I’ll walk you through farming credits, minerals, ores, and other items that you find throughout runs to improve your base stats in this tutorial.
I really just wanted to play the game without dying and without being so weak, therefore I developed this guide because I love it but I grew tired of how GRINDY it was. I would agree that the opponent scaling is extremely challenging IF you haven’t maxed all your base stats, as many people have complained. However, you can finish any run with ease if you have maxed up your base numbers.
Unlimited Credits + Ores + Gems
Make sure your game is closed. Go to your windows explorer and type in/go to:
- C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\LocalLow\Funday Games

You’ll find the DRG: Survivors folder.
Open folder and you will see a drgs.dat file

Make a copy of this file and keep it safe in a new folder for example named: “DRGS original save”
Delete the steam_autocloud.vdf and the drgs.dat file from the DRG Survivor folder.
Go to your DRG:S game from the steam library and right click the game to open the menu. A menu will pop up and will look like this:

Click to open Properties.
Turn off cloud sync.

You want to do this because the dat file you will modify won’t match the cloud sync and could cause problems.
Now go to this website:
Go to your drgs.dat file that you made a copy of and drag it into the box at the website:

Text will appear in the box below.
Look for Credits, Bismor, Croppa, EnorPearl, Jadiz, Magnite, Umanite by scrolling towards the bottom or pressing CTRL+F and typing in those keywords.

- When editing the amount of credits, there is a max of 6 digits for credits, and 5 digits for ores.
- If you go over, the game will not go past the main menu.
- Credits must be less than 1 mill, aka 999,999 amount or less.
- Ores must be 99,999 or less.
- Once you updated the amounts, download the modified dat file (remember where you downloaded the file!)

Make a copy of this file also just in case.
You can also use Notepad++ to change the values, although it is harder to see (as shown below):

Now you have the modified file, Put this file back into your DRG Survivor folder.
Start up the game and you should have all the resources to upgrade your base stats and enjoy the game!

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