Dead Cells – Scroll Count and Cursed Chests

Scroll Count

Important Note About Dropped Scrolls:

If you kill an enemy and their scroll falls off the edge of the level (like in the Ramparts or Cavern), don’t worry – it’s not gone forever. The scroll will appear on the nearest platform to where it fell, even if that platform is in a different room that you can’t see right now. You can still find these scrolls by checking your map like usual.

Remember: No scroll is ever permanently lost this way. They’ll always end up somewhere you can reach.

Before 1.5 (Scrolls and cursed chests)

I recommend the guide mentioned above the biome section from Ray G. Quit a.k.a. Rayeficent. I will still make a table below but his guide is way tidier.

Boss rooms won’t be mentioned here. Blacked out means no chance for a cursed chest.

Black lines are meant to separate stages. (Great suggestion by Endearing). (If there is not a chance given then it is simply 0% for a “wild cursed chest to pop up there).

BiomeScrollsCursed Chests
Prisoner’s quarters 2 power scrolls  
Promenade 1 power scroll
2 dual scrolls
10% chance to spawn in biome
Toxic sewers 1 power scroll
2 dual scrolls
10% chance to spawn in biome 1 behind 2 BC door
1 behind 4 BC door
Prison depths 1 power scroll
(golden key)
1 behind 4 BC door
Ossuary 3 power scrolls 1 dual scroll 33% chance to spawn in biome
1 behind 2 BC door
1 behind 4 BC door
Ramparts 2 power scrolls 2 dual scrolls 33% chance to spawn in biome
1 behind 3 BC door
1 behind 4 BC door
Ancient sewers 4 power scrolls 33% chance to spawn in biome
1 behind 1 BC door
1 behind 3 BC door
Stilt village 3 power scrolls 1 dual scroll 100% chance to spawn in biome
1 behind 2 BC door
1 behind 3 BC door
Slumbering sanctuary 3 power scrolls 1 dual scroll 100% chance to spawn in biome
1 behind 1 BC door
Graveyard 3 power scrolls 1 dual scroll 250% chance to spawn in biome
(2 guaranteed, 1 extra with 50% chance to spawn)
Clock tower 2 power scrolls 3 dual scrolls 100% chance to spawn in biome
Forgotten sepulchre 5 power scrolls 1 behind 1 BC door
1 behind 3 BC door
Cavern 3 power scrolls 2 dual scrolls 1 behind 4 BC door (there are two 4 BC doors but only one has a cursed chest)
High peak castle 2 power scrolls (3 keys for 2nd) 2 dual scrolls  

In 1.5

1.5 introduced quarter scrolls/scroll fragments. 4 of these make a full power scroll (can chose between all three stats.) In 1.5 cursed chests got a bit more balanced because of this (less common).

Guaranteed Scrolls in 1.5

Boss areas are marked red since they do drop scroll fragments but in a different amount and normal scrolls can’t be found here. Blacked out means that there are no scrolls and fragments available here (cursed chests and challenge rifts are not counted with the numbers below)

Scroll fragments only appear on 3 BC and higher (note that the scroll-fragments from 3 BC still drop on 4 BC. For the total on 4 BC just add the numbers up. For example 2 locked behind 3BC and 1 behind 4 BC. You get 2 if you play on 3 BC and 3 fragments on 4 BC.)

(Colour added otherwise it is hard to read, I tried a few lay-out’s but I think the contrast makes it a bit better, an alternative was having a lot of blank-rules but it was very chaotic.

I still think it isn’t executed very good in the last column, my apologies for this.)

BiomeScrollsFragments locked behind BC?
Prisoner’s quarters 2 power scrolls
Promenade 1 power scroll
2 dual scrolls
1 fragment behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Toxic sewers 1 power scroll
2 dual scrolls
2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Prison depths    
Corrupted confinement
(new in 1.5)
Ramparts 3 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
1 fragment behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Ossuary 2 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Ancient sewers 3 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
3 fragments behind 3BC
2 fragments behind 4BC
Black bridge   2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Insufferable crypt   3 fragments behind 3BC
2 fragments behind 4BC
Stilt village 3 power scrolls
1 dual scroll
1 fragment behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Slumbering sanctuary 2 power scrolls
1 dual scroll
2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Graveyard 2 power scrolls
1 dual scroll
2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Clock tower 4 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
2 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Forgotten sepulchre 3 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
3 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Cavern 4 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
4 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Clock room   1 fragment behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Guardian’s haven   3 fragments behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
High peak castle 2 power scrolls
2 dual scrolls
1 fragment behind 3BC
1 fragment behind 4BC
Throne room    

*If the player goes to the throne room after the giant-fight there are 2 power-scrolls in the section between the two boss-areas

*You can find more scroll fragments in prisoner’s quarters and other biomes (they are randomly spawned). It seems they are very rare (Like wild cursed chests that have a really low spawn chance? (see below)). There aren’t really percentages given etc. and I only found it a couple of times. These are not included and you should not count on them to spawn. The fragments above are sure to drop.

(These random ones cannot be found in bossrooms, however they can unlike the guaranteed ones on 3 and 4 BC also spawn and be collected on lower BC).

Cursed Chests

Boss rooms are not included since they can’t spawn here. Again blacked out means that it does not apply. Not that chests under spawn chance are not guaranteed. Higher chance means that they have “wild” cursed chests more often than other biomes since the chance is higher (duh). (This is not the same as possibly higher odds, the higher chance ones do have a confirmed higher chance)

In 1.5 every biome has a very low chance to spawn a “wild” cursed chest.

I don’t know if this can accumulate with other wild cursed chests (like in ossuary, I don’t know if you can get the higher chance chest to spawn and then another chest that has the low chance.)

(That’s why they are not included in those biomes with other odds in the table below) (in the 2.5 stages I made the second cell black out since I don’t know about those accumulation) “Very low, but possible” marks the biomes you should not expect a cursed chest but only because the very low chance.

In 1.5 on 3BC and higher cursed chests item-level has +1 than that of the current biome.

Please note that some guaranteed chests got removed in 1.5 (like the clock tower one)

BiomeGuaranteedSpawn chance (“wild”)
Prisoner’s quarters   Very low, but possible
Promenade   1 can spawn (but not sure if the old (33%) or new odds apply)
Toxic sewers   Very low, but possible
Prison depths 1 (all BC)
(can’t be taken anymore once skipped)
Corrupted confinement
(new in 1.5)
1 (all BC)
(can’t be taken anymore once skipped)
Ramparts   Very low, but possible
Ossuary 1
(2 BC needed)
Yes, 1 can spawn
(higher chance)
Ancient sewers   Very low, but possible
Stilt village   Very low, but possible (possibly higher odds, confirmation?)
Slumbering sanctuary 1 (all BC) Yes, 1 can spawn (higher chance)
Graveyard 1 (all BC)
(could be wrong but normally isn’t)
1 can spawn but not sure if they have the very low odds or higher odds
Clock tower   Very low, but possible
Forgotten sepulchre 1
(3 BC needed)
Yes, 1 can spawn
Cavern   Very low, but possible
High peak castle   Very low, but possible
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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