This guide will instruct you on how to unlock Spark. The tool-tip states to find the missing bioshell, however vague.
Quick Links
Ultimately, you will need to follow the eggs (will explain below) to find a code.
- Input this code in a ‘Safe Point’ within the Magnetic Fields and you unlock Spark.
- My Code: 7293
- Disclaimer #1! I do NOT know if you need to have spoken to each NPC or followed the questline in order to see/input the code. I did everything in order after a few runs of trying to figure it out!
- Disclaimer #2! Every code might be the same. I AM UNSURE! My code was the same after two separate runs!
Living Entrails
At the beginning of each Experiment, you will see a robot that requires you find the missing bioshell.
- Enter the Living Entrails and immediately walk into the blood waterfall in the spawn zone.
- Speak with the NPC
- NPC tells you to follow the mushrooms after defeating a big spider
- Enter Hollow Hive
Hollow Hive
Defeat the spider boss and before picking up the mutation, there is a path where you begin the room.
- Follow the path and you will find one egg with two missing eggs.
- The egg instructs you to “Find and follow the missing eggs.”
- Enter Toxic Sea
Toxic Sea (Code)
Do NOT leave the spawn zone in the Toxic Sea!
- Right where you spawn, walk south-east into the toxic sea.
- Follow the platforms around the main island (the one you spawned on)
- You will find an egg and your screen will zoom out. Follow the two eggs north-east.
- There will be a code.
- DISCLAIMER! I do NOT know if all codes are the same. However, my code was the same in two separate runs! My Code: 7293
- Enter Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Fields
Make your way to a Safe Point!
- Every Safe Point has a code mechanism. So if you miss one, just go to the next.
- Enter the Code from the Toxic Sea within accordance to color combination.
- And you have unlocked Spark.
- You can end your run here or finish, it does not matter, the character is now available.
you can just the the code no need for story and its always 7293