank (ex: 2 3 5 7 8 )
Hologram – Gains X0.25 Mult per playing card added to your deck (Currently X1 Mult)
Vagabond – Create a Tarot card if hand is played with $3 or less
Cloud 9 – Earn $1 for each 9 in your full deck at end of round (Currently $0)
Rocket – Earn $1 at end of round. Gains $2 when Boss Blind is defeated
Midas Mask – All face cards become Gold cards when played
Luchador – Sell this card to disable the current Boss Blind
Gift Card – Add $1 of sell value to every Joker and Consumable card at end of round
Turtle Bean – +5 hand size, reduces by 1 every round
Erosion – +4 Mult for each card below 52 in your full deck (Currently +0 Mult)
Reserved Parking – Each face card held in hand has a 1 in 2 chance to give $1
To the Moon – Earn an extra $1 of interest for every $5 you have at end of round
Stone Joker – This Joker gains +25 Chips for each Stone Card in your full deck (Currently +0 Chips)
Lucky Cat – Gains X0.2 Mult each time a Lucky card successfully triggers (Currently X1 Mult)
Bull – +2 Chips for each dollar you have (Currently +0 Chips)
Diet Cola – Sell this card to create a free Double Tag
Trading Card – If first discard of round has only 1 card, destroy it and earn $3
Flash Card – +2 Mult per reroll in the shop (Currently +0 Mult)
Spare Trousers – Gains +2 Mult if played hand contains a Two Pair (Currently +0 Mult)
Ramen – X2 Mult, loses X0.01 Mult per card discarded
Seltzer – Retrigger all cards played for the next 10 hands
Castle – This Joker gains +3 Chips per discarded Spade card, suit changes every round (Currently +0 Chips)
Mr. Bones – Prevents Death if chips scored are at least 25% of required chips
Acrobat – X3 Mult on final hand of round
Sock and Buskin – Retrigger all played face cards
Troubadour – +2 hand size, -1 hands per round (Win 5 consecutive rounds by playing only one hand).
Certificate – When round begins, add a random playing card with a random seal to your hand (Have a Gold playing card with a Gold Seal).
Smeared Joker – Hearts and Diamonds count as the same suit, Spades and Clubs count as the same suit (Have at least 3 Wild Cards in your deck).
Throwback – X0.25 Mult for each Blind skipped this run (Currently X1 Mult) (Unlock by continuing from a saved game).
Rough Gem – Played cards with Diamond suit earn $1 when scored (Unlock by modifying the deck to include at least 30 Diamonds).
Bloodstone – 1 in 3 chance for played cards with Heart suit give X2 Mult when scored (Unlock by modifying the deck to include at least 30 Hearts).
Arrowhead – Played cards with Spade suit give +50 Chips when scored (Unlock by modifying the deck to include at least 30 Spades).
Onyx Agate – Played cards with Club suit give +8 Mult when scored (Unlock by modifying the deck to include at least 30 Clubs).
Glass Joker – Gains X0.5 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult) (Unlock by modifying the deck to include at least 5 Glass Cards).
Showman – Joker, Tarot, Planet and Spectral cards may appear multiple times (Unlock by reaching ante 4).
Flower Pot – X3 Mult if played hand has a scoring Diamond card, Club card, Heart card, and Spade card (Unlock by reaching ante 8).
Merry Andy – +3 discards, -1 hand size (Unlock by winning 12 rounds).
Oops! All 6s – Doubles all listed (ex: 1 in 3 -> 2 in 3) (Unlock by reaching a chip score of 10,000).
The Idol – Each played Ace of Spades gives X2 Mult when scored Card changes every round (Unlock by reaching a chip score of 1,000,000).
Seeing Double – X2 Mult if played hand has a scoring Club card and a scoring card of any other suit.
Matador – Earn $8 if played hand triggers the Boss Blind ability (Unlock by finishing a round with only one hand played, no discards left, and the opponent being a Boss).
Stuntman – +300 Chips, -2 hand size (Unlock by reaching a chip score of 100,000,000).
Satellite – Earn $1 at end of round per unique Planet card used this run (Currently $0) (Unlock by accumulating at least $400).
Cartomancer – Create a Tarot card when Blind is selected (Must have room) (Unlock by discovering every Tarot card).
Astronomer – All Planet cards and Celestial Packs in the shop are free (Unlock by discovering a total of 12 planets).
Burnt Joker – Upgrade the level of the first discarded poker hand each round (Sell 50 cards).
Bootstraps – +2 Mult for every $5 you have (Unlock by having 2 polychromes).
