No Rest for the Wicked – How to Start: New Players Tips

Here you can find few useful tips for struggle, upgrades and levelling in the No Rest for the Wicked game.

Tips and Tricks for Newbies

If you struggle with fixing gear, you can make another realm and get to the blacksmith on the second realm but don’t get to the city than the fix cost its free and you can switch realm from anywhere around the map and it won’t change you location when you back this can help alot if you die to boss many times can just switch realm and fix and back to next try.

Something that I found very helpful is for healing I have rune of healing wave usually if you have full focus bar it would use a lot of focus to heal but if you have very small amount of focus it would still heal around the same amount and much faster this can help with food consumption to and can save you when you out of food.

At start of the run till end game I found out that its really good to sale falling ember for some extra money but when you close to end game keep them for crucible.

Try to upgrade the city as much you can as early as you can because each upgrade gives a lot of good useful staff and its pretty easy to farm for wood and copper but keep some copper extra for upgrade your weapon.

Don’t forget to do bounties challenges and claim twitch drops for some extra loot every little thing helps a bit.

  • Level up point distribution priority. Stamina > Health > Equip Load > whatever stat your preferred weapon require.
  • Up to level 10 i was sprinting through the game with starting dual dagers. Without spending any stat on str or dex.
  • Try to stay on light load (green) and never go red.
  • At the beginning after you rescue the smith. Explore as much as possible before the first boss because you have free repairs and dying won’t cost you anything and monster won’t respawn making it easy to explore and collect chests.
  • Don’t sell weapons instead extract their runes, especially at the beginning rune sell more than the weapon.
  • Upgrade your weapon. Starting gear can be upgraded with material you can by for cheap at the vendors.
  • I recommend the first 2 inventory upgrade should go to rings so you can equip more of them, than upgrade your reagent tab.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. Advice on how to parry?
    Though I really like 2-hand weapons, I’m not very good at parrying. Any advice?

    • The advice to parry one second before you think you should stuck with me. That was a difficult way for me to wire my brain, but it did help. Remember that I am by no means an expert at parrying!

    • Get yourself some really bulky armor, strengthen your defenses, open a new realm, and practice taking out the keep’s adversaries. If you make a timing error, it’s easier to build muscle memory when you’re not being a one-shot operator.

      I’ve discovered that the animations can also provide information; most enemies have a winding up animation prior to striking. I’ve found that you can pretty consistently get it if you time your parry to occur when the wind up ends and they ‘throw’ the attack forward.

    • Even when facing the same opponent, there is a lot of variation in the best time to parry.
      The next time I try the same thing, even when I think I have the timing down, it doesn’t work.
      It irritates me.

      I simply don’t want to play it anymore at this point.
      Regretfully, I only had 7 hours to play; if not, I would have asked for a refund.

    • Only parry objects that exhibit recognizable patterns and images.

      There’s no need to risk eating a combo from the current bosses with parrying since they’re fairly easy to roll around.

      It’s unfortunate that most opponents with easy parry options are also easily backstabbed, but that’s life.

    • This is a situational tip, but may help:
      You’re probably parrying too early if you’re used to parrying in Souls games or Elden Ring; I know I was. I don’t believe NRFTW has any windup frames for parries, but those games do.
      Thus, you parry as soon as an attack lands rather than just before it reaches you.
      Anyhow, it seems to function better for me.

    • This game does not have animation cancelation. This means that until the animation ends, you cannot parry if you have already committed to an attack.
      Before you can parry, a few conditions must be satisfied: – No animation is playing – You have to have enough stamina and focus – You have to be staring at the enemy

    • Despite the stamina cost, parry is incredibly powerful in this game. Remember that if a parry is too simple, the entire game will be broken. Actually, it seems fairly fair to me.

      • Yes, I believe that it all boils down to understanding your opponent’s moveset. As you play more, it gets easier because you know what his next move is and that the enemy with the spear takes a very long time to strike—some have a bothersome habit of delaying that swing.

  2. I’m not sure if I’m bad, but is this game really that difficult? My second boss just gave me a really hard time, and I’m not sure what to do now. Any advice?

    • On what level do you currently stand? Have you attempted to upgrade your armor and weaponry? Try a different weapon if that didn’t work out; perhaps you’ll be more proficient with that fighting style. Remember to use the weapon’s focus-based special attack. My ring practically melts bosses because it also increases rune attack damage.

    • Simply farm materials and grind a few levels.
      Upgrade your gear (and you will eventually also get some blue / epic items that will help a lot).

      In this game, you feel every level up, and getting better armor and weapons also makes a big difference.

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