Ravenswatch – How to Unlock Secret Outfits

Unlocking Hidden Outfits Guide

Beowulf’s Hidden Outfit

Unlocking Beowulf’s Hidden Outfit seams like it may have to do with getting a bunch of ignite traits and exploding a bunch of people.

(There’s images if you’re curious what it looks like. And aye, it does glow and pulsate).

Click to enlarge…

Note: This tutorial was prepared with the help of information from the Goblin Tips website, where you will find many other useful guides not only on Ravenswatch but also on other games.

Melusine’s Hidden Outfit

Melusine’s hidden outfit seems to be tied to how much healing you do in a run… but that’s about as much detail as I have. According to the description on the outfit as well which claims Water Brings Life.

Here’s what her secret outfit looks like:

Snow Queen’s Hidden Outfit

Another image of this supposed unlocked Hidden Outfit. The text was in french but the hint on the skin seems to translate to: “Break The Ice”. So it might have to do with killing a certain amount of enemies with her “Shatter” abilities? (I.E applying frost to enemies then killing them with the shatter ability).

Pied Piper Hidden Outfit

Here’s the skin and the description of it. I don’t really know what happened except I had a focused rat build (except the first talent). Was also using the second ultimate and it’s explosive upgrade, so I guess some of theses talents had an impact: Giant Rats, Horde, Stimulant vibes, Plague of rats and Vermin massacre.

Carmilla’s Hidden Outfit

Ended up running Life Essence and had 4 special charges, so could potentially be tied to using your special or killing things with it in your winged form? Could maybe be related to bats as well but i only have the one bat skill that launches them while you’re using it so I doubt that. Used the default ultimate and default final talent, I feel more inclined to think it has to do with winged form and her special + life essence but that’s just me spitballing ideas.

Scarlet / Red Riding Hood Hidden Outfit

You must take the starter trait where you choose when to transform, then win the run without ever turning into werewolf form. And here is the hidden skins look for whoever wants to see.

Wukong’s Hidden Outfit

I unlocked his skin after a run where I defeated the final boss while transformed! I watched the ending cinematic too and it showed Geppetto (who I got as my transformation) instead of Wukong, which I thought was interesting…

This was on Nightmare, but I imagine it would work okay on other difficulties as well, as long as you end the game while transformed.

(Here are my build and stats as well for reference, in case I’m wrong about the trigger!)

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. I’ve killed every boss in the game while transformed, and I even unlocked all the reduced ultimate cooldown perks and the +1 ultimate to use as many ultimates as possible. However, I still haven’t unlocked the skin
    Has anyone tried doing a run with Aladdin where you only wish for common items?

  2. i am by no means a dev or going to pretend i have an understanding of how it is on their side but based on the concept that you can only unlock on twi or higher and not adventure with it being a “bug” my assumption would be that its something that requires a full run but the game is only flagging it when you beat baba registering act 4 as the final and not act 3 as in adventure
    i could be completely wrong though

  3. Bought everything from all 4 shops, didnt get Al’s hidden outfit. Looking at the final chapter of his memoirs, it might be having x trait charges and not using them? I also had master thief proc on multiple purchases from Sandy. Going to load up another run where no purchases at all are made. Also, after buying everything from Sandy he had a unique dialogue line (afaik. tbh i’m not sure if ive heard it before but I dont think so) where he said something along the lines of “We will have much to discuss when this is all over, Master thief.” It could have also been triggered by one of the master thief procs on his purchase.
    I also cleared out every well and poi, though I did not purchase feathers. Also used about 30 ish trait charges during the run.

  4. melusine – heal 10k from skills (adventure)
    wukong – use transformation ult to kill each master nightmare (adventure)
    snow queen – shatter a lot (10? 15?) enemies at once, spawns don’t count (adventure)
    scarlet – stay in human form throughout game (adventure)
    beowulf – set a lot of enemies on fire and make them explode (adventure)
    aladdin – use at least 1 different wish each chapter (any mode except adventure)
    carmilla – stay in wind form for 1 min (adventure)
    piper – something rats related; try playing a game with a lot of rats upgtades (adventure)
    gepetto – have at least 5 dummies at the same time (adventure)

  5. I got it on my first Beowulf Nightmare playthrough by just playing like I do normally, but I did start with the explosion Talent and updated it to legendary fast.
    Other than that I wasn’t particularly ignite focused. Had bunch of offensive defense talents, extra spins, spin procs power and used the 2nd ultimate.
    Don’t remember exactly but I had maybe 30k “other” damage (read ignite damage)

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