Monster Hunter: World – Weapons and Armor Tips for Beginners

Newbies Tips to Weapon and Armor


There’s always a meta choice, but pretty much anything works. For weapons, just make the best that is available to you. A good balance of raw damage, sharpness, affinity, and eventually decoration slots is ideal. For bows and dual blades, you’ll want to have a whole suite of different elemental weapons to take advantage of monster weaknesses.

Though as far as elements go most of the early monsters you’ll face (Anjanath, rathian, Rathalos etc.) all have a 2 star weakness to thunder so getting a sword with thunder element on it might be a good bet for you. Though that’s just a bit of advice, you can still progress without using the ‘best’ weapon for each situation, you’ll just finish hunts a little quicker if you match your weapon’s element to a monsters weakness.


For armor, focus on the skills they offer, and decoration slots once you’re in high rank. Defense is hardly a concern since you can upgrade that with armor spheres. Focus on skills that suit your playstyle, or improve your specific weapon if any are applicable.

Armor that depends on your playstyle and what skills you would want to prioritise but I would definitely recommend the Kadachi Vambraces ,as they give you level 1 of evade extender letting you dodge further (if you’re hunting Tobi-kadachi for it’s parts for the vambraces don’t use thunder element weapons there as it’s a thunder monster thus thunder damage is useless against. Go with poison or water. Tobi-Kadachi is also the monster you farm for most of the parts required for a thunder element weapon.).

It might also be worth getting the Barroth mail for the Stamina thief skill making it easier to exhaust monsters but other than that it’s best to look at what skills an armor piece has and decide if it’s something you would want or need.


The best weapon tip is to keep trying different weapons until one of them feels good to play. They all look different, play different and have different ideas of when to attack and when to evade. So keep trying them out.

If you’re trying to learn the fights and get a general feel for combat, it doesn’t matter what armor you choose. Pick whatever you like. Guardian armor is extremely durable and you will live far longer than taking level appropriate gear. It runs out of utility when high rank starts ramping up.

Equipment strength is a huge factor in MH. Keep armor and weapon ranks up to date. There are plenty of other extras the game throws your way, so keep an eye out for new items, new crafting recipes, new friends, and new tools to aid a hunt.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. When a Radobaan or Uragaan is downed or stunned, you can mine them by running up to their back or belly and pressing the mining button three times in a row. Certain items, like Uragaan’s Lava Nuggets, can only be acquired in this manner.

    Additionally, you can continue mining, gathering, and carving any object by holding down the interaction button.

    • You can lock with F, but the slightest movement of the mouse moves the lock to the next nearby creature. * I don’t know if it works for bows , Someone who tends to batter monsters with wide swings and massive weapons, I never feel the need to lock on. 🙁

  2. Gunlance:
    The Gunlance is a powerful weapon that can deal explosive damage, making it an effective choice for hunters who enjoy a more aggressive playstyle.
    Heavy Bowgun:
    The Heavy Bowgun is a ranged weapon that excels in group hunts. It allows the user to deal significant damage from a safe distance while also providing support to the team through healing and other utility abilities.

  3. If you know how to use it properly, IG’s aerial moveset makes for good MVs. The diving attack and final hits are very powerful. Until you have solid opportunity to use that full ground combo, it is best to use it.

  4. The Insect Glaive can deal solid damage when utilizing ground attacks, such as the red extract tornado slash. However, many players often resort to constantly jumping at the monster, which significantly reduces their overall damage output and contribution to the hunt.
    As someone who is most comfortable with the Insect Glaive, you admit to being slightly biased towards the weapon. That said, you also have experience with other weapons like the Sword and Shield (SnS), Dual Blades (DB), Charge Blade (CB), Bow, Light Bowgun (LBG), and a bit of Gunlance (GL).

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