Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Best Main Character Builds

Melee Sorcerer

Regardless of what focus you pick, go with the staff until Level 11.

Start Lawful Good, make every evil decision under the sun to roleplay the Lich thing, and use an Atonement Scroll if you ever want to use Divine Grace. Background doesn’t really matter; just pick whatever you feel is appropriate.

Does somewhere around 400-500 damage per round (DPR) by teens, not counting Attacks of Opportunity (AoO). Pretty good.

RoleTank/Damage dealer/Support
AlignmentLawful Good†
SkillsMobility 3, Arcana 5††, Persuasion, Athletics
BloodlineAcid Dragon (Green, Black, or Copper)†††

† Any lawful will do, but you will miss out on bestow grace if you are not Lawful Good. Lawful Evil is more roleplaying-appropriate, though.

†† Make sure you have this at 5 by the time you are Level 5.

††† Can be of any Draconic bloodline, but the small amount of resistance you get from it is most beneficial as acid. We don’t care about the spell damage part.

18 > 2215 > 16 (L4)1271016
Final Build
Monk (Scaled Fist)SorcererDragon DiscipleEldritch Knight
Leveling Guide
1Monk – Dodge // Martial Weapons Proficiency // Crane Style
2Sorcerer – Extend Spell
3Sorcerer – Weapon Focus†
5Sorcerer – Dazzling Display
6Dragon Disciple
7Dragon Disciple – Outflank // Improved Initiative
8Dragon Disciple
9Dragon Disciple – Shatter Defenses
10Eldritch Knight – Power Attack
11Eldritch Knight – Improved Critical
12Eldritch Knight
13Eldritch Knight – Weapon Specialization
14Eldritch Knight – Cleave
15Eldritch Knight – Cleaving Finish
16Eldritch Knight
17Eldritch Knight – Greater Weapon Focus
18Eldritch Knight – Combat Reflexes
19Eldritch Knight – Toughness††

† Pick whatever weapon you fancy. Staves will get an extra attack from Flurry, but it’s up to preference. I chose falchion for a blind run just because the threat range is way too good to pass up.

†† Or Arcane Strike.

Spell Priority
1Magic Weapon, Shield, Mage Armor (Bloodline), Magic Missile, True Strike, Vanish
2Mirror Image, Blur, Sense Vitals, +stat spells
3Haste, Resist Energy (C), Mastery of Flesh
4Vampiric Blade, Animate Dead, Consume Undead, Protection from Energy (C)
5Angelic Aspect, Echolocation, Repurpose, Geniekind
6Bone Shield, Transformation, Heroism (G), Dispel Magic (G), False GraceSiphon Life
7Blessing of Unlife, Waves of Exhaustion, Legendary Proportions, Feast of Blood
8Frightful Aspect, Seamantle, Protection from Spells
9Mind Blank (C), Corrupt Magic, Foresight, Energy Drain

Lich spells are highlighted in yellow.

Lich Mythic Path
3Indestructible Bones // Skeletal Marksman†
4Skeletal Bard††
6Weapon of Death
9Magic Devourer

† Reasoning is simple: first, undead can’t be enlarged (at least not easily). Second, the melee line will already be quite packed in most parties already. Since his STR is +0, toss him a heavy crossbow and an amulet from the Heart of Stone in Wintersun.
†† 30 rounds of free Dirge and some spells is great. Skeleton Wisdom and INT are weak so it wouldn’t even be able to cast Cleric, Inquisitor, or Magus spells. Boo.

Mythic Path
1Close to the Abyss // Abundant Casting
2Weapon Focus (Mythic)
3Lich // Archmage Armor
4Improved Critical (Mythic)
5Improved Abundant Casting
6Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
7Greater Abundant Casting
8Flawless Attacks
9Elemental Barrage
10Power Attack (Mythic)

Baked Trickster

The logic here is pretty simple: stack as many dice and attacks as possible. Nothing accomplishes this quite like good old Motherless Vivisectionist (especially given the relatively high INT requirement for the skill gain). Good offense, good defense, synergistic spell-lists, 15d6 sneak, and enough feats to fit in the essentials. Beast Shape is taken to infuse party animal companions, because alchemists can.

Go with the staff for quite a while, since Flurry will be better than +1 from the focus and switch to a falchion once you have Improved Critical. You also probably want someone with Magic Fang so your natural attacks actually hit things.

RoleTank/Damage dealer
RaceTiefling (Motherless)
AlignmentAny Lawful†
SkillsAthletics, Religion, World, Mobility 18, Perception 1, Stealth 1

† Doesn’t matter past Level 1.
†† +2 Initiative is the best thing we can grab here.

18 > 2215 > 16 (L4)1212167
Final Build
Monk (Traditional)Alchemist (Vivisectionist)Slayer (Arcane Enforcer)
Leveling Guide
1Monk – Dodge // Crane Style
3Alchemist – Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Feral Mutagen
5Slayer†- Outflank // Armored Mask
6Alchemist – Weapon Focus: Scythe†
7Alchemist – Dazzling Display
8Alchemist – Feral Wings
9Alchemist – Shatter Defenses
10Alchemist – Infusion
11Alchemist – Alchemist – Skill Focus: Athletics
12Alchemist – Crippling Strike
13Alchemist – Improved Critical: Scythe††
14Alchemist – Greater Mutagen
15Slayer – Opportunist // Improved Improved Critical
17Alchemist – Combat Reflexes // Improved Improved Improved Critical
19Alchemist – Grand Mutagen // Improved Improved Improved Improved Critical

†† Or Falchion.
†Or Demonslayer and just use mage armor potions you can buy and craft.

