Deflector – How to Unlock Spark (Missing Bioshell – Up to Date)

This guide will instruct you on how to unlock Spark. The tool-tip states to find the missing bioshell, however vague.


Ultimately, you will need to follow the eggs (will explain below) to find a code.

  • Input this code in a ‘Safe Point’ within the Magnetic Fields and you unlock Spark.
  • My Code: 7293
  • Disclaimer #1! I do NOT know if you need to have spoken to each NPC or followed the questline in order to see/input the code. I did everything in order after a few runs of trying to figure it out!
  • Disclaimer #2! Every code might be the same. I AM UNSURE! My code was the same after two separate runs!

Living Entrails

At the beginning of each Experiment, you will see a robot that requires you find the missing bioshell.

  • Enter the Living Entrails and immediately walk into the blood waterfall in the spawn zone.
  • Speak with the NPC
  • NPC tells you to follow the mushrooms after defeating a big spider
  • Enter Hollow Hive

Hollow Hive

Defeat the spider boss and before picking up the mutation, there is a path where you begin the room.

  • Follow the path and you will find one egg with two missing eggs.
  • The egg instructs you to “Find and follow the missing eggs.”
  • Enter Toxic Sea

Toxic Sea (Code)

Do NOT leave the spawn zone in the Toxic Sea!

  • Right where you spawn, walk south-east into the toxic sea.
  • Follow the platforms around the main island (the one you spawned on)
  • You will find an egg and your screen will zoom out. Follow the two eggs north-east.
  • There will be a code.
  • DISCLAIMER! I do NOT know if all codes are the same. However, my code was the same in two separate runs! My Code: 7293
  • Enter Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields

Make your way to a Safe Point!

  • Every Safe Point has a code mechanism. So if you miss one, just go to the next.
  • Enter the Code from the Toxic Sea within accordance to color combination.
  • And you have unlocked Spark.
  • You can end your run here or finish, it does not matter, the character is now available.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 888 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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