Rogue: Genesia – Snuffhead’s Favorite Challenge Guide

Ready to learn on how to beat the most difficult challenge. Fear not this is the guide for you!

Guide to Snuffhead’s Favorite Challenge


Tired of trying for hours on end to beat this challenge, feeling like you want to complete it and be done with it, well if that’s the case, this is the perfect guide for you! If you do NOT want to spoil yourself and want to beat the challenge by yourself, then click away from this guide and try the struggle, I myself struggled a lot with this one.

Getting Started

First thing is, you’ll need to have unlocked the Death Aura Weapon.

This weapon will allow you to win the challenge with ease.

I have tried with multiple other weapons, but this one seems to be the best. Why is it the best you ask? Its simple, its high attack speed gives a great knock-back effect that helps keep enemies away from you, also the main issue is the singular fast red bats that are faster than you, they get one shorted and you don’t have to worry about them anymore.


Once you load in, you need to get the Death Aura since you only get one weapon, you’ll probably need to restart a few runs before you get it, from there you just need to do two simple things, stack Damage.

Get around 20-30 Sharpening Stone and then the rest pump into Forged Iron.

Do not get any other cards, you only want damage. Even if you don’t get them on your level up, if you re-roll, you’ll get it for sure.

Try to aim for the Chests, and Question Marks as much as possible for the path, the more fights you can avoid, the better for you. Even if you do not beat it on your first try, just re-try it again. I managed to beat it on my first try with this strategy and I didn’t get the best map roll.

When going into a fight try to find and kill the Elite as fast as possible, and when they’re dead, just finish the rest of them, try going towards creates, for the chance of food dropping so you can heal up.

Boss Fight

The Boss fight is pretty simple, just focus on him as much as possible, and when he gets to the phase where he teleports constantly and shoots projectiles, just run and dodge, until the phase is over.


This challenge was difficult at first, but after you get to know what weapon you need to use, its pretty easy, This challenge gives you a pretty powerful buff that allows you to make tainted cards power 150% stronger.

Cost for upgrage:

  • Lvl1 = 50
  • Lvl2 = 100
  • Lvl3 = 150
  • Lvl4 = 300
  • Lvl5 = 500
  • Lvl6 = 1000
  • Lvl7 = 1500
  • Lvl8 = 3000
  • Lvl9 = 5000
  • Lvl10 = 10000

Thank you for your time and I really hope this guide helped you get that achievement.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1251 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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