Spell Priority
1Shield, Enlarge Person, Cure Light
2Barkskin, Restoration (Lesser), Cure Moderate Wounds, Cat’s Grace, Bull’s Strength
3Haste, Resist Energy (Communal), Delay Poison (Communal), Thorn Body
4Greater Invisibility, Echolocation, Restoration, Cure Critical, Death Ward
5Beast Shape III, Spell Resistance
6Beast Shape IV, Legendary, Heal, Transformation, True Seeing
Trickster Spell Priority
1Vanish, Feather Step
2Mirror Image, Chameleon Stride, Cat’s Grace, Invisibility
3Glorious Beard, Summon Medium Beer Elemental
4Greater Invisiility, Shadow Conjuration, Summon Large Beer Elemental
5Microscopic Proportions, Summon Greater Beer Elemental. Rain of Halberds
6Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard
7Trick Fate, Ray of Halberds
Mythic Path
1Close to the Abyss // Thundering Blows
2Destiny Beyond Birth
3Archmage Armor
4Improved Critical (Mythic)
5Abundant Casting
6Extra Mythic Ability: Unrelenting Assault
7Leading Strike
8Flawless Attacks
9Improved Abundant Casting
10Mythic Sneak Attacker
Trickster Mythic Path
3Perception Rank 1
4Arcana Rank 1 // Perception Rank 2
5Athletics Rank 1
6Nature Rank 1 // Nature rank 2
7Religion Rank 1 // Nature Rank 3
8Mobility Rank 1 // Athletics Rank 2
9World Rank 1 // Arcana Rank 2
10Infuse Magic Device // Athletics Rank 3†

† Or Arcana 3

Anointed Knight

A more or less classic Anointed Knight, except it takes Monk and Archmage Armour to scale Armour Class (AC). Can’t really be helped, since the game wants us to. (If only there was a Mythic Armour focus that would scale it instead.)

Gets all the important Paladin stuff, plus some Angel goodies, and is tailor-made to make everything evil suffer. Stacks so much Attack Bonus (AB) it’s actually feasible to use Power Attack without being crippled by it. That AB also makes it easy to skip the Shatter Defenses line; someone will be able to toss Greater Invisibility on us and that’s good enough.

RoleTank/Damage dealer
RaceAasimar (Angelkin)
AlignmentLawful Good
SkillsMobility 3, Athletics, whatever else you need

† Purely because +2 Initiative is the best thing we can grab here.

18 > 22161210717 > 18 (L4)
Final Build
Monk (Scaled Fist)PaladinSlayer (Arcane Enforcer)Fighter (Mutation Warrior)
Leveling Guide
1Monk – Dodge // Crane Style
3Paladin – Weapon Focus: Falchion
5Paladin – Outflank
6Paladin – Weapon Bond
7Paladin – Improved Initiative
9Paladin – Improved Critical: Falchion
11Paladin – Wings
13Slayer† – Extend Spell // Armored Mask
15Paladin – Power Attack
17Fighter – Cleave // Cleaving Finish
18Fighter – Combat Reflexes
19Fighter – Greater Cleave†† // Blind Fight††
20Fighter – Weapon Specialization: Falchion

†Or Demonslayer and just use mage armor potions you can buy and craft.

†† Free feats. Can pick whatever else you fancy here.

Spell Priority
1Divine Favor, Challenge Evil†, Bless Weapon, Magic Weapon, Veil, Restoration
2Bestow Grace, Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor
3Angelic, Resist Energy
4Crusader’s Edge

† Mainly used to quickly see if the target is evil before using Smite.

Angel Spell Priority
1Unbreakable Heart, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds
2Restoration (Lesser), Cure Moderate Wounds
3Delay Poison, Cure Serious Wounds
4Pure Form, Divine Power, Restoration
5Ward Against Harm, Cleansing Flames, Breath of Life
6Aegis of the Faithful, Eaglesoul, Ward Against Harm (Communal), Heal
7Sun Marked, Ward Against Weakness (Communal)
8Avenger’s Blessing, Gale of Life
9Fortress of the Faithful, Sun Form, Heal (Mass)
Mythic Path
1A Bit of Fun // Unrelenting Assault
2Extra Mythic Ability: Abundant Smite
3Archmage Armor
4Improved Critical (Mythic)
5Thundering Blows
6Power Attack (Mythic)
7Leading Strike
8Flawless Attacks
9Abundant Casting†
10Weapon Specialization (Mythic)

† Free slot. Pick whatever you fancy.

Angel Mythic Path
4Guile of the Faithful
5Piercing Rays
6Everlasting Flame
7Unfailing Beacon†
8Speed of Light
10Overwhelming Flames

† Or Solar Winds.