Jokers: Rare
DNA – If first hand of round has only 1 card, add a permanent copy to deck and draw it to hand
Sixth Sense – If first hand of round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card (Must have room)
Seance – If poker hand is a Straight Flush, create a random Spectral card (Must have room)
Baron – Each King held in hand gives X1.5 Mult
Obelisk – X0.2 Mult per consecutive hand played without playing your most played poker hand (Currently X1 Mult)
Baseball Card – Uncommon Jokers each give X1.5 Mult
Ancient Joker – Each played card with Spade suit gives X1.5 Mult when scored, suit changes at end of round
Campfire – This Joker gains X0.5 Mult for each card sold, resets when Boss Blind is defeated (Currently X1 Mult)
Blueprint – Copies ability of Joker to the right
Wee Joker – This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored (Currently +10 Chips) (Unlock by winning in 18 rounds or less).
Hit the Road – Gains X0.5 Mult per discarded Jack this round (Currently X1 Mult) (Unlock by discarding 5 Jacks at the same time).
The Duo – X2 Mult if played hand contains a Pair (Unlock by winning with no ‘Pair’ hand played).
The Trio – X3 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind (Unlock by winning with no ‘Three of a Kind’ hand played).
The Family – X4 Mult if played hand contains a Four of a Kind (Unlock by winning with no ‘Four of a Kind’ hand played).
The Order – X3 Mult if played hand contains a Straight (Unlock by winning with no ‘Straight’ hand played).
The Tribe – X2 Mult if played hand contains a Flush (Unlock by winning with no ‘Flush’ hand played).
Invisible Joker – After 3 rounds, sell this card to Duplicate a random Joker (Currently 0 /3) (Unlock by winning without every having more than 4 jokers).
Brainstorm – Copies the ability of leftmost Joker (Unlock by discarding a ‘Royal Flush’).
Driver’s License – X3 Mult if you have at least 16 enhanced cards (Currently 0) (Unlock by enhancing at least 16 cards in your deck).
Jokers: Legendary
Caino – Gains X1 Mult when a face card is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult)
Triboulet – Played Kings and Queens each give X2 Mult when scored
Yorick – X5 Mult only after using 23 discards (Discards left: 23)
Chicot – Disables effect of every Boss Blind
Perkeo – Creates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop
The Fool – Creates the last Tarot or Planet card used during this run The Fool excluded
The Magician – Enhances 1 selected card into a Lucky Card
The High Priestess – Creates up to 2 random Planet cards (Must have room)
The Empress – Enhances 2 selected cards to Mult Cards
The Emperor – Creates up to 2 random Tarot cards (Must have room)
The Hierophant – Enhances 2 selected cards to Bonus Cards
The Lovers – Enhances 1 selected card into a Wild Card
The Chariot – Enhances 1 selected card into a Steel Card
Justice – Enhances 1 selected card into a Glass Card
The Hermit – Doubles money (Max of $20 )
The Wheel of Fortune – 1 in 4 chance to add Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome edition to a random Joker
Strength – Increases rank of up to 2 selected cards by 1
The Hanged Man – Destroys up to 2 selected cards
Death – Select 2 cards, convert the left card into the right card (Drag to rearrange)
Temperance – Gives the total sell value of all current Jokers (Max of $50 ) (Currently $0 )
The Devil – Enhances 1 selected card into a Gold Card
The Tower – Enhances 1 selected card into a Stone Card
The Star – Converts up to 3 selected cards to Diamonds
The Moon – Converts up to 3 selected cards to Clubs
The Sun – Converts up to 3 selected cards to Hearts
Judgement – Creates a random Joker card (Must have room)
The World – Converts up to 3 selected cards to Spades
Familiar – Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 3 random Enhanced face cards to your hand
Grim – Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 2 random Enhanced Aces to your hand
Incantation – Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 4 random Enhanced numbered cards to your hand
Talisman – Add a Gold Seal to 1 selected card in your hand
Aura – Add Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome effect to 1 selected card in hand
Wraith – Creates a random Rare Joker, sets money to $0
Sigil – Converts all cards in hand to a single random suit
Ouija – Converts all cards in hand to a single random rank -1 hand size
Ectoplasm – Add Negative to a random Joker, -1 hand size
Immolate – Destroys 5 random cards in hand, gain $20
Ankh – Create a copy of a random Joker, destroy all other Jokers
Deja Vu – Add a Red Seal to 1 selected card in your hand
Hex – Add Polychrome to a random Joker, destroy all other Jokers
Trance – Add a Blue Seal to 1 selected card in your hand
Medium – Add a Purple Seal to 1 selected card in your hand
Cryptid – Create 2 copies of 1 selected card in your hand
The Soul – Creates a Joker (Must have room)
Black Hole – Upgrade every by 1 level
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