Kinetic Demon

The synergy here is through the roof.

  • Can somewhat neglect DEX and rely on Rage to carry us
  • Demonic Spell Difficulty Classes (DC) are awful, making it a perfect fit for Enforce Vigor
  • Aspect of Kalavakus is absolutely broken with Kineticist trips. I won’t spoil the interaction, but it’s insane and hilarious at the same time, while Balor both charges our DC further and buffs the team for free.
  • The build really doesn’t need much in the way of Mythic feats, so it actually can take trips, Spell Penetration, and whatnot without hurting the bottom line.

Zen was taken in case you want to melee a bit and Perfect Strike is nice for that as well. Also, Lifebane can absolutely be cast on your Kinetic Blade for added hilarity.

Have fun with it while it lasts.

RoleControl/Damage dealer
AlignmentAny Lawful†
SkillsPerception, Trickery, Mobility 3

† For one level we take Monk. I’d recommend starting Neutral Evil, then edging to Lawful for a level, so you can Scroll of Atonement back to where you were.

†† Purely because +2 Initiative is the best thing we can grab here.

71619 > 2410167
Final Build
KineticistMonk (Zen Archer)
Leveling Guide
1Kineticist – Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot // Earth // Extended Range
2Kineticist – Elemental Whispers > Lizard
3Kineticist – Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Kinetic Blade
4Kineticist – Earth > Trip
5Kineticist – Fury’s Fall // Bowling
6Kineticist – Earth > Greater Trip
7Kineticist – Spell Penetration // Fire
8Kineticist – Fire’s Fury
9Kineticist – Greater Spell Penetration // Torrent
10Kineticist – Enduring Earth
11Kineticist – Toughness // Wall
12Kineticist – Skill Focus: Perception
13Kineticist – Improved Initiative // Deadly Earth
14Monk – Dodge
15Kineticist – Tremorsense // Improved Critical: Kinetic Blast
16Kineticist – Water
17Kineticist – Weapon Finesse // Expanded Defenses: Shroud of Water
18Kineticist – Grappling
19Kineticist – Crane Style // Skill Focus: Trickery
20Kineticist – Cloud
Demon Spell Priority
1Enlarge Person
2Molten Orb, Blood Haze, Cat’s Grace, Mirror Image
3Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4Abyssal Skin, Dragon’s Breath, Enervation
Mythic Path
1Kinetic Overcharge // Instrument of Freedom
2Trip (Mythic)
3Ascendant Element (Fire)
4Spell Penetration (Mythic)
5Enforced Vigor
6Toughness (Mythic)
7The Bigger They Are
8Improved Critical (Mythic)
9Archmage Armor
10Improved Initiative (Mythic)†
DemonAspects: Kalavakus, Balor, Pazuzu, Nocticulaand Brimorak/Succubus/Nabasu††

† Free slot. Pick whatever you fancy.
†† All are fine, pick whatever you like better for the last slots.

Instinctual Trickster

This savage is a crafty one! It’s your barbarian, except the sort that wants to live and considers her brutish relatives a bunch of chest-pounding imbeciles. Stacks monstrous damage (including 11-20/x5 crit) and has some divine support for the team. Mythic Charge applies on every strike with Pounce. Archmage Armour comes from Mage Armour potions (which you should buy and craft). Other than that, there’s nothing tricky about the build (no pun intended).

RoleDamage dealer/tank
RaceTiefling (Motherless)
AlignmentAny non-Lawful
BackgroundMartial Disciple
SkillsMobility 3, Athletics, Religion, Perception (spare)
18 > 2214141017 > 187
Final Build
Barbarian (Instinctual Warrior)Fighter (Mutation Warrior)
Leveling Guide
1Barbarian – Dodge
3Barbarian – Crane Style
4Barbarian – Lethal Stance
5Barbarian – Outflank
7Barbarian – Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
8Barbarian – Beast Totem
9Barbarian – Improved Critical: Falchion†
10Barbarian – Beast Totem, Greater
11Barbarian – Weapon Focus: Falchion†
12Barbarian – Deadly Accuracy
13Barbarian – Power Attack
15Barbarian – Improved Improved Critical
16Barbarian – Lethal Accuracy
17Fighter – Improved Improved Improved Critical // Cleave
18Fighter – Cleaving Finish
19Fighter – Improved Improved Improved Improved Critical
20Fighter – Weapon Specialization

† Or whatever else weapon you fancy. Scythe is a solid option too.

Key Trickster Spells
1Feather Step, Vanish
2Blur, Cat’s Grace
3Glorious Beard, Displacement
4Greater Invisibility
5Rain of Halberds, Microscopic Proportions
6Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard, Summon Elder Beer Elemental
7Trick Fate, Ray of Halberds
Mythic Path
1A Bit of Fun† // Limitless Rage
2Extra Mythic Ability > Archmage Armor
3Thundering Blows
4Improved Critical (Mythic)
5Mythic Charge
6Power Attack (Mythic)
7Ever Ready
8Flawless Attacks
9Leading Strike
10Weapon Specialization (Mythic)

† Or Close to the Abyss.

Trickster Mythic Path
3Perception Rank 1
4Nature Rank 1 // Perception Rank 2
5Athletics Rank 1
6Religion Rank 1 // Nature Rank 2
7Mobility Rank 1 // Nature Rank 3
8Arcana Rank 1 // Arcana Rank 2
9Infuse Magic Device 1 // Religion Rank 2: Community, Nobility†
10World 1 // Arcana Rank 3

† Religion Rank 2 is currently bugged and only provides one domain. Pick your poison for now.

Arcane Azata

Be warned: wizards are not friendly to new players. You have to know what you are doing with your spell list as it’s not feasible to list spell books for every stage of the game.

Starts as a control wizard and goes into the damage dealing business late (while adding even more control, because we can). Selective Grease, Web, and Shout are not subject to spell resistance and should carry you to Level 15, at which time you can utilize Arcane Trickster fully.

Skipped Mythic Spell Penetration because elf has enough as is. Grabbed Enchantment instead. Cold was picked because Waterfall is a thing that exists. More damage for us.

The modus operandi in late-game is to cast Selective Sirocco and blast things with Chain Lightning. Selective Caustic Eruption does converted element damage but the damage over time is still acid, so we have three elements going at the same time, all triggering barrage. It’s not that much, but it adds up.

Elemental Focus is taken to boost Chain Lightning Difficulty Class as that’s the one in most need of it.

RoleControl/damage dealer
RaceElf (Base)
AlignmentNeutral Good
SkillsTrickery, Mobility, Arcane, World, Stealth, Perception
Opposition SchoolsAbjuration, Necromancy, Enchantment
7181419 > 24107
Final Build
Wizard (Elemental Specialist)Alchemist (Vivisectionist)Arcane TricksterSorcerer (Cross-Blooded)
Leveling Guide
1Wizard – Spell Focus: Conjuration // Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration // Cold
3Wizard – Selective Spell
5Alchemist – Accomplished Sneak Attacker
6Arcane Trickster
7Arcane Trickster – Spell Penetration
8Arcane Trickster
9Arcane Trickster – Greater Spell Penetration
10Arcane Trickster
11Arcane Trickster – Point-Blank Shot
12Arcane Trickster
13Arcane Trickster – Precise Shot
14Arcane Trickster
15Arcane Trickster – Arcane Focus†
16Wizard – Heighten Spell
17Sorcerer – Elemental Focus: Electricity // Greater Elemental Focus: Electricity // Silver // White
19Wizard – Toughness†

† Or Cold Elemental Foci, but it’s not really worth it just for Mass Icy Prison.

Spell Priority
1Grease, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, True Strike, Vanish
2Glitterdust, Web, Burning Arc, Scorching Ray, Sense Vitals, Mirror Image, +Stat spells
3Haste, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud
4Shout, Controlled Fireball, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door
5Icy Prison
6Chain Lightning, Sirocco, Hellfire Ray
7Caustic Eruption, Legendary Proportions
8Stormbolts, Sunburst
9Icy Prison (Mass), Mind Blank (Communal)
Azata Spell Priority
1Unbreakable Heart, Bane
2Ode to Miraculous Magic, Cacophonous Call, Voice of Renewal
3Good Hope, Optimistic Smile, Crushing Despair
4Waterfall, Confusion, Chaotic Healing
5Second Breath, Song of Discоrd, Cacophonous Call (Mass), Friendly Hug, Mind Fog. Feeblemind
6Joy of Life, Songs of Steel, Protection of Nature, Heroism (Greater)
7Heroes Never Surrender, Hold Person (Mass), Revolt, Water Torrent
Mythic Path
1Abundant Casting // Force Reality
2Expanded Arsenal: Evocation
3Improved Abundant Casting
4Spell Focus (Mythic): Conjuration
5Ascendant Element: Cold
6Expanded Arsenal: Enchantment
7Greater Abundant Casting
8School Mastery: Conjuration
9Elemental Barrage
10Accomplished Sneak Attacker (Mythic)†

† Free feat, can take whatever else if you really want to. Could take second Bloodline: Arcane here for 1 more Difficulty Class on our crowd control spells. Or Fey to boost some enchantment spells.

Azata Mythic Path
4Favorable Magic
6Zippy Magic
8Life-Bonding: Seize the Moment
9Life-Bonding: Tandem Trip
10Marvelous Endurance


A sorcerer with some secret sauce to get her going. It’s your caster Lich, complete with a metric ton of spells, increased Difficulty Classes for both used schools of magic, ray criticals (crits), and whatever else you could dream of. Has a wide array of selective spells to use at all stages of the game, because having crowd control is a good mojo.

Bolstered Siphon Life is devastating on crit and it can’t be saved on, so that’s one of your main tools for single target damage. Bolstered Battering Blast is also not too shabby.

New Arcana in order of taking: Level 4, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9.

RoleControl/damage dealer
RaceElf (Base)
DeityAny Evil
AlignmentLawful Evil
SkillsArcana, World, whatever else you fancy

† Depending on which skill set you like better.

7181219 > 24714
Final Build
Sorcerer (Sage)Loremaster
Leveling Guide
1Sorcerer – Spell Penetration // Selective Spell // World
3Sorcerer – Bolster Spell
5Sorcerer – Greater Spell Penetration
7Sorcerer – Spell Focus: Necromancy // Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
9Sorcerer – Improved Initiative
11Sorcerer – Point-Blank Shot
13Sorcerer – Heighten Spell // Precise Shot
15Sorcerer – Spell Specialization: Wail of Banshee // Necromancy // Conjuration
17Sorcerer – Skill Focus†
18Loremaster – Combat Trick: Improved Improved Critical: Ray
19Loremaster – Improved Critical: Ray
20Loremaster – Rogue Trick: Improved Evasion

† Any will do, really. If you picked Pickpocket background, Trickery is best in slot.

Sorcerer Spell Priority
1Grease, Magic Weapon, Magic Missile†, True Strike, Mage Armor, Shield
2Glitterdust, Web, Invisibility†, Mirror Image, Fox’s Cunning, other +stat spells
3Haste, Ray of Exhaustion, Stinking Cloud, Battering Blast
4Boneshatter, Greater Invisibility, Shout, Dimension Door†, Enervation, Remove Curse
5Hungry Pit, Thoughtsense, Stoneskin (Communal), Break Enchantment†
6Circle of Death, Heroism (Greater), Chains of Light, Banshee Blast, True Seeing†
7Waves of Exhaustion, Legendary Proportions, True Seeing (Communal)
8Horrid Whilting, Protection From Spells, Rift of Ruin, Seamantle
9Wail of Banshee, Mind Blank (Communal), Foresight, Tsunami, Energy Drain

† Bloodline spell (no need to pick)

Lich Spell Priority
3Corrupted Blood, Power From Death
4Eye of Bodak, Consume Undead
5Bone Explosion, Repurpouse, Exsanguinate
6Siphon Life, Bone Shield
7Feast Of Blood, Blessing of Unlife, Restore Undead
8Domain of Hungry Flesh, Embrace of Death
9Corrupt Magic, Negative Eruption
Mythic Path
1Force Reality // Abundant Casting
2Expanded Arsenal: Conjuration
3Improved Abundant Casting // Lich: Sorcerer Spellbook
4Extra Mythic Ability: Greater Abundant Casting
5Second Bloodline: Arcane Bloodline
6Spell Focus (Mythic): Necromancy
7Ascendant Element: Negative Energy
8School Mastery: Necromancy
9Archmage Armor
10Sorcerous Reflex†

† Or Last Stand, depending on how much you hate loading occasionally. Would’ve taken Improved Critical here if it worked for rays, which it currently doesn’t.

Lich Mythic Path
3Indestructible Bones // Skeletal Marksman
4Skeletal Bard
6Eclipse Chill
8Skeleton Fighter – Blinding Critical // Heavy Crossbow
9Magic Devourer

Chad Wolf & Wolf Chad

Assert dominance over lesser demons by knocking them on their arse; assert dominance over your teammates by fireballing them before combat. Ride a wolfer the size of a horse; stack Armour Class (AC) and Damage Reduction on your pet so his iron skin breaks demon claws. Don’t give a damn about your own AC because only style matters. Celebrate every new location with a bottle.

Core things you need to know about this build:

  • Cast Aspect of the Wolf on yourself once you have it and right-click the ability to auto-use it.
  • Shields are important for your pet to get anywhere reasonable with his AC
  • Buff your pet like you would yourself otherwise
  • Get a Skald with beast totems
  • Get a Cleric with Nobility domain
  • Use heavy shield until Fighter levels, then swap to tower shield. You have enough Attack Bonus for it.

Doing all that should get your pet to around 70 effective AC.

RoleControl/Damage dealer/Off-tank
RaceTiefling (Motherless)
DeityAny Evil
AlignmentAny Evil
SkillsMobility, Perception, Athletics, Stealth, Nature
Pet SkillsPerception, Mobility 3, Athletics
19 > 24161210147
Final Build
Hunter (Urban Hunter)Fighter (Mutation Warrior)Inquisitor (Sacred Huntmaster)
Leveling Guide
1Hunter – Shield Focus
2Hunter – Outflank
3Hunter – Mounted Combat
5Hunter – Indomitable Mount
6Hunter – Trip
7Hunter – Mounted Shield
9Hunter – Fury’s Fall // Disarm
11Hunter – Improved Critical: Battleaxe
12Hunter – Improved Trip
13Inquisitor – Combat Reflexes
15Inquisitor – Seize the Moment // Tandem Trip
17Fighter – Boon Companion // Spirited Charge
18Fighter – Weapon Focus: Battleaxe
19Fighter – Toughness // Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe
Pet Leveling Guide
1Bulwark // Dodge
3Weapon Focus: Bite
4+1 INT
5Improved Unarmed
7Fury’s Fall
8+1 STR
9Crane Style
11Blind Fight
12+1 STR
13Combat Reflexes
15Power Attack
16+1 STR
19Cleaving Finish
20+1 STR
Hunter Spell Priority
1Acid Maw, Magic Fang, Lead Blades, Unbreakable Heart, Cure Light Wounds
2Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, Sense Vitals, Natural Rhythm, Cat’s Grace
3Magic Fang (Greater), Cure Moderate, Protection From Energy (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal)
4Aspect of the Wolf, Animal Growth, Echolocation, Inspiring Recovery
Inquisitor Spells
Magic Weapon, Remove Fear, Cure Light, True Strike, Lesser restoration, Effortless Armor
Demon Spell Priority
1Enlarge Person
2Mirror Image, Consume Fear, Bear’s Endurance
3Haste, Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon, Morbid Restoration
4Abyssal Skin
Mythic Path
1Close to the Abyss // Thundering Blows
2Trip (Mythic)
3Abundant Casting
4Improved Critical (Mythic)
5Improved Abundant Casting
6Extra Mythic Ability: Mythical Beast
7Leading Strike
8Extra Mythic Ability: Mythic Charge
9Enforced Vigor
10Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
Demon Mythic Path Aspects
Kalavakus, Schir, Nabasu, Vavakia, Pazuzu, Nocticula

Dragons Build

Plays like a nuker sorcerer until she gets Dragonforms. Bolster magic does well to… bolster our spells. Selective Sirocco is a nice crowd control spell when we get it. Bolstered Magic Missile is busted. Waterfall + Bolstered Chain Lightning = big damage.Important note about buff routine for melee: Cast Geniekinds (all 4) before (!) Dragonform and Frightful Aspect after the Dragonform, along with the rest of the buffs. Cast Transformation when you know you will go full melee since it will disable your spellcasting. Otherwise consider your Dragonform a fancy-looking buff.

RoleControl/Damage dealer
RaceHalf-Elf (Kindred)/Aasimar (Angelkin)
AlignmentAny Lawful
SkillsMobility 3, Arcana 5, Athletics, Percerption (spare)
Mandatory GearStormlord’s Resolve, Red Salamander
18121281019 > 24
Final Build
Sorcerer (Cross-Blooded)Monk (Scaled Fist)Dragon Disciple
Leveling Guide
1Sorcerer – Spell Focus: Evocation // Spell Specialization // Silver Dragon // Water Elemental
3Sorcerer – Bolster Spell
5Sorcerer – Spell Penetration
7Sorcerer – Greater Spell Penetration // Improved Initiative
9Sorcerer – Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
11Dragon Disciple – Selective Spell
12Dragon Disciple – Toughness
13Dragon Disciple – Elven Spirit
14Dragon Disciple
15Monk – Elemental Focus: Electricity
17Sorcerer – Greater Elemental Focus: Electricity
Spell Priority
1Magic Missile, Burning Hands (Cold)†, Mage Armor†, Shield, Grease
2Burning Arc, Mirror Image, Sense Vitals, Cat’s Grace
3Haste, Fireball††, Lightning Bolt††, Slow, Force Punch
4Shout, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Controlled Fireball††
5Icy Prison, Geniekind, Echolocation
6Chain Lightning††, Sirocco, Transformation, Dragonkind I†
7Dragonkind†, Waves of Exhaustion, Ice Body, Fire Storm
8Frightful Aspect, Dragonkind III†, Stormbolts††
9Fiery Body††

† Bloodline, no need to pick
†† Gained via item, no need to pick

Spell Specialization
Caster Level <9Caster Level <14Caster Level >14
Magic MissileFire SnakeChain Lightning
Azata Spell Priority
1Unbreakable Heart, Bane
2Ode to Miraculous Magic, Cacophonous Call, Voice of Renewal
3Good Hope, Optimistic Smile, Crushing Despair
4Waterfall, Confusion, Chaotic Healing
5Second Breath, Song of Discоrd, Friendly Hug, Mind Fog. Feeblemind
6Joy of Life, Songs of Steel, Protection of Nature, Heroism (Greater)
7Heroes Never Surrender, Hold Person (Mass), Revolt, Water Torrent
Mythic Path
1Abundant Casting // Force Reality
2Extra Mythic Ability: Ascendant Element: Cold
3Improved Abundant Casting
4Extra Mythic Ability: Elemental Barrage
5Second Bloodline: White Dragon
6Extra Mythic Ability: Archmage Armor
7Greater Abundant Casting
8Sorcerous Reflex
9Master Shapeshifter
10Spell Focus (Mythic): Evocation
Azata Mythic Path
4Zippy Magic
6Life-Bonding: Outflank
7Life-Bonding: Seize the Moment
8Favourable Magic
10Marvelous Endurance

DJ Aeon

Good at summoning and good at buffing summons. Can convert spells to summoning as a full round action (although it’s a good idea to slot one summoning spell per level, excepting 5 for emergencies). Aeon Gaze and Bane work wonders for juicing up summoned animals (and don’t forget Guarded Hearth and Inspiring Command from a local cleric). Spells from the Aeon list compliment Druid self-buffs perfectly.

Cast Geniekinds (all 4, Extended) before shapeshifting, then buff the rest. Cast Transformation last if you want to go all out on melee, but don’t extend it since it’d last way too long for comfort.

Rampager was picked as Druid needs any help he can get to land hits, especially early on. Monk is there to help with Armour Class and to give us another claw attack before we get to at least a Leopard. Archmage Armour is gained through Mage Armour potions, which you should buy and craft.

AlignmentLawful Neutral
SkillsMobility 3, Perception, Athletics† (spare)

† Or any other skill you need

19 > 2414147167
Final Build
Druid (Elemental Rampager)Monk (Traditional)Loremaster
Leveling Guide
1Monk – Dodge // Spell Focus: Conjuration // Crane Style
2Druid –
3Druid – Augment Summoning
5Druid – Superior Summoning // Any
7Druid – Outflank
9Druid – Natural Spell
11Druid – Extend Spell
13Druid – Skill Focus: Perception
14Loremaster – Rogue Secret (Greater Trip)
15Loremaster – Power Attack
17Druid – Combat Reflexes
19Druid – Improved Critical: Claw
20Loremaster – Combat Feat: Improved Improved Critical
Spell Priority
1Magic Fang
2Animal Aspect, Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, +stat spells, Natural Rhythm, Restoration (Lesser)
3Resist Energy (Communal), Delay Poison (Communal), Magic Fang (Greater)
4Echolocation, Freedom of Movement, Thorn Body, Protection From Energy (Communal)
5Geniekind, Aspect of the Wolf, Animal Growth
6Stoneskin (Communal)
7Heal, Legendary Proportions, Summon Nature’s Ally VII
8Frightful, Seamantle, True Seeing (Communal)
9Elemental Swarm, Shapechange
Aeon Spell Priority
1Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith, Remove Sickness
2Equal Force, Crystal Mind, Remove Paralysis
3Magic Vestment, Remove Curse, Remove Blindlness, Starlight
4Divine Power, Dimension Door, Death Ward, True Form, Restoration
5Edict of Preseverance, Breath of Life, Zero State
6Edict of Impenetrable Fortress, Embodiment of Order, Transformation, Heal, Dispel Magic (Greater)
7Edict of Invulnerability, Restoration (Greater)
Mythic Path
1Master Shapeshifter // A Bit of Fun
2Extra Mythic Ability: Abundant Casting
3Elemental Barrage
4Extra Mythic Ability: Improved Abundant Casting
5Ascendant Summons
6Extra Mythic Ability: Mythic Charge
7Archmage Armour
8Power Attack (Mythic)
9Greater Abundant Casting
10Improved Critical (Mythic)
Aeon Mythic Path
5Summoner’s Gaze
9Damage Reduction

Divine Rider

Have you ever wondered what woud happen if Sosiel was built for combat and not for love? This would. Caster Level 33 Arbitraments to clear the mooks and then your buffed team and yourself will do the rest. Also, other cool offensive angel stuffs.

We generally are perfectly happy sitting on the boar and casting, occasionally poking enemies with Outflank once in a while, but with all the buffs, we can hit if need be.

Didn’t have the space to take mounted feats, so the pet is a tiny bit vulnerable. It’s okay: boars are sturdy enough.

Important note about party composition: everyone has to be neutral on one axis or they will die! Arbitrament was chosen for the fact there are loads of neutral companions, so you shouldn’t have many problems filling the ranks.

Angel can break spellbooks; it’s fixed by save-load.

AlignmentLawful Neutral/Neutral Good
SkillsPerception, Religion†

† Or any other skill you need

16714719 > 2414
Final Build
Cleric (Crusader)
Leveling Guide
1Cleric – Spell Focus: Evocation // Improved Initiative // Heavy Armour
3Cleric – Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
5Cleric – Boon Companion // Weapon Focus: Longspear
7Cleric – Outflank
9Cleric – Heighten Spell
10Cleric – Weapon Specialization (Longspear)
11Cleric – Spell Penetration
13Cleric – Greater Spell Penetration
15Cleric – Spell Specialization: Arbitrament // Greater Weapon Focus: Longspear
17Cleric – Bolster Spell
19Cleric – Power Attack
20Cleric – Improved Critical: Longspear
Spell Priority
1Magic Fang, Divine Favour, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith
2Align Weapon, +stat spells, Remove Paralysis
3Magical Vestment, Resist Energy, Animate Dead, Remove Curse
4Blade of the Sun, Crusader’s Edge, Restoration, Divine Power, Holy Smite
5Cleansing Flames, Ward Against Harm, Disrupting Weapon
6Bolt of Justice, Aegis of the Faithful, Ward Against Harm (Communal), Eaglesoul, Heal
7Arbitrament, Restoration (Greater), Bestow Grace
8Storm of Justice, Frightful Aspect
9Wrath of the Righteous, Fortress of the Faithful, Heal (Mass)
Mythic Path
1Impossible Domain: Community
2Spell Focus (Mythic): Evocation
3Abundant Casting
4Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
5Improved Abundant Casting
6School Mastery: Evocation
7Greater Abundant Casting
8Weapon Focus: Mythic
9Mythical Beast
10Power Attack (Mythic)
Angel Mythic Path
4Guide the Faithful
5Piercing Rays
Pet Overview
Pet SkillsPerception, Mobility 3, Athletics
Pet Leveling Guide
1Bulwark // Toughness
3Weapon Focus: Gore
4+1 DEX
7Blind Fight
8+1 INT
11Iron Will
12+1 STR
13Improved Unarmed
15Crane Style
16+1 STR
17Perfect Strike
19Combat Reflexes
20+1 CON

Mr. Smite

Melee/caster Oracle. Uses buffs to melee and Angel stuff for Area of Effect and unmitigatable damage. Has full animal companion progression. Smites on tough opponents for even more Attack Bonus (AB). Jinx for ultimate single-target damage. Uses Geniekinds (x4) for Barrage (don’t forget to disable Divine Conversion once you get it!) and even before that it’s extra damage converted. Cast Enlarge/Frightful after (!). Double dips CHA to Armour Class (AC) and dumps DEX, so any gear with extra opportunity attacks is pure gold for this one.

Has Extend to fill underused levels. Doesn’t require Spell Penetration since all the offensive magic we use is not a subject to it (or saves, for that matter). Has some fodder to spawn if need be, but prefers not to. Stacks around 57AB self-buffed (with the Smite against demons). With Bard/Skald, Guarded Hearth, and Inspiring Comand factored in, it’s about 80AB at the top end. 16 Base Attack Bonus (BAB) for four iterative attacks.

We could go for Enduring spells instead of Abundant for even more comfortable play, but it’d come at Mythic level 10, leaving us with low tempo prior, so it’s only really there as a respec option.

Uses Mage Armour potions/scrolls for Archmage Armour, so buy and craft those. Has Use Magic Device for Mirror Image scrolls you should craft and the wands you can find.

Burns bright and quick. Has maybe 10 minutes of full force fighting at the top end.

Note: Abundant Smite doesn’t give Hellknight extra Smites and Order of the Nail Favored Enemy is broken (or it would absolutely find its way in). Weak class still weak even on a Smiting build. Sad.

Special thanks to Cyrix for bouncing some ideas around during the brainstorming process for this one.

RoleTank/damage dealer
RaceAasimar (Angelkin)
AlignmentLawful Good
SkillsMobility 3, Athletics†, Persuasion†, Use Magic Device

† Or Trickery

18714101119 > 24
Final Build
Oracle (Seeker)Monk (Scaled Fist)Paladin (Divine Guardian)Ranger (Demonslayer)
Leveling Guide
1Oracle – Improved Initiative // Nature // Wolf-Scarred // Nature’s Whispers // Cure Spells
2Monk – Dodge
3Oracle – Crane Style
5Oracle – Outflank
7Oracle – Power Attack // Extend Spell
9Oracle – Spell Focus: Conjuration // Animal Companion: Wolf
11Oracle – Boon Companion
12Oracle – Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
13Oracle – Wings // Weapon Mastery: Falchion (x2)
14Oracle – Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion
15Demonslayer – Dazzling Display
17Oracle – Shatter Defenses
18Oracle – Bolster Spell
19Paladin – Toughness
Spell Priority
1Magic Fang†, Enlarge Person†, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Remove Fear, Unbreakable Heart, Cure Light†
2Align Weapon, Barkskin†, Eagle Splendor, Bull’s Strength†, Remove Paralysis, Grace, Cure Moderate†, Find Traps
3Magical Vestment†, Greater Magic Fang†, Archon’s Aura, Animate Dead, Shield from Demonkind††, Remove Curse, Cure Serious†
4Blade of the Sun††, Crusader’s Edge, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Pure Form††, Freedom of Movement, Cure Critical†
5Cleansing Flames††, Ward Against Harm††, Cave Fangs†, Righteous Might, Geniekind, Summon Monster V
6Bolt of Justice††, Aegis of the Faithful††, Ward Against Harm (Communal)††, Eaglesoul, Heal, Dispel Magic
7Wall of Light††, Creeping Doom†, Restoration (Greater), Bestow Grace, Summon Monster VII, Ward Against Weakness (Communal)
8Storm of Justice††, Frightful Aspect, Avengers Blessing††, Angelic Aspect (Greater), Summon Monster VIII
9Wrath of the Righteous††, Fortress of the Faithful††, Heal (Mass), Winds of Vengeance, Fortress of the Faithful††, Sun Form††

† Oracle spells
†† Angel spells

Mythic Path
1Abundant Smite // Close to the Abyss
2Extra Mythic Ability: Second Mystery: Battle
3Archmage Armour
4Power Attack (Mythic)
5Elemental Barrage
6Improved Critical (Mythic)
7Abundant Casting
8Weapon Focus: Mythic
9Improved Abundant Casting
10Extra Mythic Ability: Greater Abundant Casting
Angel Mythic Path
4Guide the Faithful
5Piercing Rays
6Everlasting Flame
7Unfailing Beacon
8Speed of Light
10Demon Bane
Pet Overview
Pet SkillsPerception, Mobility 3, Athletics
Pet Leveling Guide
1Bully // Fury’s Fall
3Weapon Focus: Bite
4+1 STR
5Light Barding
7Medium Barding
8+1 INT
11Blind Fight
12+1 STR
15Iron Will
16+1 STR
17Improved Iron Will
20+1 STR
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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